The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse Story retold by Bev Evans
Once upon a time there were two little mice. …and the other mouse lived in the town. One mouse lived in the countryside……
One day the Country Mouse invited the Town Mouse to come and stay. The Town Mouse thought the Country Mouse lived in a strange place!
After a cup of leaf tea, the two mice went for a walk. They hadn’t gone very far when the Town Mouse heard a frightening noise! But it was only a cow!
There were lots of noisy things in the countryside There were lots of noisy things in the countryside! The Town Mouse was very nervous! The mice had only walked along a little further when the Town Mouse was scared again! But it was only a goose!
“Run!” shouted the Country Mouse. The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse spent the rest of the day walking. The Town Mouse was getting use to all the noise when, all of a sudden, an owl flew over the two mice. “Run!” shouted the Country Mouse.
The next morning it was time for the two mice to visit the town. The Country Mouse thought the Town Mouse lived in a very strange place! The next morning it was time for the two mice to visit the town.
After a cup of coffee the two mice went out for a walk. They hadn’t gone very far when the Country Mouse heard a very frightening noise! But it was only a car!
But it was only a fire engine! There were lots of noisy things in the town! The Country Mouse was very nervous! The mice had only walked along a little further when the Country Mouse was scared again! But it was only a fire engine!
“Run!” shouted the Town Mouse. The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse spent the rest of the day walking. The Country Mouse was getting use to all the noise when, all of a sudden, a cat ran up to the two mice. “Run!” shouted the Town Mouse.
The Town Mouse thought the countryside was far scarier than the town. The Country Mouse thought the town was far scarier than the countryside. The Town Mouse thought the countryside was far scarier than the town. So they both decided to go home! And that was where they stayed!
The End Story retold by Bev Evans Images by Jonathan Hateley ©Ladybird books