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Is life a blur? Preparing for classes Finding ag news Material for contests Sky-high text prices Lessons for substitutes We know you’re busy … getting ready for several classes each day, looking for up-to-date agriculture news, finding resources for contests, worrying about high textbook prices, wondering when you will have time to prepare materials for your substitute. can help! You choose which lessons to use. You decide when it’s convenient. You access the curriculum anywhere. You pick the features that work best for your class. We’re ready to put you in control.
With over 1,200 lessons More than 1,200 lessons cover a broad range of agriculture topics: ag careers, ag engineering, ag issues, agribusiness, aquaculture, biotechnology, crop science, equine, farm management, FFA and leadership, food science, horticulture, large animal science, marketing, natural resource systems, organic, poultry science, risk management, small animal science and vet science.
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PowerPoints PowerPoints are part of the package, customized to match specific lessons.
Crossword puzzles Crossword puzzles add another way to reinforce lesson vocabulary.
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AgEd Today is ag news you can use Ag Ed Today is our exclusive daily agriculture news report, bringing you news from the U.S. and around the world.
Daily news, weekly specials AgEd Today daily news reports help students understand the bigger picture. Weekly Wednesday Specials highlight timely topics. AgEd Today news reports are archived for two weeks. The Wednesday Specials are kept indefinitely.
Weekly ag news quiz A weekly quiz covers agriculture news from the past week in text format or as an interactive game called I Read That.
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