1-H2.0.2 Use a calendar to distinguish among days, weeks, and months.
SONGS The Calendar Song- Macarena Months - Students sing the months of the year to the beat of the Macarena. The Days of the Week Song- -Students can sing along with the recorded version and learn the days of the week. Lyrics:
PICTURE BOOK Work-A-Day Week- Teaches students about the days of the week by using what parents do during the week.
ANOTHER PICTURE BOOK Days of the Week- Teaches students the days of the week. This book is more geared towards a lower reading level student.
GAMES Calendar Quiz- There are three different levels, each five questions long, asking questions about the dates and days of the week during a certain month. This game is from Calendar Clown- Students are timed and given points for answer questions about the month correctly. This game is from
POETRY The Months of the Year (To the Tune of "Three Blind Mice") January, February, March, April, May, June. July, August, September, October, November, December. These are the twelve months of the year. Now sing them together so we can all hear. Picture from: Lake Mary High School How many months are there in a year? Website Twelve months in a year.
POETRY CONTINUED Days of the Week (to the tune of "The Addams Family") Days of the week, (snap snap) Days of the week, (snap snap) Days of the week, Days of the week, Days of the week. (snap snap) There's Sunday and there's Monday, There's Tuesday and there's Wednesday, There's Thursday and there's Friday, And then there's Saturday. Days of the week, (snap snap) Days of the week, (snap snap) Days of the week, Days of the week, Picture from: Days of the week. (snap snap)
POSTER Days of the Week Poster-has abbreviations and how to spell the days of the week.
WEBSITES has plenty of activities and has one for first graders who are learning the days of the week. ESL Kid Stuff also has a lot of lesson plans, activities, and games for students to use while learning the days of the week.
LESSON PLAN This lesson plan is meant for ESL students which are students learning English as a second language and it will teach them the days of the week. the-week-lesson-plan.pdfhttp:// the-week-lesson-plan.pdf
ACTIVITY BOOK My Months of the Year Book is a great activity book that the students can do to help them learn the months of the year.
REFERENCES 1. Macarena Months, Retrieved March 23, 2014, from 2. The Days of the Week Song, Retrieved March 23, 2014, from eek.php eek.php 3. All 3 Handouts, Retrieved March 23, 2014, from 4. Picture book-Work-A-Day Week, Retrieved March 23, 2014, from _mmc=GooglePLA-_-Book_15To24-_-Q _ _mmc=GooglePLA-_-Book_15To24-_-Q _
REFERENCES 5. Days of the Week, Retrieved March 23, 2014, from week/ html?listingId= &scid=pla_google_SynergyDataInc&adid=17260&gclid =CN6399_Lqb0CFUNo7AodMy0Akg# week/ html?listingId= &scid=pla_google_SynergyDataInc&adid=17260&gclid =CN6399_Lqb0CFUNo7AodMy0Akg# 6. Calendar Quiz, Retrieved March 24, 2014, from 7. Calendar Clowns, Retrieved March 24, 2014, from 8. The Months of the Year Poem, Retrieved March 24, 2014, from 9. Days of the Week Poem, Retrieved March 24, 2014, from
REFERENCES 10. Days of the Week Poster, Retrieved March 24, 2014, from 11. JumpStart Website, Retrieved March 25, 2014, from 12. ESL Kid Stuff Website, Retrieved March 25, 2014, from 13. Days of the Week-Lesson Plan, Retrieved March 25, 2014, from 14. My Months of the Year Activity book, Retrieved March 25, 2014, from