Theology II History of the Catholic Church Deacon Ed Classroom Expectations
Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings. Bring all necessary supplies to class every day. Be prepared for class. Have books, paper, pens, etc. Check web site for homework prior to class. Be respectful of all in the classroom.
Classroom Expectations Only those with a dire emergency will be allowed to go to the restroom after the bell rings. (This cannot be a weekly occurrence. Parents will be notified after the 2 nd emergency.) Be alert and attentive during class, there is NO sleeping! Laptops can be used during class ONLY for note taking.
Classroom Expectations me or call me if you are struggling in the class, I am here to help you! I will be available for tutoring once a week from 3:45 to 4:30 PM. Let me know in advance if you are in need of tutoring.
Classroom Expectations Consequences for Non-Compliance: Call home and to coaches or directors Detention (with Deacon Ed) Send you to the office