Formulation daily rations for growing ruminants (bulls, heifers, lambs, ewes etc.) 1.Both NEm and NEg are used 2.Energy concentrations of the ration are calculated NEm concentration = NEm of the ratio/d.m. content of the ration (MJ/kg d.m.) NEg concentration = NEg of the ratio/d.m. content of the ration (MJ/kg d.m.) 3.Calculating the dry matter content of the ration needed for maintenance (NEm requirement/NEm concentration) (kg) 4.Calculating the dry matter left for growth (d.m. of ration – d.m. needed for maintenance) 5.Calculate the NEg left for growth (d.m. left x NEg concentration) (MJ) 6.Compare NEg left with NEg requirement 7.Compare also the other nutrient contents (protein, Ca, P) with the requirements 8.Use mineral supplements if needed
Daily ration for a small breed bull, weighing 450 kg, growing 1000 g/day 1 kg d.m. containsAmou nt dry matter The ration contains Feedstuffsd.m.NEmNEgc. prot.CaPNEmNEgc. prot.CaP (g/kg)(MJ) (g) (kg) (MJ) (g) corn silage3296,884,33924,91,914 grass hay8794,642,311154,62,51 corn grain9129,156,31030,33,23,7 extracted sunflower meal 8966,463,964123,17,50,5 Sum19,2 Requirement NEm concentration: MJ/kg d.m. (NEm/dm) NEg concentration : MJ/kg d.m. (NEl/dm) dry matter needed for maintenance.: kg remaining for weight gain:kg NE remaining for weight gain: MJ NEg This NEg can result g weight gain
Prepare daily ration for large breed heifers, weighing 350 kg, growing 900 g/day, kept in stall 1 kg d.m. containsAmou nt dry matter The ration contains Feedstuffsd.m.NEmNEgc. prot.CaPNEmNEgc. prot.CaP (g/kg)(MJ) (g) (kg) (MJ) (g) Sum Requirement NEm concentration: MJ/kg d.m. (NEm/dm) NEg concentration : MJ/kg d.m. (NEl/dm) dry matter needed for maintenance.: kg remaining for weight gain:kg NE remaining for weight gain: MJ NEg This NEg can result g weight gain