Emotional Disturbance


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Presentation transcript:

Emotional Disturbance

Overview Definition Impact of disability Assistance with academic tasks behaviors social skills Hierarchy of behavioral supports Positive behavior support Behavior support plan Strategies

Definition "...a condition exhibiting one or more of the following characteristics over a long period of time and to a marked degree that adversely affects a child's educational performance-- An inability to learn that cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory, or health factors. An inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with peers and teachers. This definition contains the criteria used for determination of eligibility.

Definition (cont.) Inappropriate types of behavior or feelings under normal circumstances. A general pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression. A tendency to develop physical symptoms or fears associated with personal or school problems." [Code of Federal Regulations, Title 34, Section 300.7(c)(4)(i)] These two slides have provided the definition of what constitutes eligibility for emotional disturbance. The case write-up must document (but is not limited to) the following information: Effectiveness of pre-referral interventions That symptoms are chronic (i.e., over a long period of time) That symptoms are pervasive (at home, school, community) How educational performance is adversely affected by the behavior

Emotional Disturbance is NOT Social maladjustment Behavior in conflict with parent Behavior associated with a subculture and contrary to larger community mores Behavior which does not render student helpless, confused or disorientated Although social maladjustment may be associated with emotional disturbance, it is not sufficient to make a student eligible as emotionally disturbed. A student with social maladjustment is likely to benefit from a behavior support plan.

Emotional Disturbance is NOT Conduct disorder Aggression against people or animals Property destruction Lying or theft Serious rule violation Again, a conduct disorder is not sufficient to make a student eligible as a student with emotional disturbance. A student with a conduct disorder would likely benefit from a behavior support plan.

Impact of Disability Academic Skill deficits Trouble beginning tasks Difficulty maintaining attention Problems completing tasks Students with emotional disturbance can be easily frustrated by the demands of the academic task and will often need additional encouragement to complete assignments.

Impact … Behavior Externalizing – Acting out Aggression Defiance Disruption Fighting Internalizing - Withdrawing Isolation Self abuse Depression Anxiety Interaction with others (making and keeping friends) Coping strategies Reading social cues Students with an emotional disturbance can manifest that disturbance in a variety of ways and in a variety of circumstances. In terms of behavior these three headings describe the ways in which the student demonstrates behavior.

Academic Tasks - Assistance Provide clear, specific directions Use curricular interventions Tasks at student’s academic level Assignments broken into smaller parts Breaks given as needed Student strengths utilized to learn new material Opportunities for choice making Good instruction dictates that we “meet” the students at his/her current level of performance. One of the most common causes of misbehavior in classrooms is poorly adapted instruction. If participation in class is difficult or unpleasant, the result will be either too much behavior (errors, acting out) or not enough behavior (accuracy, quality, withdrawal.)

Externalizing & Internalizing Behaviors – Assistance Listen to/observe student and make adjustments Teach relaxation techniques Teach alternate behaviors It is important to collect data on the student’s behavior in order to have objective information on which to based decisions. Rather than rely on impressions which can be colored by emotional responses, one needs to look carefully at the context in which the behavior occurs. By observing the student throughout the day one can often determine what issues seem to be affecting the student’s behavior.

Social Skills - Assistance Teach social skills proactively Break skills down into parts Teach, model, practice and reinforce skills Teach self-regulating skills Students with emotional disturbance do not pick up on social skills without direct, explicit instruction. The instruction needs to occur in context so that it is meaningful. For example knowing how to form a line is as important as knowing when to form a line. Teach social skills through multiple examples, frequent practice opportunities, provide feedback and monitor for success.

Hierarchy of Behavioral Supports School–wide positive behavior support Classroom Management Individual Support Plan

