It given that no raw material or ingredient shold be accepted by a food industry, if it is known to contain parasites, undesirable microorganisms, pesticides, veterinary drug o toxic, decomposed or foreign objects which would not be reduced to an acceptable level by normal sorting and/or processing.
SIGNIFICANT RISK & CCP Q1 Is there a hazard associated with this raw material? Q2 Are you or the costumer going to process this hazard out of the product? Q3 Is there a cross-contamination risk to the facility or to other products which will not be controlled? yes Sensitive raw material, high level of control required. CCP Proced to next material no yes no RAW MATERIAL CONTROL DECISION TREE
PREVENTIVE MEASURE ASSESSMENT AND SELECTING SUPPLIER 1 Identify assessment criteria 2 Assessment the supplier about these criteria 3 Select the supplier 4 Supplier approve Ok?
ASSESSMENT AND SELECTING SUPPLIER ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Elements of a Supplier Quality Assurance Agreed specifications Capability of de supplier Good higienic practics Good manufacturing practics HACCP System Safety System Quality Management System
ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Appropriate, specifications for raw material shoud be identified and applied.
ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Details of supplier and manufacturing supply site. A description of the raw material and its funtionality. An ingredients breakdown Detais of all intrinsic factors with tolerance limits, eg pH, aw, etc. Agreed specifications include
Agreed specifications Microbiological acceptance criteria, eg absence of identified hazard organisms. Analytical and microbiological sampling plan. Labeling requeriments Storage and distribution conditions Safe handling and use instructions Description of pack type, size and quantity. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA
Can form part of the especification for all high-risk raw materials that are essential, a descrition of how the raw material is processed, or Process Flow Diagram. Agreed specifications ASSESSMENT CRITERIA
FOOD SPECIFICATION DEFINITION: A microbiological standard for food defines the acceptability of a product or a food lot, based on the absence o presence, or number of microorganisms including parasites, and/or quantity of their toxins/metabolites, per unit(s) of mass, volume, area or lot. MICROBIOLOGICAL STANDARD
Consists of: –a stament of the microorganims of concern and/or their toxins/metabolites and the reason for that concern. –The analytical methods for their detection and/or quantification. Components of microbiological standard for foods
–A plan definig the number of fiel samples to be taken and the size of the analytical unit. –Microbiological limits considered appropiate to the food at the especified point(s) of the food chain. –The number of analytical units that should conform to these limits. –The food to which standard applies.The point in the food chain where the standard applies; and –any actions to be taken when the standard is not met.
SPECIFY ASSESSMENT SPECIFY CRITERIA Food and Drug Administration U. S. Department of Agriculture Centers for Disease Control and Prevention October 26, 1998 Guidance for Industry Guide to Minimize Microbial Food Safety Hazards for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables GOOD AGRICULTURAL AND MANUFACTURUNG PRACTICES (GAPs & GMPs)
Guide to Minimize Microbial Food Safety Hazards for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Basic Principles Use the general recommendations in this guide to develop the most appropriate good agricultural and management practices for the operations.
Guide to Minimize Microbial Food Safety Hazards for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables The guide include control of: –Water –Manure and municipal biosolids –Worker health and hygiene –Sanitary facilities –Field sanitation –Paking facility sanitation –Transportation and traceback
SPECIFY ASSESSMENT SPECIFY CRITERIA TECNICAL STANDARD AND PROTOCOL FOR COMPANIES MANUFACTURING AND SUPPLYING FOOD PACKAGING FOR RETAILER BRANDED PRODUCTS. BRC/IOP –The Standard will be applicable to demostrate : The implementation of safety hygiene managmente system. The establishment of a Quality Assurance system and relevant process control procedures.
ASSESSMENT GENERAL CRITERIA HACCP & Food Safety Systems The supplier should implement the HACCP principles to the products production processes that the business wants to buy We can find these general criteria in the: –CODEX ALIMENTARIUS. Guidelines for the utilization and promotion of quality assurance system to meet requeriments in relation to food. Join FAO/OMS Food Standar Program.
HACCP & Food Safety Systems DS-3027 E: Food Safety According to HACCP - Requeriments to be met by food producing companies and their subcontractors. Draft: SAL AINIA. Food Safety System According to HACCP principles.
ASSESSMENT CRITERIONS Quality management system The supplier should have a quality system. –We can find a good model of quality managment system in the Standar ISO 9001: ISO Guidelines on the application of ISO 9001: 2000 for the food and drink industry.
Assessment the supplier about the criterions The organitation analyze an appropiate number of consecutive lots, to establish a historical database and confirm adherence to specificatios. Capability of de supplier to comply whit the specifications
Assessment the supplier about the criterions Auditing is one of the key funtions in any Supplier Quality Assurance System (SQA), as it is trough audit that confidence can be gained in the supplier´soperation. The audit can be do by the personal own of the company or by third party that can include also certificacion (eg SGS, AENOR) The suppleir has a food safety system
SUPPLIER PRODUCTS MONITORING The company should desing an inspection plan of critical raw material, to monitoring that the batches sampled for certain criteria comply with the specifications and the limits defined. The inspection plan can be carried out for the business or the supplier
SUPPLIER PRODUCTS MONITORING For the certificates of analys carried out by the supplier, you shoud ensure that the analysis are prepared only by laboratories who are competent to carry out the tests and provide accurate results. –This is best attained through independent laboratory accreditation (ISO/IEC 17025: General requerimets for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories).
SUPPLIER PRODUCTS MONITORING If products are detected it do not comply with the specification, the supplier would be able to be eliminated.