Verification Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) Instead of Verification of Employment (VOE) Contains identifying information, rate of pay, date of entry, date of release, etc. Original or certified true copy Computer generated through “myPay” acceptable Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) Instead of Verification of Employment (VOE) Contains identifying information, rate of pay, date of entry, date of release, etc. Original or certified true copy Computer generated through “myPay” acceptable
Important! Is the borrower within 12 months of separation? Check ETS “Expiration of Term of Service” Located on LES National Guard/Reserve member expiration on current contract Income with less than 12 months remaining term cannot be considered stable and reliable. Is the borrower within 12 months of separation? Check ETS “Expiration of Term of Service” Located on LES National Guard/Reserve member expiration on current contract Income with less than 12 months remaining term cannot be considered stable and reliable.
Less than 12 months remaining? Document the loan package with one of the following four items: 1. Evidence of re-enlistment or extension showing New ETS date more than 12 months from date of closing 1. Evidence of re-enlistment or extension showing New ETS date more than 12 months from date of closing
2. Verification of bona fide offer of civilian employment after release from active duty. Must include Start date Rate of pay Full time/part time? 2. Verification of bona fide offer of civilian employment after release from active duty. Must include Start date Rate of pay Full time/part time? Less than 12 months remaining?
3. Statement from borrower stating intent to reenlist, PLUS Statement from commanding officer confirming Service member’s eligibility to reenlist and Belief that reenlistment request will be granted 3. Statement from borrower stating intent to reenlist, PLUS Statement from commanding officer confirming Service member’s eligibility to reenlist and Belief that reenlistment request will be granted Less than 12 months remaining?
4. Documentation of unusually strong positive underwriting factors such as Down payment 10% or more, Large cash reserves, or Evidence of strong ties to community AND Nonmilitary spouse with high income Only minimal income needed from veteran to qualify 4. Documentation of unusually strong positive underwriting factors such as Down payment 10% or more, Large cash reserves, or Evidence of strong ties to community AND Nonmilitary spouse with high income Only minimal income needed from veteran to qualify Less than 12 months remaining?
Base Pay Considered stable and reliable if ETS is 12 months or more from date of closing. Shown in “Entitlements” section of LES. Allowances shown here as well. Shown in “Entitlements” section of LES. Allowances shown here as well. Note: If the service member has an upcoming change in pay grade, duty station, deployment, etc., the new income will not be reflected on the LES. A “statement of service” may be obtained to show new base pay and/or allowance amounts that may be used in loan qualification.
Allowances* Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) Based on location, grade and dependency status Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) Offsets cost of meals for service member Clothing Allowance Lump sum paid once a year (if entitled) Convert to monthly amount for Loan Analysis Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) Based on location, grade and dependency status Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) Offsets cost of meals for service member Clothing Allowance Lump sum paid once a year (if entitled) Convert to monthly amount for Loan Analysis Common, usable income *Non-Taxable
Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) Received by service members assigned to duty stations in high-cost locations. Taxable income* Usable if it will be received for at least 12 months Verify with orders Received by service members assigned to duty stations in high-cost locations. Taxable income* Usable if it will be received for at least 12 months Verify with orders *Alaska and Hawaii are considered “overseas” for military purposes. The COLA received in these states is not taxable.
Other Allowances Other Allowances Based on special duties (i.e. Submarine Pay, Flight Pay, etc.) Based on deployment (i.e. Hazard Pay, Family Separation Allowance, etc.) Based on career status (i.e. Career Sea Pay, Career Flyer Pay, etc.) Based on special duties (i.e. Submarine Pay, Flight Pay, etc.) Based on deployment (i.e. Hazard Pay, Family Separation Allowance, etc.) Based on career status (i.e. Career Sea Pay, Career Flyer Pay, etc.)
Other Allowances Many “other allowances” are subject to periodic review and testing. Verify the duration of the allowance. If the term of the allowance cannot be determined, this source of income may still be used to offset debts of 10 to 24 months’ duration.
Grossing up? Non-taxable allowances may be grossed up. For calculating debt-to-income ratio only. Do not use in residual income calculation. Use industry standard for gross up percentage.
Reduced Residual Guideline* Residual income guideline may be reduced by 5% Due to having access to military-based facilities Commissary (groceries, sundry items, etc.) Exchange (military department and drug store) MRW (recreational facilities, youth activities, etc.) *Residual Income Tables located in Chapter 4, section 9e of VA Lender’s Handbook. VA Lender’s Handbook
Reservist & National Guard Income Drill pay may be used as effective income If length of total service indicates strong possibility that this income will continue. Otherwise, this income may be used to offset obligations of 10 – 24 months’ duration. Drill pay may be used as effective income If length of total service indicates strong possibility that this income will continue. Otherwise, this income may be used to offset obligations of 10 – 24 months’ duration.
National Guard/Reservist “Activation Statement” Is borrower a National Guard or Reserve member? Have they received orders for mobilization? You need to know! You need to know!
Obtain certification for all borrowers using their income to qualify. Including spouse Not required for active duty borrowers Make part of origination package. (See samples)samples National Guard/Reservist “Activation Statement”
Underwriting Considerations Underwriting Considerations Income may change significantly upon activation. Reduced income may prevent the borrower from qualifying. Increased income may not continue beyond a 12-month period. If activation status changes at any time between loan application and loan closing, underwriter must re-evaluate income used for qualification.
References VA Lender’s Handbook Chapter 4, sections k - m Military Pay and Allowances Pages
Questions? With base pay and 70 types of special pays and allowances, qualification questions may arise. Please do not hesitate to call or your nearest VA Regional Loan Center for assistance.VA Regional Loan Center With base pay and 70 types of special pays and allowances, qualification questions may arise. Please do not hesitate to call or your nearest VA Regional Loan Center for assistance.VA Regional Loan Center We would be happy to help!
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