Individual Interventions Developed by: Institute On Violence and Destructive Behaviors, University of Oregon (1999) Intensive social skills training Individual behavior management plans Parent training and collaboration Multi-agency collaboration (wrap-around) services Targeted/ Intensive (High-risk students) Individual Interventions (3-5%) Intensive social skills training Self-management programs Parent training and collaboration Adult mentors (check-in) Increased academic support Selected (At-risk Students) Classroom & Small Group Strategies (10-15% of students) This model shows why a single intervention or approach will not meet the discipline and student support needs within a school. As depicted in the model we assume that the 75-80% of the students will arrive at school already having learned important social and academic readiness skills. An important part of any school-wide discipline and intervention program is to ensure that the skills of these students are embedded in the daily workings of the school through strategies aimed at all students. These universal interventions attempt to prevent problems before they start. Not all students, however, respond to the universal interventions. Students with chronic patterns of problem behavior require more selected support or highly individualized and targeted support. The level and intensity of support is dictated by the level and complexity of the behavior problem. Programs such as extra academic support, extra adult attention (school-based mentors), scheduling changes, self-management and more frequent access to rewards can be used to improve the overall likelihood of school success and reduced levels of problem behavior. For the 5-10% of students who do not respond even to selected group support, intensive, targeted intervention based on functional behavioral assessment procedures is required. These students require intensive training in social skills along with behavior support plans. Building Effective Schools Together Participant’s Manual The Institute on Violence and Destructive Behavior College of Education University of Oregon Eugene, OR 97403 Social Skills Training Positive, proactive discipline Teaching school behavior expectations Active supervision and monitoring Positive reinforcement systems Firm, fair, and corrective discipline Universal (All Students) School-wide Systems of Support (85-90% of students)

School-wide Positive Behavior Support School-wide rules and expectations Defined Taught Modeled Practiced Reinforced ALL members of school community participate in development and implementation of policy

Classroom Management Identify 3 – 5 clear, concise , positively stated rules Taught, modeled, practiced, reinforced Reinforce appropriate behavior Predictable schedule/environment/routine Active monitoring Provide corrective feedback privately Avoid power struggles between student and staff Effective classroom management can eliminate many inappropriate behaviors. Students can participate in identifying or developing the classroom rules. The rules must be taught and reinforced in a consistent manner. When students know what the classroom schedule/routine is and how transitions between activities are managed, many inappropriate behaviors are eliminated.

Individual Behavior Support Plan A-B-C Antecedent – Behavior - Consequence Communicative Intent (purpose of the behavior) To get or get away from… Sensory, Escape, Attention, Tangible Replacement behavior What the should the student do instead? Must serve the same purpose Reinforcement How, when, how often will student be reinforced? All behavior has a cycle of antecedent (what happened before the behavior), behavior and consequence (what happened after the behavior) The purpose of the behavior is to get or avoid sensory, escape, attention or something tangible. In order to replace a behavior you must teach a replacement behavior that achieves the same purpose as the behavior you are trying to change or eliminate. Planned reinforcement is necessary to ensure that the behavior is learned and maintained.

Proactive vs. Reactive Strategies Teach new behaviors Reinforce appropriate behavior Emphasize positive expectations Reactive Does not promote new learning May stop the behavior momentarily Emphasize negative consequences

Examples of Strategies Proactive Point system rewards Modeling Clear, specific expectations Contracts Reactive Time away Planned ignoring Loss of activities, privileges Punishment

How Can Support Be Provided? Unconditional positive regard for the student Teach appropriate behavior and social skills Positive reinforcement for appropriate behavior Prompts (visual, auditory, gesture, picture) Frequent positive check in with school staff Schedules Peer support

Resources Durand, V. Mark. Severe Behavior Problems. New York: Guilford Press, 1990. House, Samm N. Behavior Intervention Manual. Columbia, MO: Hawthorne Educational Services, 2002. Janney, Rachel, and Snell, Martha E. Behavioral Support. Baltimore: Brookes Publishing, 2000. McCarney, Stephen, Wunderlich, Kathy, and Bauer, Angela. Pre-Refferal Intervention Manual, 2nd edition. Columbia, MO: Hawthorne Educational Services, 1993. McGinnis, and Goldstein, Arnold P. Skillstreaming in the Elementary School Child. Champaign, IL: Research Press. O”Neill, Robert, Horner, Robert, Albin, Richard, Sprague, Jeffrey, Storye, Keith, and Newton, J. Stephen. Functional assessment of Program Development for Problem Behavior, 2nd edition. New York: Brooks/Cole Publishing, 1997. Wright, Diana Browning, Gurman, Harvey. Positive Intervention for Serious Behavior Problems. Sacramento: California Department of Education, 2001.

Our lives are not determined by what happens to us but by how we react to what happens, not by what life brings to us, but by the attitude we bring to life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst, a spark that creates extraordinary results. ―Anonymous