Signing LOI for ILD detector concept at ILC Deadline LOI submits march 31st 2009
2007: Reference Design Report (4 volumes) Executive summary Physics Accelerator Detectors Goal is two detectors in so-called “push-pull” mode (only one interaction point) Oct. 2007: Call voor Letter(s) of Intent (gewijzigde) deadline: 31 maart 2009
Alle concepts: Vertex detector (5/6 lagen) + forward disks TPC main tracker (ILD), volledig Si tracking (SiD), upscaled KLOE (4th) 4th heeft andere (dual-readout) calorimetrie en TWEE solenoides ILD SiD 4th
* IDAG: International Detector Advisory Group ILCSC ICFA GDE (machine) *
Global Design Effort The Roadmap for Detectors The key elements of the roadmap proposal are: A call for LOIs by ILCSC due for summer /3/2009 These LOIs can be based on an simple extension of the existing DODs They will be reviewed by IDAG, an International Detector Advisory Group of experts chosen by a Research Director RD (defined below) in agreement with ILCSC IDAG will make recommendations to the RD on the choice validation of detectors LOIs: fall 2009 The Research Director will present these recommendations to the ILCSC for approval Sakue Yamada (Univ. Tokyo)
‘commitment’ aan LOI “ILD” Wij werken aan ‘revolutionaire’ gas vermenigvuldiging en ladings detectie (Timepix+integrated grid) = mogelijke optie TPC Maar er zijn duidelijk ook andere uitdagende opties -- vertex detector -- calorimetrie -- detector/physics performance studies
Signing up for the ILD LOI and follow the instructions for signing up. ILD maintains open policy for signing this document: - you are seriously interested - you support the proposal - you will try to contribute within possibilities of funding etc. Physicists, technical people, students can sign Instructions for accessing current version LOI on above webpage
After sign-up you will receive with: –link for validation of your sign-up –link to current version of LOI with user/passwd to access it. You can always have your name removed from the list, until formal submission of LOI You can also register as ILD “user” on the ILD homepage: