SAS and RTII ED 517 Spring 2010
Edward G. Rendell, Governor Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education Standards Aligned System Integration Trainer Professional Development Integrating Standards, Assessment, Curriculum Framework, Instruction, Materials & Resources and Interventions Pennsylvania Department of Education
Pennsylvanias SAS Web Portal
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Supports for Pennsylvania Educators
RtII PennLink (9/1/09) Endorses RtII as the assessment and instructional framework to organize and implement PAs Standards Aligned System (SAS) Connects RtII with Pennsylvanias School Improvement Process Establishes a state-level RtII Team Defines RtII implementation and reporting requirements: RtII School Survey 6
From RtI to Rt I I: We gained an I Instruction is the Key! – Promotes the importance of effective instruction in building a strong core (Tier 1) – Promotes the provision of standards-aligned instruction for all students – Focuses Tier 2 and 3 implementation efforts on effective instructional practices – Discourages teams in building Tiers 2 and 3 structures without a strong, standards aligned instructional core
Tier I of the RtII framework provides access to high quality standards based curriculum and instruction for all students. RtII organizes assessment practices and requires schools to use the four types of assessments to determine the effectiveness of curriculum/intervention and drive instructional adjustments. Examples, Summative: PSSA, PVAAS Benchmark: 4 Sight Diagnostic: GRADE, GMADE Formative: Formal and Informal (progress monitoring, ticket out the door) RtII organizes curriculum and instruction to ensure all students receive the standards aligned core curriculum. ALL staff (Gen, Sp Ed, Title, ESL) assume responsibility and an active role in instruction in the core curriculum High quality instruction is at the heart of RtII. The framework organizes instruction to ensure the use of high leverage, research-based instructional practices at each Tier. Processes are in place to ensure instructional fidelity. RtII requires the selection and use of materials and resources that align with standards based curriculum and research based standard protocols to address specific skill acquisition. Research-validated interventions are implemented based on the type, level and intensity of student need. SAS and RtII: The Connection
What is Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtII)? A comprehensive standards-aligned school reform strategy that enables early identification and intervention for students needing additional opportunities to learn high level content while providing benchmark students the opportunity to enrich and grow their skills and talents An alternate to the aptitude-achievement discrepancy model for the identification of students with learning disabilities
Core Characteristics of RtII Standards aligned instruction in a research-based core program Universal screening Shared ownership of all students Data-based decision making – Progress monitoring – Benchmark and Outcome Assessment Tiered intervention and service delivery – Research-based interventions – Flexible grouping – Fidelity of Implementation Parental engagement