UNIT 1 – CHAPTERS 2&7 Ch.2 Signs, Signals, and Roadway Markings
Traffic Control Devices 1. Traffic Signs 2. Signal Lights 3. Pavement Markings
Location of Signs 1. Usually on the right side 2 Location of Signs 1. Usually on the right side 2. Left side exceptions – One way streets and no passing zones 3. Overhead - Expressways
8 SHAPES USED FOR TRAFFIC SIGNS Octagon: Stop Triangle: Yield Vertical Rectangle: Regulatory Pentagon: School Round: Railroad Crossing Pennant: No Passing Diamond: Warning Horizontal Rectangle: Guide
8 COLORS USED FOR TRAFFIC SIGNS 1. Red: 2. Yellow: 3. White: 4. Black: 5. Orange: 6. Green: 7. Blue: 8. Brown:
3 BASIC TYPES OF SIGNS 1. Regulatory – Tells you about laws that you must obey. (Stop and Yield)
2. Warning – Helps you avoid surprise situations 2. Warning – Helps you avoid surprise situations. Alerts you to possible hazards. (Yellow with black letters or symbols)
3. Guide – Provides information. Gives direction 3. Guide – Provides information. Gives direction. (mark routes, intersections, service areas, and other points of interest)
Other Signs You May Encounter
More Signs!!
Other Meanings of Common Signs!
WHERE TO STOP AT A STOP SIGN 1. If Stop line stop behind it. 2. If no stop line, stop before crosswalk. 3. If no stop line or crosswalk, stop before sidewalk. 4. If no stop line, crosswalk, or sidewalk, stop prior to entering the intersection. Nothing says you have to stop behind the stop Sign. Just somewhere before the intersection.
APPROACHING STOP SIGNS 1. You must recognize what kind of a stop it is. 2. 1 way? 2 way? 3 way? 4 way? 3. This dictates whose right of way. 4. Using the right of way means: You accept the immediate use of the roadway. 5. To yield means to: You allow others to use the intersection before you do. *** When preparing to turn – you should check your mirror before you signal and before you break.
2 WAY STOP Cross traffic has the right of way. They are on the through street. ( A street where You do not have signs every block). When two vehicles stop at the stop signs Across from each other, whoever stops first has the right of way, regardless of who’s going straight and who’s turning. If you stop at the same time, whoever is going straight has the right of way. 1 way stop - Driver at the stop sign must yield to everyone else.
4 WAY STOP 1. Come to a complete stop at the appropriate place. 2. The driver who stopped first should be allowed to proceed first. You take turns. 3. When vehicles stop to the right or left of each other at the same time, the driver on the right has the right of way. 4. When stopped across the intersection facing oncoming traffic, and you stop at the same time, the driver going straight has the right of way. 5. If you think its your turn begin to creep forward slowly. If no one moves, give it some gas and be on your way. 6. Scan traffic as you move through the intersection.
3 WAY STOP Follow same procedures as a 4 way stop. You take turns.
YIELD SIGNS 1. Approach yield signs slow enough so you could stop normally if a vehicle is approaching from the left or right. 2. Give the right of way to cross traffic when approaching a yield sign. 3. Act like there will be cross traffic approaching the intersection. Act like you will have to stop. This is how fast you should approach a yield sign. 4. When you are approaching a yield sign and there is a vehicle coming directly at you approaching their yield sign and one of you want to turn, whoever got there first would have the right of way. 5. If you get there at the same time, the driver going straight has the right of way.
SPEED LIMIT REGULATIONS 1. Basic speed limit – May not drive faster than is safe for existing conditions. 2. Absolute speed limit – What is indicated on the sign. 3. Minimum speed limit – The slowest you are able to travel without impeding or blocking the normal flow of traffic. 4. Advisory speed limit – They indicate the maximum suggested speed. ** These signs are often posted below a warning sign, for special conditions such as sharp curves or exit ramps.
