Setting up a personal search in Footprints
To create a cross workspace search, place your mouse on the word “Advanced” under the search button at the top of the screen. A small box will appear with choices of “My Searches” and “Cross Workspace”, select “Cross Workspace”. homepage
The first screen lists the workspaces of which you are a member, the last entry on the list is “All of the Above”, you should select this to get a true listing of all Issues assigned to you, your team or teams.
The next tab is Formatting, here you will select which fields you’d like to see on your homepage, as well as what order you would like to see them in.
Open Customer Responded Depot Responded Need More Information Pending Customer Pending Depot Scheduled Request On the right, you would select any status that is “open”. On the Issue Criteria tab, you would select the teams and user names you would like the search to encompass.
The next tab is Contact Criteria, you would leave those fields empty.
The Advance Criteria tab should be set to “Select all Issue Types”.
The Save/Run tab, you would give your search a name so you can find and use it in the future. This is a good search to use as the default in your preferences.
This is the completed search. Notice the different workspaces present.
To collapse or expand them, just click the blue arrow next to their title. You can even collapse the workspaces so you only see the issues in one at a time if you choose.
If you have any questions about searches or cross-workspace searches, please