High School Data Team Understanding Socioeconomic Status (SES) and Racial Gaps Co-Chairs: Scott Summers Ororo T'Challa-Wakandas Members: Rachel Grey James Howlett Katherine Pryde Kurt Wagner Consultant: Sean Parker This Demo Uses Fictional Data For Purposes of Example The Ultimate Goal is to Answer Your Questions with Your Data DataTeamConsulting.Com
Are there socioeconomic and/or racial gaps in the percentage of general education (G.E.) classes taken? Are there SES and/or racial gaps in academic achievement? When we compare students who take the same percentage of G.E. classes, do the achievement gaps persist? Three Questions About SES and Racial Gaps Yes. DataTeamConsulting.Com
Are there SES and/or racial gaps in the percentage of G.E. classes taken? –397 students, our current juniors –We gathered data on the course level of students freshman and sophomore courses. –For each student, we considered what percentage of his/her leveled courses were G.E. –We separated the data by SES and race. The First of Three Questions About SES and Racial Gaps DataTeamConsulting.Com
Percentage of 9 th /10 th Leveled Classes that were G.E. Classes 397 Students G.E. Category How Many G.E. Classes do Students Take? DataTeamConsulting.Com
347 Students 50 Students G.E. Category Separated By SES DataTeamConsulting.Com
15 Students 274 Students 26 Students 82 Students G.E. Category Separated By Race DataTeamConsulting.Com
Are there SES and/or racial gaps in academic achievement? –418 students, our current juniors –In order to measure academic achievement, we created a composite. Unweighted Grade Point Average (GPA) English Language Arts MCAS (ELA MCAS) Mathematics MCAS (Math MCAS) –We used histograms to explore the data. –We separated the data by SES and race. The Second of Three Questions About SES and Racial Gaps DataTeamConsulting.Com
How Do We Measure Academic Achievement? Building A Composite DataTeamConsulting.Com
Academic Achievement ELA MCAS Math MCAS Unweighted GPA How Do We Measure Academic Achievement? Building A Composite DataTeamConsulting.Com
Jackie Joyner-Kersee: American Heptathlete "Achievement is difficult. It requires enormous effort. Those who can work through the struggle are the ones who are going to be successful." How Do We Measure Academic Achievement? Building A Composite DataTeamConsulting.Com
Jackie Joyner-Kersee: American Heptathlete "Achievement is difficult. It requires enormous effort. Those who can work through the struggle are the ones who are going to be successful." 800m Run High Jump Shot Put Javelin Throw 100m Hurdles 200m Sprint Long Jump 2 minutes 8.51 seconds 6 feet 4 inches 55 feet 3 inches 164 feet 5 inches seconds22.30 seconds24 feet 7 inches7291 heptathlon points How Do We Measure Academic Achievement? Building A Composite DataTeamConsulting.Com
Academic Achievement 800m Run High Jump Shot Put Javelin Throw 100m Hurdles 200m Sprint Long Jump How Do We Measure Academic Achievement? Building A Composite DataTeamConsulting.Com
Academic Achievement Shot Put Javelin Throw 100m Hurdles 200m Sprint Long Jump ELA MCAS How Do We Measure Academic Achievement? Building A Composite DataTeamConsulting.Com
Academic Achievement 100m Hurdles 200m Sprint Long Jump ELA MCAS Math MCAS How Do We Measure Academic Achievement? Building A Composite DataTeamConsulting.Com
Academic Achievement ELA MCAS Math MCAS Unweighted GPA How Do We Measure Academic Achievement? Building A Composite DataTeamConsulting.Com
Measurement Reliability Statistical Power We Teach To Students, Not To Tests Schoolwide Picture, Schoolwide Vision Building A Composite: Why Combine Measures? DataTeamConsulting.Com
Number of Students 418 Students Zero is the average (i.e., mean) for all 418 students. Negative is below average. Positive is above average. Academic Achievement Composite Number of Students A Histogram of Academic Achievement DataTeamConsulting.Com
