The Newest Rank in Cub Scouting Tiger Cub The Newest Rank in Cub Scouting The Tiger Cub program has been enhanced to meet the needs of 1st grade boys and their families in a changing world
History of Tiger Cubs Highlights: 1982 Introduction of Tiger Cubs, BSA 1986-1993 Fast Start video, iron on “paws”, Group Coach, support materials, basic training 1996 Tiger Cub dens part of pack, more frequent meetings, more resources, belt totem 2001 Tiger Cub Handbook, Tiger Cub den leader, rank advancement program 1982- Tiger Cubs, BSA was developed to give 6 year old boys and an adult partner an introduction to Cub Scouting. Leadership was shared and there was a simple immediate reward system. Tiger Cub Groups were affiliated with a pack. 1986- Tiger Cubs, BSA based on school year. Program designed for 1st grade boys (or 6 years old). Tiger Cubs now invited as guests to 2 pack meetings or pack activities during the year. 1987- Fast Start video for Tiger Cubs 1988- Iron-on tiger tracks (paw prints) for each go-see-it. Tiger Cub group coach position developed to be liaison between Tiger Cub group and the pack. District/council Tiger Cub only activities encouraged 1992- Tiger Cubs included in basic training 1993- Meeting plan in Family Activity Book. Tiger Cubs listed on pack charter (still affiliated) 1996- Tiger Cub Groups renamed as dens full members of the pack rather than affiliated with the pack. Tiger Cubs meet at least twice a month and attend all pack meetings. Tiger Cub Resource Book and enriched program materials. Permanent Tiger Cub emblem (strip) for shirt, belt totem for immediate recognition and Tiger Cub Coach neckerchief. 2001- Tiger Cub den leader, Tiger Cub Handbook, Advancement program with achievements and electives, more support materials (Program Helps), New Tiger cap, belt totem and rank badge.
Search, Discover, Share The Tiger Cub Task Force: Searched out ways to enhance the program for first grade boys Discovered, through experience and market research, elements that can help to ATTRACT and RETAIN more boys Shared these elements in a new rank advancement program A Task Force of the National Cub Scout Committee has -searched out new ways to enhance the program for 1st grade boys -discovered, though experience and market research, elements that can help to attract and retain more boys in the program -Shared what they learned in a newly revised RANK advancement program for Tiger Cubs
What hasn’t changed? A LOT! Tiger Cubs is still a fun, relatively simple program for 1st grade boys and their adult partner, who share leadership and learn about Cub Scouting. The newly enhanced program is designed to be age appropriate for first grade boys. The types of activities that the Tiger Cubs are asked to do for achievements and electives are very similar to the activities they have done in the past. The terminology is now more similar to terminology used in other Cub Scout programs, and there is more structure. But the program was very carefully designed to be age appropriate for first grade boys. The advancement program was designed to be fun and to provide opportunities for the Tiger Cub and his adult partner to spend time together.
What’s the Point? Attract more boys and retain them longer! G T E R C U B First of all….. What’s the point? Why are we doing this? We want to attract more boys and retain them longer. S
Leadership Tiger Cub den leader Adult partner Fast Start and Basic Training Wears Adult Leader uniform Actively participates in pack leadership meetings Coordinates shared leadership Adult partner Shares in leadership of den Participates along with boy A Tiger Cub joins along with an adult partner, the adult partner is a parent. But the adult partner may be a grandparent, older sibling, Aunt, Uncle, friend or anyone who is at least 18 years of age and has a genuine concern for the boy and an interest in his well being. The adult partner must be willing to attend all Tiger Cub activities along with the boy, as they join as a team. The adult partners rotate leadership of the den activities throughout the year. This shared leadership gives everyone the opportunity to be involved. The den leader should attend basic training, consisting of both “New Leader Essentials” and position specific training for Tiger Cub Den Leaders. The Tiger Cub den leader is a member of the pack leadership team and should actively participate pack leadership and planning meetings and membership recruitment activities. The Tiger Cub den leader takes leadership of the den at pack meetings and maintains all attendance and advancement records. He or she informs the pack advancement chairman of awards earned so that recognition can be purchased. The Tiger Cub den leader also works with the adult partners as they plan the activities for the den. Each month a different adult partner plans the den activities and the go see it. The Tiger Cub den leader may share resources such as Cub Scout Program Helps and suggest that the adult partner attend Cub Scout Leader Roundtable along with him or her the month prior to sharing the leadership of the den. An official position description for the Tiger Cub den leader can be found in the Cub Scout Leader Book (available fall, 2001). The Tiger Cub den leader can me any adult over the age of 21, appointed by the pack committee and approved by the chartered organization. This may be a parent of a boy in the den, an experienced leader in the pack, or someone appointed by the chartered organization. The most important thing to remember is that if this individual is new to Cub Scouting, the pack has a responsibility to give him or her support. The pack trainer, the cubmaster, and assistant cubmaster, or another den leader may mentor the new leader. But it is absolutely critical to the success of the new Tiger Cub den that the Tiger Cub den leader not be left alone.
