Annual Review Compliance Status report: 19% are out of compliance in the Bronx (5145) Use of R326 and for a quicker turn-around the Projected Register Report The issue of open triennials preventing data entry of annual reviews Process: Close triennial, enter annual review, re-open triennial Personnel: IEP team clerical or if there’s a vacancy, bring it to ISC. Effect of out of compliance annual reviews on the process of waiving the triennial: Since waiver of the triennial is dependent on alternate sources of data being available, the lack of a current annual review affects the ability to waive the triennial.
Annual Review – Data Entry Log Student NYCID School Date Annual Completed Date Annual Received Submitted by Date Entered
VERIFY VERIFY VERIFY - NEVER LEAVE BLANK We urge schools to combine the 3-year-review (Tri) (if applicable) and the annual review, by moving the IEP Meeting up to the earlier compliance date, when possible Don’t forget to check this box if applicable VERIFY Indicate the student’s current grade VERIFY VERIFY - NEVER LEAVE BLANK Note: for all ICT classes K-12 the staffing ratio is 12:1 IEP meeting recommendations are written here at the end of meeting e.g. Special Class with Related Services (if applicable) Checking this box indicates “Special Education” Transportation x Medical/physical Prior to writing on this line, contact your school’s Special Education Liaison for “Specialized Transportation” Procedures
All changes must be written here & check appropriate box Check appropriate box below NOTE: All mandated members MUST sign this page only if they attend the IEP meeting Mandated Member Mandated & designated by the Principal Mandated Member Mandated Member Mandated to invite at age 14 and older SEE APPENDIX Sample Student IEP Meeting Invitation All changes must be written here & check appropriate box These dates must be indicated (not to exceed one year) (not to exceed one year) These dates must be indicated These dates must be indicated
JARGON-FREE Student’s STRENGTHS & needs should be described in this section. Describe the instructional implications of the testing results listed below (What do the testing results listed below look like in classroom instruction?). IMPORTANT: All student’s academic needs described in this section should be addressed on IEP page 6-annual goals. Include present levels of performance from related service providers (if applicable). Transition statements in the present levels of performance on this page must be used to develop transition plan goals on IEP page 10 _____ _____ Results in this section should not be teacher estimates & should be elaborated on in the PLOP above. Results in this section should not be teacher estimates & should be elaborated on in the PLOP above. (Scores recorded should be current –within 1 year) (Scores recorded should be current –within 1 year) Indicate the instructional modifications and resources to enable the student to succeed (e.g. how to tailor instruction to fit in with student’s learning style/ strengths, and challenges through visual aids, books on tape, manipulatives, etc.) What will the student need immediately for access to grade-level curriculum what modifications, if any) while remediation related to Annual Goals is taking place?
Instructional Accommodations Present Levels of Performance Needs & Concerns Goals & Objectives Accommodations & Modifications Services Placement Progress Toward Goals 13 years old 7th grader Comprehension on 5th grade level Weak content area vocabulary 3rd grade decoding skills affect comprehension Written work shows good understanding of structure (i.e. connecting ideas) Weaknesses in grammar and spelling Weak long-term memory affects knowledge of Math facts and problem solving speed Can add and subtract with regrouping Level 1Vocational indicates intent to attend a 4 year college and pursue a teaching career Shows frustration (by putting head on desk and refusing to continue working) when confronted with difficult assignments Shows frustration (by putting head on desk and refusing to continue working ) when confronted with difficult assignments Using vocabulary enhancement strategies, Susan will increase her content area vocabulary to approach grade level. Using a multi-sensory reading program for multi-syllable words, Susan will improve her decoding skills to approach grade level Using a structured explicit writing program which scaffolds lessons, Susan will write an essay approaching grade level Will use Math fluency strategies to improve knowledge of Math facts and problem solving abilities Using modeling and role playing strategies, Susan will improve her ability to respond appropriately when frustrated Instructional Preview vocabulary in content area reading assignments Make vocabulary pick lists available Peer reader Multi-sensory reading program Structured, scaffolded writing program Work with a peer editor on writing assignments Frequent opportunities to assume leadership role in class activities Provide pick list or checklist of steps for problems involving Math computation Use of calculator when leaning more complex processes Modeling Role-playing Chunking assignments into manageable parts Assessment Time and a half Separate location Test read aloud except when it interferes with the construct of the test Directions read aloud 2 more times then the standard number of times provided for all students Special class in community school Counseling 1:40:3 Progress has been noted since last year Progress reports will be filled out Instructional Accommodations
____ Don’t forget to include strengths as well as challenges, to describe social interaction patterns, and to link the PLOP with counseling goals, managements needs, and test modifications and other accommodations, if needed. If either of these last 2 boxes are checked then FBA & BIP Required A BIP should be developed and implemented collaboratively by the teachers, paraprofessional (if applicable), related service providers (if applicable) and staff working with the student.
