cell the smallest part of a living thing that can be seen only with a microscope
chloroplast the part of a plant cell that produces food and where photosynthesis occurs
dead no longer alive; having been alive previously, but no longer
dormant living, but inactive; characterized by a stopping of activity
living having life; being a plant, animal, or other organism that has one or more cell, needs energy, grows and reproduces, and responds to the environment
membrane a piece of very thin skin; a very thin layer of something
mitochondria a special part of a cell that produces energy; an organelle found in all eukaryotic cells that makes energy through cellular respiration
nonliving not having the characteristics of life; being some substance other than a plant, animal, or other organism that needs energy, grows, and reproduces
nucleus the part that makes the cell work; the brain of a cell; an organelle surrounded by a membrane that contains the DNA
organelle a special part of a cell that has a specific job; a small part of a cell (particularly eukaryotic cells) that is surrounded by a membrane and has a specific function, for example, mitochondria, plastids, and vacuoles
organism a living being; a living collection of cells, for example a plant or animal
photosynthesis a process in plants that uses sunlight to convert water and carbon dioxide into sugar and water
reproduction the making of a copy of something; the process by which living things produce young
stimulus an action or condition that causes a response; something that causes a reaction
vacuole a storage space in an organism surrounded by a membrane; a part of a cell that contains fluid