Public Health Core Functions LOUIS ROWITZ, PhD DIRECTOR Mid-America Regional Public Health Leadership Institute
Pyramid of Public Health System Preparedness Response Bioterrorism Emerging infections Other health status Surveillance Laboratory Practice Epidemic Investigations Essential Capabilities Workforce Capacity & Competency Information & Data Systems Organizational Capacity Basic Infrastructure
ASSESSMENT IS… All the activities involved in community diagnosis: Surveillance Needs assessment Analysis of cause of problems
ASSESSMENT IS… Collection and interpretation of data Case-finding Monitoring and forecasting trends Research and evaluation
ASSESSMENT DATA SOURCES: Personal Health Data: Vital statistics Epidemiology Health screening Special disease or population registries Laboratory test data Hospital discharge data Research Behavioral Risk Factor Data
ASSESSMENT DATA SOURCES: Data about community concerns & resources: Health resource inventory Public forums Polling Special methods- APEX, PH part 2, PATCH, MAPP, etc Information from private & non-profit providers Research
Four MAPP Assessments Community themes and strengths assessment Identifies issues that interest the community, perceptions about quality of life, and community assets
Four MAPP Assessments Local public health system assessment Measures the capacity and performance of the local public health system-all organizations and entities that contribute to the public’s health
Four MAPP Assessments Community health status assessment Assesses data about health status, quality of life, and risk factors in the community
Four MAPP Assessments Forces of change assessment Identifies forces that are or will be affecting the community of the local public health system
ASSESSMENT DATA SOURCES: Methods of distribution of findings: Annual vital statistics report Special projects report State health report Monographs Fact sheets Professional publications Media releases
ASSESSMENT DATA SOURCES: Data on the range & quality of services: Selected treatment management review data Consumer complaint follow-up information Facility & professional licensure data Research
ASSESSMENT DATA SOURCES: Environmental Health Data: Sanitary survey Air & water monitoring Public reforms Facility inspections Laboratory test data Research
THE POLICY DEVELOPMENT PROCESS ENTAILS… Collaboration Decision-making about problems Choice of goals and steps to meet them Conflict resolution and negotiation
THE POLICY DEVELOPMENT PROCESS: Defines health needs Sets priority health issues by analyzing the outcome of assessment Develops policies and plans to address the most important health needs by setting goals & objectives with measurable objectives Develops alternative strategies for implementing plans Identifies necessary & available resources
THE POLICY DEVELOPMENT PROCESS USES: Scientific information Data from the assessment process Information from concerned citizens & providers
THE POLICY DEVELOPMENT PROCESS USES: Concepts of political & organizational feasibility Community values An open process, involving all private & public sectors by communicating, networking & building constituencies
THE ASSURANCE FUNCTION INVOLVES: Implementation of legislative mandates and statutory responsibilities Development of adequate responses to crises Support crucial services that have worked in the past
THE ASSURANCE FUNCTION INVOLVES: Regulation of services and products provided in both the public and private sectors Maintain accountability to the people by setting objectives and reporting on progress
THE ASSURANCE FUNCTION INVOLVES: Maintenance of a level of service needed to attain an intended impact or outcome that is achievable given the resources and techniques available
ASSURANCE The Assurance function calls upon public health agencies to: Provide public health nursing services Provide environmental health services Encourage, purchase or provide additional population-based services Maintain emergency response capacity
ASSURANCE The Assurance function calls upon public health agencies to: Administer quality assurance Help recruit & retain health care practitioners Maintain administrative capacity
THE TEN ORGANIZATIONAL PRACTICES OF PUBLIC HEALTH Assessment Assess the health needs of the community Investigate the occurrence of health effects and health hazards in the community Analyze the determinants of identified health needs
THE TEN ORGANIZATIONAL PRACTICES OF PUBLIC HEALTH Policy Development 4. Advocate for public health, build constituencies, and identify resources in the community Set priorities among health needs Develop plans and policies to address priority health needs
THE TEN ORGANIZATIONAL PRACTICES OF PUBLIC HEALTH Assurance Manage resources and develop organizational structure Implement programs Evaluate programs and provide quality assurance Inform and educate the public
The capacity of the public health system is its ability to perform the core functions of assessment, policy development, and assurance on a continuous, consistent basis made possible by maintenance of the basic infrastructure of the public health system, including human, capital, and technology resources. The smooth running of the system requires the application of sound leadership skills at all levels of the public health system. -Modified from the Washington State Public Improvement Plan, March 1994
Public Health in the U.S.
Healthy People in Healthy Communities Vision: Healthy People in Healthy Communities
Mission: Promote Physical and Mental Health and Prevent Disease, Injury, and Disability
Public Health Prevents epidemics and the spread of disease Protects against environmental hazards Prevents injuries Promotes and encourages healthy behaviors Responds to disasters and assists communities in recovery Assures the quality and accessibility of health services
Essential Public Health Services Monitor health status to identify community health problems Diagnose and investigate health problems and health hazards in the community Inform, educate, and empower people about health issues
Essential Public Health Services Mobilize community partnerships to identify and solve health problems Develop policies and plans that support individual and community health efforts Enforce laws and regulations that protect health and ensure safety
Essential Public Health Services Link people with needed personal health services and assure the provision of health care when otherwise unavailable Assure a competent public health and personal health care workforce
Essential Public Health Services Evaluate effectiveness, accessibility, and quality of personal and population-based health services Research for new insights and innovative solutions to health problems Source. 1990 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Public Health: The foundation of a national health system Secondary Medical Care Primary Medical Care Essential Population-Based Public Health Services Human Resources Development(Training) Information Systems Community Planning Systems Tertiary Medical Care Capacity to Deliver Public Health Services Public Health System Infrastructure Human Resources Development (Training) Information Systems Community Planning Systems
The Future