SPEED LIMITS IN CERTAIN AREAS In a rural area: 55 mph In an urban area: 30 mph In a school zone: 20 mph In an alley: 15 mph On an interstate: 55-65 mph
COMPUTERIZED TRAFFIC LIGHTS 1. A computer coordinates traffic lights at several intersections in a row. This allows traffic to flow for several blocks at or near the speed limit without stopping. 2. Traffic lights also can be set to change when traffic approaches. A sensor in the road detects oncoming or stopped traffic and this activates the traffic light.
How do you know if a green light is getting ready to turn red? 1. Look at the Pedestrian signal (the ‘walk’ / ‘don’t walk’ light). 2. The light will change 10-12 seconds after the don’t walk light starts to flash.
FLASHING RED LIGHT You treat the same as you would a stop sign Look to see what kind of light cross traffic has If they have a flashing red it’s a 4 way stop If they have a flashing yellow it’s a 2 way stop
FLASHING YELLOW LIGHT Proceed with caution Bad intersections, school zones, construction zones Red X above your lane means your lane is not in use. Yellow X above your lane means your lane is about to be closed to traffic (a red X is ready to come on).
RIGHT ON RED RULE Come to a full stop. Proceed when traffic and the intersection is clear. 3. 2 places to look before going right on red * To your left. Cross traffic might have a green light. * Across from you. Oncoming traffic might have a green arrow wanting to turn your way. 4. Some areas prohibit turning right on a red light. There will be a sign that says ‘NO TURN ON RED’. If there is no sign the right turn is legal.
LEFT TURN ON RED RULE 1. Come to a full stop. 2. Proceed when traffic and the intersection is clear. 3. You must be turning ONTO a ONE WAY FROM a ONE WAY. 4. Cross traffic to your right has a green light if you have a red light.
WAITING TO TURN LEFT AT A RED LIGHT 1. You will get a green light or you will get a green arrow. 2. GREEN LIGHT – Creep out into the intersection and yield to oncoming traffic and pedestrians. 3. GREEN ARROW – You have the right of way. 3 main things to look for while you wait at a red light. 1. Oncoming traffic 2. Lane you’re going to turn into. 3. Pedestrians – They get a walk light when you get a green light.
REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD STOP BEHIND THE STOP LINE AT A RED LIGHT 1. Activate the traffic light. 2. Give left turning vehicles room to turn. 3. Won’t block the crosswalk or cross traffic. 4. Won’t block the view of someone to your right wanting to go right on red.
ROADWAY MARKINGS 1. Gives you warning or direction. 2. They are yellow or white lines, words, or arrows painted on the roadway.
YELLOW LINE MARKINGS 1. Broken yellow line separates 2 way traffic 2. Solid yellow line – NO passing is allowed on the side of a road that has a solid yellow line.
WHITE LINE MARKINGS 1. Broken white line separate lanes of traffic that are moving in the same direction. 2. Solid white lines indicate that you should not cross them.
Blind Spots
Blind Spots
STATE LAW 1. All private driveways, alleys and parking lots are stop streets. 2. You must come to a complete stop before entering the roadway.
SIGNALS REQUIRED BY LAW 1. Directional change – left or right turns 2. Lane changes – Anything laterally Passing, merging, pulling to curb or away from curb. 3. Slowing or stopping – brake lights
WHEN TO PUT TURN SIGNALS ON 1. In town – 100 feet before turn (about 2 houses) 2. In the country – 300-500 feet before your turn (at the warning sign)
WHEN IS IT LEGAL TO PASS ON THE RIGHT? 1. When 2 or more lanes are traveling in the same direction. 2. When a vehicle in front of you is making a left turn. * You cannot go off the road to pass on the right. * It is legal to pass in town. After you pass someone, return to the right hand lane when you can see at least 1 headlight in your rearview mirror. Maintain your speed.
BEING PASSED 1. Keep to your right. 2. Maintain your speed.
NO PASSING ZONES 1. Hills 2. Curves 3. 2 lane bridges 4. Overpasses 5. Tunnels 6. 100’ before an intersection or railroad crossing 7. Stopped school bus 8. Stopped vehicle for pedestrian * Most passing should not require a driver to exceed the speed limit.
