Create and Manage Assignees Task Definition: Select and save a default person who will be getting your cart and completing the order process – known as the Assignee. In this task – Add assignees and set the default assignee by: Assignee first/last name address PennKey Steps: 1)Click on your name along the top and click “View My Profile” “User Information and Settings” and finally “Cart Assignees”. 2)Search for Assignees by name, address or username. 3)Save selected Assignees to your profile. From the list of results click the button in the column marked ‘Set as Preferred’ The Assignee must have access to BEN Buys as either a Requisitioner or Purchase Order Manager and previously visited the Penn Marketplace. Simulate the action by clicking the gold oval when you see the ‘arrow and oval’
Create and Manage Assignees Step 1: Click on your name along the top.
Create and Manage Assignees Step 2: View User Information and Settings.
Create and Manage Assignees Step 3: Click Cart Assignees under Default User Settings.
Create and Manage Assignees Step 4: Click Add Assignee.. to search for assignees.
Create and Manage Assignees Step 5: Enter Assignee search criteria and click “Search”.
Create and Manage Assignees Step 6: Click Add Assignee to add more assignees to your profile. Step 7: Pick a default Assignee for your future carts.