T HE L EGACIES OF THE O LMEC, Z APOTEC, & C HAVIN By Evelyn A. Martinez-Burgos
T HE O LMEC The first known civilization before the famously known Aztec and Maya. The Olmec are well- known for their architecture and art, just as well for some of the beliefs that the Aztecs and Mayans would take on later years. Most archeological finds have been done in Central America and in the Iberian Peninsula. Although they have died out, their architecture and art has lived on to show us life as it was back then.
O LMEC I This larger-than-life carved out head stone was created by the Olmec. Although currently located in a museum in Veracruz, Mexico, it was found in Tenochtitlan. It’s approximately from BC. This Colossal Head usually are recognized from large lips, iris-less eyes and larger-than-life heads and can weigh up to 200 tons. It is originally thought that they depicted their gods but it is now believed that they were portraying their rulers.
O LMEC II This jade mask was made by the Olmec. Any objet made of jade, not excluding this warrior mask of the Olmec, are found in the Valley of Mexico. Only supposed, this mask may have been made no later than the first millennium BC. Although slightly shipped off by time, the eyebrows and mouths are slightly large to create intimidation, made out of semiprecious jade, and some holes on the eyes to be able to see. The purpose of this mask was to intimidate enemies in a war or battle.
T HE Z APOTEC Once the Olmec disappeared, the Zapotec took on some of the culture of the died out civilization that would also been taking in by the Aztecs and Mayans to come. The Zapotec are mostly known for the great and complex tombs and temples they created.
Z APOTEC I The Zapotec created this funerary urn in the shape of a “bat god” or jaguar. It is most likely located in a museum in Mexico. This urn dates back to AD. Looking more like a the sculpture of a jaguar, this urn has the aspect of a terrifying animal protecting ashes or other important contents to the Zapotec. This is a funerary urn that held the ashes of important people, most certainly.
Z APOTEC II This room was created and painted by the Zapotec. This room was part of a tomb in Oaxaca. It dates back around to AD. Although obviously broken down by time and weather and desolation by humans, the paintings of this tomb indicate a funeral and the home of a dead person who must’ve been important to the Zapotec. Like many others before and the ones to come, the Zapotec created complex and grand tombs for important people, such as the one depicted below.
C HAVÍN Like the two before them, the Chavín have left art and architecture that we would find someday and learn about them and in doing so, learn of the roots of many people of the area and others.
C HAVÍN I This gold crown was created by the Chavín, most probably for someone extremely important to them. Currently, this crown is demonstrated in the National Museum of the American Indian in NYC. This crown made of pure gold was most likely made around in BC. Although cylindrical shaped, this gold crown has engraved designs and in the front depicting someone or maybe animal that demonstrated the person in the past as someone strong.
C HAVÍN II This vessel was made by the Chavín. This particular vessel was found in the Jequetepeque Valley, Peru. It’s dated back around BC. This vessel has a spout at the top and circular bottom while an engraved cat rests calmly beside some cacti. Back then, it was customary and common to have such vessel usually for religious purposes.