Approaching Intersections Identify the type of intersections Search the intersection - right, left, and front. Identify line of sight restrictions Make sure your path is unrestricted. If it is restricted, then prepare to stop. Once path is deemed clear – proceed through the intersection according to right of ways.
INTERSECTIONS 1. Controlled – When traffic signals or signs determine the right of way. Ex. Stop signs, yield signs, and at a stop light when you get a green arrow. 2. Uncontrolled – When there are no signs or lights to determine the right of way. Usually found in areas of light traffic such as residential areas. 3. Who has the right of way? * The driver on the left must yield to the driver on the right. The best action to take is to treat it like a yield sign no matter where you are.
Unprotected Turns 1. No special turn light – Who yields? 2. Procedure for making an unprotected left turn. * Move to the center of the intersection after the light turns green. * Keep wheels straight until you are ready to turn. * Hug center line so cars behind you can pass you on the right. * Wait until oncoming traffic is clear. Turn into the nearest lane that is going in your direction.
Protected Turns 1. Special turn light or arrow. 2. Left turn light – Usually straight ahead of the left turn lane. Not all left turn lanes have left turn lights. 3. Green Arrow – You have the immediate use of the roadway. 4. Delayed Green – When one side of an intersection has a green light while the light for the oncoming traffic remains red.
Checks to make on four lane streets while waiting to turn left. 1. Traffic Light 2. Inside lane 3. Outside lane 4. Turn Path
STOP LIGHTS STALE GREEN LIGHT – A light that has been green for some time.(Don’t walk light) FRESH GREEN LIGHT – A light that has just turned green. ( Walk light is on). YELLOW LIGHT – Must decide whether to stop behind the stop line or proceed through the yellow light. POINT OF NO RETURN – Where it is no longer safe to stop without entering the intersection.
RIGHT TURN CONFLICTS 1. Pedestrian conflicts. 2. Conflicts from behind. 3. Conflicts with oncoming left turning vehicles.
BLOCKED VIEW 1. Look through windows of parked cars. 2. Creep forward until you can see that traffic from the left is clear. 3. From here, you will have a clear view to the right.
GAP IN TRAFFIC 1. This is the amount of space there is between vehicles. 2. To cross two lanes of traffic at a normal speed should take 4-5 seconds. 3. To make a right turn and get up to the speed limit should take about 6 seconds. 4. To make a left turn and get up to the speed limit should take about 7 seconds.
CONTROLLED AND UNCONTROLLED RAILROAD CROSSINGS 1. A controlled crossing has red lights and possibly crossing gates. It is illegal to drive around the gates. 2. An uncontrolled crossing doesn’t have any red lights or crossing gates. You must treat these as you would a yield sign.
6 PARKING REGULATIONS CURB – Within 1 foot 2. R/R Crossing – 50 feet 3. FIRE HYDRANT – 15 feet 4. MARKED INTERSECTION – 30 feet ( with signs) 5. UNMARKED INTERSECTION – 20 feet 6. FIRE STATION DRIVE – 20 feet
PLANNING A TURN CHANGING LANES 1. Looking action. 2. Signal. 3. Lane position. 4. Speed at which you make your turn. CHANGING LANES SIGNAL MIRROR CHECK YOUR BLINDSPOT.
Both car are across from each other at the intersection. Traffic Lights Both car are across from each other at the intersection. 1. If car #1 has a red light and a green arrow, what does car #2 have? 2. If car #1 has a green light what does car #2 have? 3. If car #1 has a green light and green arrow, what does car #2 have? 4. If car #1 has a red light what two things might car #2 have?
Teen Crash Rates 16 year old 3 times greater than 17 year old
TOP TEN FACTORS IN TEEN CRASHES Speeding – 5 mph or greater Improper Lane Usage Driving Too Fast Through a Curve Pulling in front of cross traffic Lack of visual awareness Following too closely Reckless Driving Drinking Distracted Driving Improper Evasive Actions