Discussion Question #1 Is my school psychologist solely responsible to write the FBA & BIP?
Any Special Alerts from IEP page 1 should be reflected here Include present levels of performance from related service providers (if applicable, e.g. OT, PT, Health, etc.) Do not write specific name of any medication This should be reflective of page 1 e.g. F.M. Unit, adaptive equipment (walkers, Rifton chair)
# of Report cards Annual Goals are statements which are created from the PRESENT LEVELS OF PERFORMANCE and in measurable terms, describe a skill, knowledge or behavior that the student can be reasonably expected to accomplish within one year. All Related Service Providers must collaborate & contribute functional goals See Progress key below Progress reports are to be completed and sent home every marking period for every annual goal Short term objectives are required for alternate assessment students only Goals relating to transition should address the educational instruction that will be provided to the student to achieve post-secondary goals & interests as indicated on IEP pages 3 &10 PROGRESS KEY
Annual Goals need to be SMART! S – Specific M – Measurable A – Achievable R – Relevant T – Time related
Discussion Question #2 How often do you send out a page 6 progress report to parents? Annually Every marking period Every time you complete a mandated 3-year review Only at the end of each school year
Don’t automatically put “all” or “35” for periods per week. For students who receive related services as a supplementary aid & service simply indicate “Related Service(s) [see page 9] .” It is not necessary to list each related service here since they are specified on page 9. For ICT (Integrated Co-teaching Services), do not write “core subjects” or “content area subjects.” You must indicate the name of each subject which will be team taught (e.g. Math). Don’t automatically put “all” or “35” for periods per week. Consider the model you want to use and the student’s individual needs. For students who receive related services as a supplementary aid & service simply indicate Related Service(s). It is not necessary to list each related service here since they are specified on page 9.
_____________________ General Education with Supplementary Aids & Services should be your first consideration. Provide an explanation of all programs/services considered and the reason for rejection. NOTE: All services/program options discussed at the IEP meeting should be listed The programs listed should be written in the language consistent with the Continuum of Services (e.g. Special Education Teacher Support Services, etc.) Students who demonstrate severe language & communication difficulties which significantly interfere with their school performance may be considered for exemption. These deficits must be clearly indicated in the Present Levels of Performance & the team must provide an explanation for the exemption.
General Education Classroom OR Separate Location (Must be consistent with page 2) “Conference Result” I-INITIATION C-CONTINUATION M-MODIFICATION T-TERMINATION e.g. Speech and Language Therapy General Education Classroom OR Separate Location Indicate the mandated group size Specify time Testing accommodations MUST reflect the individual student’s needs and be related to the Present Levels of Performance. The accomodation should be described specifically. Be careful not to use CAP code short hand like “answers recorded any manner.” Specifics are needed! (SEE N.Y. State Education Website for Testing Accommodations Memo.) (SEE APPENDIX-Promotion Criteria)
NOTE: Transition MUST be reflected throughout the IEP - e. g NOTE: Transition MUST be reflected throughout the IEP - e.g. pages 3 & 6 The school year that the student turns 14 Measurable post secondary goals The school year that the student turns 14 The school year that the student turns 15
Discussion Question #3 Should transition information be written as part of the PLOP (Page 3) as well as on page 10?
Chapter 408 Ensure that all of your students’ current IEPs are in your school and distributed to teachers & providers (Chapter 408), prior to implementation, in paper or electronic form. ALL providers must receive a copy of the IEP (special education teachers, general education teachers & related service providers). Teachers must review IEPs with paraprofessionals since paraprofessionals should only have access and do not receive a copy of the IEP. The principal must let staff know the designee responsible for reviewing with them their responsibilities in implementing IEPs. Chapter 408! It’s the law!