Big Question: What would it be like to take an adventure to the Antarctic? Author: Fay Robinson Genre: Informational Text
Big Question: What would it be like to take an adventure to the Antarctic? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Review
Monday What would it be like to take an adventure to the Antarctic?
Today we will learn: Build Background Amazing Words Shared Reading: You Could Go to Antarctica Vocabulary Words Introduce /e/ High-Frequency Words Decodable Reader 22: Gill Got One Grammar: Uppercase Letters and Periods Journal Writing Time for Science: Weather Science/Art: Dressing for the Day
Talk with Me, Sing with Me
It’s a Continent It’s a continent that’s really very cold. I don’t think you’d like it when you’re old. It’s a continent that’s cold; it’s a continent that’s cold. It’s Antarctica, and it’s really very cold. There are penguins, seals, and whales that live there, There are icebergs floating everywhere. There are penguins, seals, and whales; there are penguins, seals, and whales; There are penguins, seals, and whales living there.
Amazing Words
Blend Sounds p e t m e t s e t b e t n e t l e t g e t
High Frequency Words
Word Work
Review Gil got sad pop Mom had plan flag not
Review a is one two three four five
it is cold It is cold.
Grammar A complete sentence must start with an uppercase letter and end with a period.
Grammar Find the difference between these two sentences. i sat in my seat I sat in my seat.
Let’s Write Correct these sentences. it is cold in the winter It is cold in the winter. i like snow I like snow.
Daily Journal Writing Draw and label three different animals.
Oral Language Comprehension Grammar Tomorrow we will read about Antarctica again.
Tuesday How can you go from Antarctica to here?
Today we will learn Today we will learn: Build Background Amazing Words Shared Reading: You Could Go to Antarctica Vocabulary Words Practice /e/ High-Frequency Words Phonics Story: Ten, Ten, Ten! Grammar: Practice Uppercase Letters and Periods Shared Writing Journal Writing Time for Science: Icy Cold Geography: Physical Characteristics of Places
Talk with Me, Sing with Me
It’s a Continent It’s a continent that’s really very cold. I don’t think you’d like it when you’re old. It’s a continent that’s cold; it’s a continent that’s cold. It’s Antarctica, and it’s really very cold. There are penguins, seals, and whales that live there, There are icebergs floating everywhere. There are penguins, seals, and whales; there are penguins, seals, and whales; There are penguins, seals, and whales living there.
Amazing Words
Red Sleds Ellen sent her big red sled, Down the sled trail! Eddie and his pet got wet, When their sled went next!
Blending Practice t e n p e n h e n p e t b e l l c a n f a t r e d
High Frequency Words
High-Frequency Words Review see have do my a you I
ken can get a pet Ken can get a pet.
Grammar When we have a telling sentence, we have to make the first letter uppercase and put a period at the end.
Let’s Write! Let’s write sentences about things we would see in Antarctica. I would see a penguin.
Amazing Word Review bears porridge
Daily Journal Writing Dictate or write five words that rhyme with pet.
Oral Language Grammar Homework Tomorrow we will read about the animals going to school again Oral Language Grammar Homework Idea Tomorrow we will read about Antarctica again. Which animal would you like to learn more about?
Wednesday Do you want to sled in Antarctica?
Today we will learn: Build Background Amazing Words Shared Reading: You Could Go to Antarctica Vocabulary Words Practice /e/ High-Frequency Words Student Reader: Ten Red Sleds Grammar: Telling Sentences Shared Writing Journal Writing Science: A Trip to Antarctica
Talk with Me, Sing with Me
It’s a Continent It’s a continent that’s really very cold. I don’t think you’d like it when you’re old. It’s a continent that’s cold; it’s a continent that’s cold. It’s Antarctica, and it’s really very cold. There are penguins, seals, and whales that live there, There are icebergs floating everywhere. There are penguins, seals, and whales; there are penguins, seals, and whales; There are penguins, seals, and whales living there.
