Expanded Opportunities with Seeded Warm Season Turf
Why use seeded warm season turfgrasses? Change in water quality Change in water quantity Reduction in pesticides available Reduced maintenance costs Excellent for sports turf Reduced establishment costs Expanded temperature tolerance
Where to use seeded warm season turfgrasses? Transition zone, temperate, sub-tropical, and tropical Further north for temporary turf Golf courses - tees, fairways, roughs Sports fields, schools, parks, home lawns, cemeteries, commercial, roadsides
How to use seeded bermudagrass? Seeding Rate Coated 2-4 lbs./1000 sq. ft. (1-2 lbs. uncoated) Time to Plant Soil Temperature above 65 o F (18 o C) Late Spring through summer Where to plant Full sun on well drained soil, not shade adapted
How to use seeded bermudagrass? How to plant Shallow, 1/4 in.(6mm) or less, needs light Germination time 7-10 days, allow for complete Establishment time 6-8 weeks, first mowing at 3-4 weeks Mowing heights 1/2 - 2 inches ( cm)
How to use seeded bermudagrass? Fertilization First time 4 weeks after seeding, medium to high rates for establishment Seeding into existing turf Yes, will blend into medium-fine to course seeded or vegetative varieties. Use to repair sites that do not recover from overseeding. Scalp and remove perennial ryegrass from site.
How to use seeded bermudagrass? Winter overseeding Not recommended if newly established Overseed with perennial ryegrass, fine fescues, rough bluegrass, bentgrasses Year round turf Yes - sub-tropical, tropical areas No - other areas, must overseed for color
Bermudagrass Terms Winter color retention = extended green color into Fall or Winter Winter-hardiness = the ability to survive severe winterkill temperatures Early Spring Greenup = growth and greenup starts earlier in Spring than the norm - shorter dormancy period Annual Spring Overseed (using warm season grasses) vs.Annual Fall Overseed (using cool season grasses)
Bermudagrass Products La Prima Blend of superior varieties Adding in new products every year Selection of varieties dependent on site New varieties added SR 9554 Dark green, rapid establishment, high quality
How to use Companion zoysiagrass? Seeding Rate Coated 2-3 lbs./1000 sq. ft. (1-3 lbs. uncoated) Time to Plant Soil Temperature above 70 o F (21 o C) Late Spring through summer Where to plant Full sun and partial shade on well drained soil
How to use Companion zoysiagrass? How to plant Shallow, 1/4 in.(6mm) or less, needs light Germination time days, allow for completion Establishment time weeks, first mowing at 6-8 weeks Mowing heights 1/2 - 2 inches ( cm)
How to use Companion zoysiagrass? Fertilization First time 4 weeks after seeding, medium to high rates for establishment Seeding into existing turf Yes, will blend into medium-fine to course seeded or vegetative varieties. Slit seeded into existing tall fescue. Maintain light into canopy while establishing.
How to use Companion zoysiagrass? Winter overseeding Not recommended if newly established Overseed very lightly with perennial ryegrass, rough bluegrass, tall fescues Year round turf Yes - sub-tropical, tropical areas Yes - in mixes with tall fescue in transition zone
How to use Companion zoysiagrass? Establishing tall fescue - Companion together Can be seeded together in June or July. May want to place tall fescue seed then zoysia seed on top. 1 lb. zoysia to 4 lbs. tall fescue Guard against disease in tall fescue. Establishing Companion then tall fescue Plant Companion in summer. Plant tall fescue in fall. Increased chance of high initial zoysia population. Maintain balance by modifying fertility.
SR 8500 Tall fescue SR 8500 is a dwarf turf-type tall fescue developed to form a low-growing, dark green, dense, fine textured turf. These aesthetic characteristics have been combined with both drought and disease resistance to create a beautiful new tall fescue designed to survive under tough conditions.
SR 8250 Tall fescue SR 8250 is a new, semi-dwarf tall fescue that incorporates a broad genetic breeding history and the beneficial Neotyphodium endophyte. This dark green, turf-type tall fescue has excellent shoot density and improved disease resistance
SR 8600 Tall fescue SR 8600 is a new tall fescue that forms a high quality turf with a dark green color and dwarf growth habit. It contains high Neotyphodium endophyte levels. It has shown excellent brown patch and leaf spot resistance.
Crewcut II Tall fescue Crewcut II was developed as a replacement for Crewcut emphasizing darker color and improved turf quality over Crewcut and competitive to other varieties currently marketed. It has shown excellent turf performance in CA, NJ and OH.
Tall Fescues SR 8210, Tulsa and Regiment are high turf quality stress resistant tall fescues. Grande is a rhizomatous tall fescue that is also stress tolerant.