Dens Each month: 2 den meetings 1 Go See It 1 pack meeting Adult partner attends and participates in all activities along with the Tiger Cub Adult partners share leadership of dens A Tiger Cub den meets twice each month for a den meeting. They go on one field trip or outing called a go see it. They also attend the pack meeting. Cub Scout Program Helps is published each year by BSA and contains plans for meetings that follow the suggested monthly themes. Although a den is not required to follow the monthly themes or use Cub Scout Program Helps, they are encouraged to do so. New leaders and adult partners will find them easy to follow. Well planned meetings and activities will set the stage for success. No matter what resources are used, the den meetings and the go see it are planned and run by the adult partner who has volunteered to share the leadership that month with the den leader. The den leader should offer support, but not take over for the adult partner. Shared leadership is not only a responsibility of the adult partners, but it is an opportunity for them to become involved with the den in a meaningful way. It is also a very special time for the Tiger Cubs, as they enjoy being part of the boy/adult team to deliver the program for a month.
Uniform Tiger Cubs wear official orange uniform T-shirt Optional: Newly designed Tiger Cub uniform cap Blue Cub Scout pants Blue Web belt with Tiger Cub buckle Blue Cub Scout socks Tiger Cubs wear the official orange uniform t-shirt. The cap, pants, web belt and socks are optional, but encouraged. The adult partners are not required to wear a uniform, but they are encouraged to wear the official orange uniform t-shirt as well. Tiger Cub den leaders wear the official adult leader uniform. A Tiger Cub den leader neckerchief is available for the den leader. Tiger Cubs should wear their uniforms when attending den meetings, go see its, and pack meetings.
Support Tiger Cub Handbook Cub Scout Program Helps Cub Scout Leader Book Monthly Cub Scout Leader Roundtable Attend split session along with Cub Scout Den Leaders A clear understanding of the Tiger Cub program and all advancement requirements can be found in the Tiger Cub Handbook. This handbook is unique because it is for both the Tiger Cub and his adult partner. Since the boy and his adult partner join as a team, the Handbook is for both of them. Since boys of this age are at different stages of reading development, many boys will need a great deal of assistance in reading the book. Much of the book is written for the adult partner. Sections with a larger font are intended for the boy and his adult partner to read together. The Handbook also contains places for the boy to record his advancement and keep track of his progress towards the ranks of Tiger and Bobcat, as well as Tiger Tracks. Cub Scout Program Helps contain plans for den meetings, go see it’s and pack meeting participation. The newly revised Cub Scout Leader Book (available fall 2001) contains a chapter for Tiger Cubs. This book has undergone a major revision and is a valuable resource for all Cub Scout leaders. Monthly Cub Scout Leader Roundtable is a gathering of Cub Scout leaders in districts all over the country. Leaders gather, share resources and support each other as they make plans for the meetings and activities of the following month. The Tiger Cub den leader is encouraged to attend Roundtable on a regular basis. The den leader is also encouraged to invite adult partners to join them at roundtable the month prior to their shared leadership responsibilities.
Advancement Tiger Cub The newest rank in Cub Scouting Tiger Cub is now a rank Advancement requirements and information can be found in the Tiger Cub Handbook. The program has been designed to incorporate learning and fun along with opportunities for the adult partner to spent quality time with the boy. Participation in the activities and “doing their best” constitutes completion of an advancement requirement. Tiger Cubs should not be “tested” or made to repeat activities to conform to standards of a leader. Remember that this is an “age appropriate” program. When the achievement or elective is completed, the adult partner, called “Akela” signs in the Tiger Cub Handbook that it has been completed and the den leader signs that it has been recorded in the den advancement records.
What happens to the Webelos Badge? Diamond-Shaped Badge If boy did not participate in Tiger Cubs For those boys who were in Tiger Cubs but did not earn Tiger Cub rank Oval-Shaped Badge To aid in the transition to Boy Scouts Worn only on tan uniform and with no other ranks or arrow points
Trail to Tiger Tiger Cub Belt Totem Presented in a pack meeting Cub Scout sign Cub Scout salute Tiger Cub motto Presented in a pack meeting The first step along the trail to tiger is to earn the Tiger Cub Totem. To do this, the boys must learn the CS Sign, the CS salute, and the TC Motto (Search, Discover, Share). These can be found in the Tiger Cub Handbook. The totem is presented at a pack meeting. This can be a very simple presentation, but should be meaningful. What a wonderful opportunity for the pack to make the new Tiger Cubs feel welcome and special. While he is working on his achievements, the totem is worn with the paw print facing out.
Five Achievement Areas Making My Family Special Where I Live Keeping Myself Healthy and Safe How I Tell It Let’s Go Outdoors There are 15 achievements that must be earned in order to receive the Tiger Cub badge. These achievements are divided into 5 achievement areas: Making My Family Special Where I Live Keeping Myself Healthy and Safe How I Tell It Let’s Go Outdoors
Three Activities in Each Achievement Area Family activity (white bead) Den activity (orange bead) Go See It (black bead) Within each of the 5 achievement areas, there are 3 required achievements. 1 family activity 1 den activity 1 Go See It The den activity and the go see it are intended to be completed in a den setting along with the other boys in the den. In order to receive full benefit from the Tiger Cub program, a strong effort should be made to attend all meetings. Sometimes, however, missing a meeting may be unavoidable. In such a situation, the adult partner should contact the den leader and make arrangements for the adult partner and boy to complete that achievement outside of the den setting.
