Creating a Login Process Creating a users table and a login form that denies access to unauthorized users
Creating a Login Process Logging users in is an eight-step process: First, create a database containing a users table. Second, type into the users table the names and passwords of your authorized users. Third, create the login form. Fourth, create the page to which users will be sent if they log on successfully. Fifth, create the page to which users will be sent when they are denied access. Sixth, create a connection to the database containing the table of authorized users. Seventh, add a login server behavior to the login page. Finally, add a restrict access behavior to the other secret pages at your site.
Create the Database Start Microsoft Access, pull down its File menu, and choose the option to create a new blank database. When the File New Database dialog appears, name the database TopSecret.mdb, and save it in a folder that is not in Web space.
Create the Users Table Double-click the option to create a table in Design view. When the Table window opens, create the following four fields. After you type each Field Name, press the Tab key, and a pull-down menu appears in the Data Type column. Pull down that menu and make the field’s data type match the ones illustrated here:
Save the Users Table Pull down the File menu and choose Save; when the Save dialog appears, name the table Users. When Access asks if you want a primary key, say yes. Access will make UserID the primary key, because the autonumber data type makes each user have a unique UserID.
Populate the Users Table Close the table by clicking its close icon. Then double-click the name of the table to open it in data entry mode. Type the following records into the table:
Create the Login Page Use Dreamweaver to open the site in which you want to create the login form. Pull down the File menu and choose New to bring up the New Document dialog. Select the Dynamic Page category to make the Dynamic Page options appear. Select ASP JavaScript and click the Create button; the new page appears. Pull down the File menu, choose Save, and save the file in your site’s local root folder.
Create the Login Form Set the Insert toolbar’s menu to forms. Insert a form and create the following two text fields: username password Insert labels to identify the username and password fields. Insert a submit button and make its text be Login. Use Dreamweaver to format the form as you wish, then save the file.
Create the Success Page After the user logs in, there must be a page to which the user will be sent. This is normally the site’s default page. If this page does not exist, you must create it now.
Create the Rejection Page If the login attempt fails, the user will be sent to a rejection page. The rejection page often explains that access to the site requires an authorized username and password. You may include instructions on how to get a logon, and you may include a link to the login page. If the rejection page does not exist, you must create it now.
Make the Database Connection In the Databases panel (Window > Databases) create a database connection to the database containing the table of authorized users. Remember that the connection string has the form: "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\\fthstudents\databases\ yourLastName\TopSecret.mdb“
Add a Login Server Behavior Open the login page containing your login form. In the Server Behaviors panel (Window > Server Behaviors), click the Plus (+) button and select User Authentication > Log In User. When the Log In User dialog box appears, complete the settings to match your login requirements.
Log In User Dialog Settings
Publish and Test Publish the site and test it. Try logging on as a valid user. Do you get in OK? Enter bogus credentials in the login form. Does it reject you? Troubleshoot any problems until you get the login process working.
Secure Other Pages You can and should protect other pages at your site from access by unauthorized users. To protect a page, open it with Dreamweaver. In the Server Behaviors panel (Window > Server Behavior) click the Plus (+) button and select User Authentication > Restrict Access to Page. Note: Protected pages must be one of the dynamic page types, such as asp.
Restrict Access to Page Dialog