PURPOSES OF CUB SCOUTING Character Development Spiritual Growth Good Citizenship Sportsmanship and Fitness Family Understanding Respectful Relationships Personal Achievement Friendly Service Fun and Adventure Preparation for Boy Scouts
CUB SCOUTINGS 12 CORE VALUES 1. Citizenship 2. Compassion 3. Cooperation 4. Courage 5. Faith 6. Health and Fitness 7. Honesty 8. Perseverance 9. Positive Attitude 10. Resourcefulness 11. Respect 12. Responsibility
PARTS OF THE SCOUTING PROGRAM AT PACK 220 Tiger Cubs boys in first grade (or 7 years old) family/home centered participate in activities with an adult partner (usually parent) emphasizes shared leadership, learning about community and family understanding Cub Scouts (Wolf and Bear) boys 2-3 grade (or 8 and 9 years old) emphasizes character development, citizenship training, and personal fitness
PARTS OF THE SCOUTING PROGRAM AT PACK 220 WEBELOS boys in 4-5 grade (or 10 years old) participate in more advanced activities that begin to prepare them for Boy Scouts
WHOSE WHO - PACK 220? Charter Organization – Whitman Community Swim Club Cub Master – Brian L. Conboy Committee Chairperson –Giacomo Reggente Treasurer – Louisa Reggente Webelos 2 Den Leader – Nancy Alcantara Webelos 1 Den Leader – Monique Cross Bears Den Leader –Donna Giannini Wolf Den Leaders – Marie Kershaw Tiger Den Leader – (needs helpers to rotate) Fundraiser Chairperson – Jim Schillaci Activities Coordinator – Jen Molnar Achievement Chairperson – Carrie Conboy
WHAT DOES PACK 220 DO? Meets 1x a month for pack meetings. Skate Party - October Rain gutter Regatta – November Holiday Party – December Pinewood Derby – February Blue and Gold Banquet (advancement) - March Participates in various community service efforts: Adopt a family – November Canned food drive – November Caroling at Kennedy Hospital – December Pack Clean up – Whitman School – April State Park Trail Cleanup – June
WHAT DOES PACK 220 DO? Provides Pack Organized activities Sleepover @ Franklin Institute - Feb Camden Riversharks – May Family Campout - June Pack Swim Party - August Provides scout the opportunity to participate in council and district activities: Cub Scout Harvest Fest Camperee Cub Scout overnight Webelos Overnight Cub Scout Summer Day Camp
WHAT DO THE DENS DO? Each Den Leader schedules den meetings at least 2x a month. At den meetings, scouts have the opportunity to learn games and songs, participate in a craft and/or go on various trips that help the boy fulfill their particular achievements. Dens rely heavily upon the families to assist at den meetings and help the boys complete the achievements required to obtain their rank at the Blue and Gold Banquet in March. Boy Scouts from local Troops fill the roll of Den Chiefs to help the den leaders run there meetings and assist where needed.
WHAT CAN MY SON EXPECT? Fun! Challenges! Friendships! Recognition for their achievements and self confidence in working toward those achievements Encouragement from the pack and den leaders and their fellow scouts! Fun filled trips, activities and awareness of their community. Fundraisers to pay for badges, awards, and pack events.
COMMITMENT FOR OUR FAMILY? WHAT IS THE TIME COMMITMENT FOR OUR FAMILY? 1 night/month – pack meetings, 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 – 8:30 2x/month – den meetings Assisting scout in completing their achievements for advancement to their rank. Assisting at pack meetings as needed – ensuring scouts and siblings are respectful to people and property. Assisting at den meetings as needed. Scouts are required to where their uniforms to pack, dens meetings, pack fundraisers and community service activities. Assisting your scout in fundraising and ensure their safety.
WHAT IS THE FINANCIAL COMMITMENT? Yearly reg: $42.00 w/Boys Life or $30.00 w/o Boys Life Den dues – den will usually request a sum of money to cover costs of supplies for den meetings. Blue and Gold Banquet – Amount due by February last year costs $14 Adults, $8 for Scouts & children 3- 11 Children 2 & Under Free Riversharks game – Scouts Free, All others $7.00/ea due late March Family campout - $30/family due late April Cub Scout Day Camp - $105/scout due mid-April
HOW DO WE SIGN UP? Fill out scout registration form Check for $42 made out to Pack 220 Provide vehicle information for field trips Sign up as a helper or volunteer!
CALENDAR OF PACK EVENTS October: Skate Party Popcorn fundraiser November: Scout food drive Boat racing Popcorn fundraiser ends December Pizza fundraiser Caroling Holiday Party January Car Building February Pinewood Derby Pizza Fundraiser Ends March Blue and Gold Banquet Money due for Riversharks, April Day camp and family campout Pack Cleanup May Riversharks June Family Campout July Cub Scout Day Camp August Pack Swim Party
HELPERS NEEDED!! Fundraising – assisting in popcorn and/or pizza fundraisers Activities – assisting in organizing pack activities – Blue and Gold, Riversharks game, Cub Scout Day Camp, Family Campout, Pack Swim Party Questions: Contact Brian L. Conboy – 875-2260 or e-mail