Amazing Words
Shared Reading
Blend Sounds p e t s e t l e t m e t b e t n e t m e n p e n d e n he n
Blend Sounds L e n M e g p e g b e g
Blend Sounds N a n N a t D a d g e t s r e d s l e d s g e t B e n S a m a n d
Blend Sounds t e l l a t e n d t e n K e n B i l l D o n D a n T e d
High Frequency Words
High-Frequency Words Review look to the a little go here have we from
i have a red sled I have a red sled.
Grammar AlphaBuddy is going to help us remember what telling sentences are. Remember that a telling sentence tells us something. It does not ask a question. It ends with a period.
Grammar Decide if the sentence is a telling sentence or not. My name is AlphaBuddy. telling sentence I bear not a telling sentence
Grammar I live in a house. telling sentence Do you like my bandanna? not a telling sentence
Let’s Write! Let’s write a sentence about things we can do in winter. We can ride in a red sled.
Daily Journal Writing Write and illustrate three adjectives that describe Antarctica.
Respond to Literature Grammar Homework Idea Tomorrow we will read about two characters that grow and change.
Thursday What adventures can you have in the winter?
Today we will learn: Build Background Amazing Words Shared Reading: See How We Grow Practice /g/ High-Frequency Words Decodable Reader 23: Red Hen Grammar: Uppercase Letters and Periods Shared Writing Journal Writing Social Studies: Landforms Math: Most and Fewest
Talk with Me, Sing with Me
It’s a Continent It’s a continent that’s really very cold. I don’t think you’d like it when you’re old. It’s a continent that’s cold; it’s a continent that’s cold. It’s Antarctica, and it’s really very cold. There are penguins, seals, and whales that live there, There are icebergs floating everywhere. There are penguins, seals, and whales ; there are penguins, seals, and whales ; There are penguins, seals, and whales living there.
Amazing Words
Blend Sounds g e t m e t
High Frequency Words here go from the
it is cold here It is cold here.
Grammar We have learned that all sentences start with an uppercase letter. Telling sentences always have periods at the end.
Let’s Write! We saw a ______ at the farm. Do you like to see the ____ at the zoo?
Daily Journal Writing Dictate or write one sentence that tells about porridge.
Respond to Literature Grammar Homework Idea Tomorrow we will read about another adventure.
Friday What would it be like to take an adventure to the Antarctic?
Today we will learn: Build Background Amazing Words Shared Reading: “Peggy Penguin Goes to the Ocean” Practice /e/ High-Frequency Words Progress Monitoring: Read the Words and Sentences Grammar: Uppercase Letters and Periods Time for Math: Whale Math Time for Science: Temperature Time for Drama: Hot or Cold?
Talk with Me, Sing with Me
It’s a Continent It’s a continent that’s really very cold. I don’t think you’d like it when you’re old. It’s a continent that’s cold; it’s a continent that’s cold. It’s Antarctica, and it’s really very cold. There are penguins, seals, and whales that live there, There are icebergs floating everywhere. There are penguins, seals, and whales ; there are penguins, seals, and whales ; There are penguins, seals, and whales living there.
Amazing Words
Shared Reading
“Peggy Penguin Goes to the Ocean”
High Frequency Words
the sled is red The sled is red.
Grammar A complete sentence must start with an uppercase letter and end with a period. Some letters look almost the same when they are uppercase or lowercase letters and some look very different.
Let’s Write! Today we will write about the animals in the book. Ms. Woody saw a penguin. Chase likes the whale. Erica saw a seal.
Daily Journal Writing Draw or write about what you would wear in Antarctica.
Phonics Shared Reading High-Frequency Words Next week we will read about a little girl and her abuela. Does anyone know what the word abuela means?
New Words Review
High Frequency Words here from down did go long day get
Vocabulary Words thunder thickest scientists coast
Amazing Words Antarctica continent icebergs penguins seals whales
Progress Monitoring Progress Monitoring
Read the Words Set A hen pen left egg
Read the Words Set B pet dress lend beg sent mend
Read the Sentences Set C 1. Ben is here in the den. 2. The red net is on top of the well. 3. Len and Ken go to the pen. 4. Meg is my little hen. 5. The men went to get a pet.