Marva Ellis Rhonda Penny Ann Schwab Eva Thierens Education 7204T Dr. OConner-Petruso Spring 2012 The Earths Atmosphere
Lesson Number Name of Lesson Gardners Intelligence Blooms Taxonomy Additives 1 Every Little Breath We Take Interpersonal Visual-Spatial Knowledge Analysis Web 2.0 Tool Graphic Organizer KWL Chart 2 Layers of the Earths Atmosphere Visual-Spatial Linguistics Bodily-Kinesthetic Interpersonal Logical-Mathematical Comprehension, Application Analysis Manipulative Skill Graphic Organizer Line Graph Web 2.0 Tool 3 Origin and Evolution of the Earths Atmosphere Visual-Spatial Linguistics Bodily-Kinesthetic Interpersonal Musical Comprehension Application Synthesis Web 2.0 Tool 4 Scavenging the Atmosphere Logical Linguistic Musical Interpersonal Knowledge Comprehension Application Synthesis Scavenger Hunt Pie Chart Web 2.0 Tool Filamentality Web Page 5 Polluting the Earths Atmosphere Visual-Spatial Bodily- Kinesthetic Comprehension Application Synthesis Manipulative Skill Bar Graph 6 A Trip To The Atmosphere Bodily-Kinesthetic Visual Linguistics Logical- Mathematical Comprehension Application Evaluation Field Journals KWL Chart MST Inquiry Unit Table of Contents
Lesson 1 Every Little Breath We Take Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge, Analysis Gardners Multiple Intelligences: Visual-Spatial, Interpersonal Behavioral Objective: 1. To orally define the process Earths Atmosphere goes through and its importance to air we breathe. 2. To describe process of how life is supported on Earth through the Atmosphere. 3. To complete a KWL chart using prior and acquired knowledge about the Earths Atmosphere.
Lesson 1 KWL Chart What I KnowWhat I want to KnowWhat I have Learned -That the Earths Atmosphere is needed by us to breathe. -It is made from air. -It is made up of different gases. -Airplanes fly high in the atmosphere. -Rocket ships, and astronauts travel through the atmosphere. -How was the Earths Atmosphere formed? -What are the different gases in the Atmosphere? -What are some of the names of the layers? -How does the atmosphere affect us? -How does the Atmosphere affect climate? -What layer do we live in on Earth? -How does the Atmosphere move? -The Earths Atmosphere was formed from the volcanoes and oceans. -One gas in the atmosphere is Carbon Dioxide. -The different layers of the Atmosphere are: Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere. -The atmosphere affects us by allowing the right temperature, pressure and gases for humans to survive. -The Atmosphere affects climate through winds and tornados. -Humans live in the Troposphere layer all their lives. -The Atmosphere moves in a fluid like motion. -Argentina and South Africa experienced Atmospheric changes.
Student Worksheet 1). Earths Atmosphere has affected what places in the world? The Earths atmosphere has affected Argentinas rock formations and the content precipitation of the Amazon rainforest. 2). What is the function of the Earths atmosphere? The Earths atmosphere function is to protect us from the coldness of space, and the heat of the sun. Also controlling temperature and pressure so we can live on Earth. 3). What are the layers of the Earths atmosphere? The layers of the Earths atmosphere are the Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, and Exosphere. 4). In what layer do humans and other living creatures spend their entire life? Humans and other living creatures spend their lives in the Troposphere - the Earths 1 st layer. 5). In what way does the Earths atmosphere shape our land? The Earths atmosphere shapes the land by winds that flow through in a fluid motion. 6). What percent of the Earths volume is the atmosphere? Five percent of the Earths volume is made up by the atmosphere.
Web Video Earth The Power Of The Planet–Atmosphere An in depth look at Earth and its atmosphere
Lesson 2 Layers of the Earths Atmosphere Blooms Taxonomy: Comprehension, Application, Analysis Gardners Multiple Intelligence: Visual-Spatial, Linguistics, Bodily-Kinesthetic Interpersonal, Logical –Mathematical Behavioral Objectives 1.To record the distances of the five layers of the earths atmosphere from the surface of the earth 2.To complete a graph representing the distance of each atmospheric layer of the earth from the earths surface 3. To accurately create a graphic organizer that illustrates the earths atmospheric layers in order from the earths surface and two characteristics of each layer.
Lesson 2 Layers of the Earths Atmosphere How far does each layer extend from the Earths surface? Troposphere Approximately 10 miles (16 km) above the surface of the earth Stratosphere Approximately 30 miles (48 km) above the surface of the earth Mesosphere Approximately 50 miles (80 km) above the surface of the earth Thermosphere Approximately 300 miles (483 km) above the surface of the earth Exosphere Approximately 500 miles and beyond
Lesson 2 Look at the Graph Tell how far we are from Outer Space
Lesson 2 Learn the Layers
Characteristics of Which Layer? The upper part of this layer is the beginning of true space. This is the layer closest to the earth, and is the layer in which we live. The ozone layer is part of this layer. The Aurora Borealis (northern lights) occurs in this layer. This is the coldest layer. Temperatures are as low as -90 o C (-130 o F). TROPOSPHERE MESOSPHERE EXOSPHERE STRATOSPHERE THERMOSPHERE
Lesson 4 Scavenging the Atmosphere Blooms Taxonomy : Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Synthesis Gardners Multiple Intelligence: Logical Linguistic, Musical, Interpersonal Behavioral Objective: 1. To perform a scavenger hunt by completing a worksheet. 2. To create a poem, song, or rap with the information from the hunt.
Lesson 4 Motivational Activity Watch the first (2) two minutes of the video entitled: Atmosphere-air, & layers. It is a video comparing a pizza to the earths atmosphere. It is not the first video. (Skip the first video by fast forwarding it to the end. When the pictures of second set of videos come up, click on the first one. It is 4:45 minutes long.
Lesson 4 Scavenger Hunt Worksheet 1.What is the gaseous composition of Earths atmosphere? 2.Create a pie chart to represent the information of gaseous composition of earths atmosphere. 3.Why are the heaviest gases closest to the Earths surface? 4.What gases are collectively known as greenhouse gases? 5.What is the role of the greenhouse gases? 6.What is Global Warming? 7.What causes global warming? 8.What are some things that will happen if global warming continues? 9.What is being done to stop global warming? 10.What is the greenhouse effect?
Filamentality Web Page During lesson # 4, students will be completing a scavenger hunt, they will use the filamentality web page to gather their research. b.html