To Earn the Tiger Cub Badge: Making My Family Special Family Where I Live Keeping Myself Healthy & Safe How I Tell It Let’s Go Outdoors Making My Family Special Den Go See It Another way to look at this…. 5 achievement areas plus 3 activities in each area equal 15 total required activities
Recognition Beads are awarded in den setting After a total of 15 beads are earned (5 beads of each color) the Tiger badge is awarded in a pack meeting The Tiger badge is affixed to the totem and is sewn on the blue shirt when the boy transitions to a Wolf Cub Scout Den Recognition is an important method used in Cub Scouting to motivate boys. Boys love to receive recognition! Totem beads are awarded at den meetings, and should be given as soon as possible after completion of the achievement part. The Tiger badge is awarded in a meaningful ceremony at a pack meeting. When the tiger badge is awarded, the totem is turned around and the diamond shaped badge is affixed to the totem. Tiger Tracks are awarded at pack meetings. What are tiger tracks?…. Next slide
Electives The Tiger Cub Handbook has 50 elective choices Electives may be repeated One yellow tiger track bead for each 10 electives completed Tiger tracks are awarded at pack meetings Flexible- to meet the needs of each boy The Tiger Cub Handbook contains 50 elective activities. These are additional optional activities. They may be completed with the family or with the den and may be completed more than once. After completing 10 electives, the boy is awarded one yellow tiger track bead, and earns one additional tiger track for each additional 10 electives completed. The electives completed are recorded on the chart in the Tiger Cub Handbook. Tiger Cubs may complete and record elective activities before earning the Tiger Cub badge, but tiger tracks are not awarded until after the tiger badge is awarded. It is not intended that all 50 elective activities be completed by a boy. Electives are included in the Tiger Cub Handbook to give additional opportunities for fun and learning. They are not intended to add pressure or to increase the requirements on Tiger Cubs.
Character Connections Connect an activity to one of the Character Connections Connect an activity to one of the core values of Cub Scouting Head What do I know? Heart How do I feel? Hand What can I do? Cub Scouting is a values based program. One of the purposes of Cub Scouting is character development Cub Scouting has 12 Core Values Citizenship, compassion, cooperation, courage faith, heath and fitness, honesty, perseverance positive attitude, resourcefulness, respect, responsibility In the Tiger Cub advancement program, there are 5 achievements that CONNECT an activity to a core value. Character Connections have the boy explore what he knows, how he feels, and what he can do about the core values. In Tiger Cubs, the Character connections give the adult partners an opportunity to reinforce his or her own values and beliefs with the boy. When an achievement includes a character connection, both the activity and the character connection must be completed before the achievement is recorded as completed.
12 Core Values of Cub Scouting Citizenship Compassion Cooperation Courage Faith Health and Fitness Honesty Perseverance Positive Attitude Resourcefulness Respect Responsibility
Bobcat Badge The Bobcat badge may be earned at any time after the Tiger badge has been earned Save for blue uniform The Bobcat badge may be earned any time after earning the Tiger Cub badge. Requirements for the Bobcat badge may be practiced throughout the year so that it is natural and easy to attain. If the Bobcat badge is earned while the boy is still wearing the orange Tiger Cub uniform t-shirt, the badge should be saved until the boy transitions to the blue Cub Scout uniform shirt. On the blue uniform shirt, the Tiger Cub badge is placed in the lower position of the “diamond”. This is the position that may also be used for the Webelos badge. The bobcat badge is still placed in the top position. There are now 2 options for the placement of the Webelos badge. If the boy did not earn the Tiger rank, he may still place his Webelos badge is the lower position. If he earns the rank of Tiger, he transitions to a tan shirt in his Webelos year(s), clean of earlier ranks, and place the new oval Webelos badge on his uniform.
Outdoor Programs Yes!!! Tiger cubs should participate in age appropriate Cub Scout camping opportunities offered by your council Councils create outdoor opportunities Boys like outdoor activities Get the boys outdoors! Take advantage of all opportunities offered by your council. Statistics show that a variety of camping and outdoor activities increase retention. Go outdoors! Have fun!
Final Thoughts… Tiger Cubs are the future of a pack Tiger Cub adult partners are the future leaders of a pack Tiger Cubs are the future of the pack, and the adult partners are the future leadership of the pack. They are also future Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts and Venturers. If a boy and his family leave Cub Scouting early, they are unlikely to return at a later age. But if a boy and his family have a good early experience in the pack, they are more likely to stay in Scouting programs for many years. When a boy and his adult partner join Tiger Cubs, they are seeking a program that is fun with a purpose. If a pack provides both fun and a purpose they are likely to have a thriving pack full of families that are active and enthusiastic. Search, discover, and share!
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