How to Start and Manage an Intel ISEF Affiliated Fair Sharon Snyder, CMP Manager of International Fairs Society for Science & the Public May, 2012
2 Guidelines for Intel ISEF Affiliated Science Fairs Regional science fairs are welcome to apply for affiliation with the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF). Affiliation, otherwise known as membership, provides the fair the opportunity to send: –a delegation consisting of: –Finalists (individual and team projects) A team consists of up to 3 students who work on a project from its inception – the end. Fairs accept participants from a designated geographic area. There are several different types of fairs that affiliate with the Intel ISEF: –Local, school, state and national fairs.
3 Affiliated Fair Participant Selection Process Regional fairs serve as a step in a multi-tiered competition, with lower-level or local fairs feeding into regional fairs, which may then feed into a state or national fair which in turn feeds into the Intel ISEF. Counties or territories of interest are those in which the student is schooled. Regional fairs must provide service to those students schooled in the designated affiliated territory. However, due to local constraints such as funding sources, available venues, and volunteers, affiliated fairs may choose to restrict admission. Any restrictions must be clearly stated in the affiliation agreement and made available to participants in the designated territory. Students may participate in only one Intel ISEF affiliated fair, unless they participate and win in a lower school or regional fair that feeds into a state or national fair also affiliated with the Intel ISEF.
4 Rules Affecting Affiliated Fairs The regional fair must comply with the Intel ISEF Affiliation Agreement and submit all completed paperwork including Application Affiliated Fair Operations Questionnaire Affiliation Agreement (two signed copies) *SRC Register *SRC Report (for current fairs only) Cost of Finalists Travel form Official Party Estimates and Payment of the affiliation fee * The regional fair must show proof that it has a properly constituted Scientific Review Committee (SRC) and Institutional Review Board (IRB).
5 Rules Affecting Affiliated Fairs p.2 All rules and regulations regarding SRC and IRB review of paperwork must be stringently enforced in addition to Display and Safety (D&S) regulations at the fair. The regional fair must allow representative participation and the equitable access of all interested local science fairs, high schools and home or privately schooled students in the region covered by the regional fair.
6 Rules Affecting Affiliated Fairs p.3 The regional fair must exhibit a good-faith effort to publicize the existence and accessibility of the regional fair to all eligible participants through the use of open dialog with all science teachers, principals, or other public or private school representatives. –Open, timely and clear communication with the Society for Science & the Public is also required for affiliation. The Regional director is responsible for the dissemination of information to their local fairs. – In addition, the regional fair director may elect to assist local fairs in complying with Intel ISEF standards and guidelines. – It is advisable for the regional director to have at least one meeting inviting all interested teachers, sponsors, and parents. –Regional directors are encouraged to provide direction and leadership for their region.
7 What is an SRC? A Scientific Review Committee (SRC) is a group of qualified individuals that is responsible for evaluation of: - student research certifications - research plans - exhibits for compliance with the Rules and pertinent laws and regulations. The Scientific Review Committee must consist of a minimum of three persons and must include: - A biomedical scientist (Ph.D., M.D., D.V.M., D.D.S., or D.O.) - A science teacher - At least one other member with additional research expertise.
8 What is an IRB? An Institutional Review Board (IRB) is a committee that, according to USA federal regulations (45-CFR-46), must: evaluate the potential physical and/or psychological risk of research involving human subjects. All proposed human research must be reviewed and approved by an IRB before experimentation begins - including any surveys or questionnaires to be used in a project.
9 Rules Affecting The Participant Students who choose to participate in their regional fair must comply with the International Rules for Pre-college Science Research as published by the Intel ISEF. Students selected to represent their regional fair at the state fair and/or the Intel ISEF must comply with the International Rules for Pre- college Science Research as published by the Intel ISEF.
10 Rules Affecting The Participant p.2 Students who participate in an affiliated regional fair may not participate in the state fair unless they have been selected by the regional fair to advance to the state level. All participants proceeding to the Intel ISEF must be in grades nine through twelve and may NOT have reached their 21 st birthday by May 1 st prior to Intel ISEF they are competing in. –Example: Students participating in Intel ISEF 2012 may not have reached their 21 st birthday by May 1, 2012
11 Formation Of New Affiliated Fairs An affiliated fair must consist of a minimum of five high schools or 50 projects in an area that does not overlap an already existing affiliated fair region. To assure sufficient participation, all regional high schools in the potential affiliated fair region must be contacted to determine their interest in participating before submitting paperwork for affiliation. The newly instituted regional fair must present to Society for Science & the Public (SSP) a copy of the regional fair by-laws and vitae for the appointed regional fair director for review. In addition, SSP will need to know the governing body over the fair director.
12 What are the responsibilities of a fair director? Providing direct support and consultation to the Science Fair Committee in the development and planning for the fair. Working with Science Fair Committee to develop a budget for the fair. Directing and managing the fair. Reporting to the President of the Board and to the Chair of the Science Fair Committee concerning fund and resource development. Serving as the liaison and the official representative in matters relating to the fair between Society for Science & the Public, sponsors, etc.
13 What are the responsibilities of a fair director? p.2 Assisting with the recruitment and orientation of science fair sub- committee chairs. Overseeing development of logo and fair graphic for the fair ensuring any necessary reviews and approvals. (Please note the guidelines for the use of the new Intel ISEF logo.) Oversee all expenses involved with the fair. Delegating roles and responsibilities for the committee and other volunteers. Prepare and submit the Fair Operations Questionnaire to Society for Science & the Public.
14 Navigating through Society for Science & the Public Website Main Intel ISEF page: Affiliation/re-Affiliation page: Enter your Login: (Fair ID#) & Password: Affiliated Fair lookup page: Intel ISEF Forms, Rules (English/Spanish), etc: Intel ISEF Video:
Frequently Encountered Issues Fairs scheduled too late in the year for students/chaperones to obtain visas –Fairs should be held prior to March 1 and must send students the same year as their affiliated competition –Submit paperwork and visa applications promptly SRC paperwork not properly submitted online – this will disqualify a fair Student paperwork not completely submitted – s from SSP not followed – please read carefully 15
16 Contact Information: Sharon Snyder, CMP Manager of International Fairs Society for Science & the Public 1719 N Street, N.W. Washington, DC –Office Phone: 202/ –Fax: 202/ –
17 Contact Information: Jinny Kim Society for Science & the Public 1719 N Street, N.W. Washington, DC – Phone: 202/ – Fax: 202/ –
18 Contact Information: Karen Merrill Intel ISEF Educator Academy Director Events & Logistics Manager Corporate Affairs Group Intel Corporation M/S RS Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, OR (fax)