Word Endings Created by Randy Stark and Terry Day 1999 wanted going longer walked taking
When to double When to just add When to drop the e Examples Try your skills Flowchart
When to double Double when you find a short vowel next to the last letter bat..batting 1) Is it short? 2) Is it next to the last letter? If yes, then double the last letter
When to double Double when you find a short vowel next to the last letter sad … sadder wag … wagging pot … potted fat..fatter
Should you double? Double when you find a short vowel next to the last letter run ? Yes! running walk ? No slip ? Yes !slipped log ?Yes ! logger
When to just add Just add the ending when there are two letters after the short vowel or when there is a long vowel sound walk 1 2 walking Just add
When to just add Just add the ending when there are two letters after the short vowel or when there is a long vowel sound land 1 2 landed Just add
When to just add Just add the ending when there are two letters after the short vowel or when there is a long vowel sound rain raining Just add Long a sound
When to just add Just add the ending when there are two letters after the short vowel or when there is a long vowel sound weak weaker Just add Long e sound
When to drop the e Drop the e on the end when it is silent take taking Silent e Drop the e Add ending
When to drop the e Drop the e on the end when it is silent nice nicer Silent e Drop the e Add ending
When to drop the e Drop the e on the end when it is silent bake baked Silent e Drop the e Add ending
Examples Double when you find a short vowel next to the last letter mad …madder trim …trimming wet …wetter clip …clipper got …gotten ship …shipped trip Double …tripped
Examples spill …spilled think …thinking want …wanted print...printer plant …planted dress … dressing will Just add Just add the ending when there are two letters after the short vowel or when there is a long vowel sound …willing
Examples meet … meeting rain … raining sail … sailed eat … eaten clean … cleaner keep … keeper neat Just add Just add the ending when there are two letters after the short vowel or when there is a long vowel sound …neater
Examples make … maker rate … rated face … facing bike … biker take … taking name … naming wave Drop e Drop the e on the end when it is silent …waving
Find the rule using a flowchart
Find the last inside vowel. Is it a long vowel sound? Yes No
Find the last inside vowel. Is it a long vowel sound? Yes Does it use a silent e at the end? YesNo
Find the last inside vowel. Is it a long vowel sound? Yes Does it use a silent e at the end? Yes Drop the e and add the ending
Find the last inside vowel. Is it a long vowel sound? Yes Does it use a silent e at the end? No Just add the ending
Find the last inside vowel. Is it a long vowel sound? No Is there just 1 consonant after the short vowel? YesNo
Find the last inside vowel. Is it a long vowel sound? No Is there just 1 consonant after the short vowel? Yes Double the last consonant and add ending
Find the last inside vowel. Is it a long vowel sound? No Is there just 1 consonant after the short vowel? No Just add the ending
Find the last inside vowel. Is it a long vowel sound? Yes No Is there just 1 consonant after the short vowel? Does it use a silent e at the end? Yes No Drop the e and add the ending Just add the ending Double the last consonant and add ending Just add the ending Overview
cut + ing cuting cutting A B
pot + ed potted poted B A
take + ing takeing taking B A
chain + ed chained chainned A B
talk + ed talked talkked A B
milk + ing milkking milking B A
rut + ed rutted ruted A B
blame + ed blamed blameed A B
slip + ing sliping slipping B A
big + er biger bigger B A
eat + ing eating eatting A B
want + ing wantting wanting B A
pull + ed pulled pulllled A B
spell + ed spellled spelled B A
big + est biggest bigest A B
log + ing loging logging B A
cup + ed cupped cuped A B
quit + er quiter quitter B A
plug + ed plugged pluged A B
hand + ed handded handed B A
make + er makeer maker B A
yell + ing yellling yelling B A
pop + ed poped popped B A
trade + ing tradeing trading B A
face + ed facd faced B A
ask + ing askking asking B A
flash + ed flashhed flashed B A
hike + ing hikking hiking B A
small + est smalllest smallest B A
braid + ed braidded braided B A
great + est greatest greattest A B
ship + ing shiping shipping B A
joke + ing jokeeing joking B A
rule + er ruller ruler B A
crawl + ed crawlled crawled B A
clean + ed cleanned cleaned B A
hop + ing hopping hoping A B
need + ed needded needed B A
skin + ed skined skinned B A
race + er racer raccer A B
drip + ed dripped driped A B