3.28 GPA (f) 248 Prof. ELA 268 Adv. Math 3.08 GPA (m) 260 Adv. ELA 264 Adv. Math 3.81 GPA (m) 262 Adv. ELA 274 Adv. Math 2.31 GPA (f) 242 Prof. ELA 228 NI Math 3.11 GPA (m) 250 Prof. ELA 268 Adv. Math 418 Students 0.98 Composite Composite 0.30 Composite 0.00 Composite Number of Students Academic Achievement Composite A Histogram of Academic Achievement DataTeamConsulting.Com
418 Students 50% Line i.e., Median Mean Number of Students Academic Achievement Composite A Histogram of Academic Achievement DataTeamConsulting.Com
418 Students Number of Students Academic Achievement Composite A Histogram of Academic Achievement DataTeamConsulting.Com
Number of Students 364 Students 54 Students Mean = Mean = 0.12 Academic Achievement Composite Academic Achievement: Separated by SES DataTeamConsulting.Com
86 Students Mean Students Mean Students Mean Students Mean Examine the shapes of these histograms. Academic Achievement Composite Academic Achievement: Separated By Race DataTeamConsulting.Com
When we compare students who take the same percentage of G.E. classes, do the achievement gaps persist? –395 students, our current juniors –We first saw that percentage of G.E. classes is correlated with SES and race. –We just saw that academic achievement is correlated with SES and race. –We will see that percentage of G.E. classes is correlated with academic achievement (using histograms and a scatterplot). –We will disentangle the correlations using a statistical model with statistical controls. The Third of Three Questions About SES and Racial Gaps DataTeamConsulting.Com
295 Students Took No G.E. Courses Mean = Students Took Some G.E. Courses Mean = Students Took Half G.E. Courses Mean = Students Took Mostly G.E. Courses Mean = We can look at the same information without grouping students into four categories (None, Some, Half, Most). We will use a scatterplot to do so. Academic Achievement Composite Some No Half Mostly G.E. Academic Achievement: Separated By Percentage of G.E. DataTeamConsulting.Com
3.28 GPA (f) 248 Prof. ELA 268 Adv. Math 3.81 GPA (m) 262 Adv. ELA 274 Adv. Math 2.31 GPA (f) 242 Prof. ELA 228 NI Math 3.11 GPA (m) 250 Prof. ELA 268 Adv. Math 3.28 GPA (f) 248 Prof. ELA 268 Adv. Math 0.0 Achievement 0% G.E GPA (m) 262 Adv. ELA 274 Adv. Math 1.0 Achievement 0% G.E GPA (f) 242 Prof. ELA 228 NI Math -2.0 Achievement 57% G.E GPA (m) 250 Prof. ELA 268 Adv. Math 0.0 Achievement 0% G.E GPA (m) 260 Adv. ELA 264 Adv. Math 0.2 Achievement 9% G.E. Percentage of 9 th /10 th Leveled Classes that were G.E. Classes A Scatterplot of Academic Achievement vs. G.E. Percentage DataTeamConsulting.Com
White, Non-Free Lunch White, Free Lunch African American, Non-Free Lunch African American, Free Lunch *Estimated trend curves for students who receive neither SPED services nor LEP services.* Percentage of 9 th /10 th Leveled Classes that were G.E. Classes Trend Curves For Differing Subgroups DataTeamConsulting.Com
White, Non-Free Lunch White, Free Lunch African American, Non-Free Lunch African American, Free Lunch *Estimated trend curves for students who receive neither SPED services nor LEP services.* Percentage of 9 th /10 th Leveled Classes that were G.E. Classes Trend Curves For Differing Subgroups DataTeamConsulting.Com
Are there socioeconomic and/or racial gaps in the percentage of general education (G.E.) classes taken? Are there SES and/or racial gaps in academic achievement? When we compare students who take the same percentage of G.E. classes, do the achievement gaps persist? Three Questions About SES and Racial Gaps Yes. DataTeamConsulting.Com
Feedback from you Principals working group on achievement A renewed focus on achievement as part of our school improvement goals Where do we go from here? DataTeamConsulting.Com
GLH testing tells us to keep RACE and FREELUNCHEVER. Zero-skew transformation helps to meet normality assumption. Robust standard errors address heteroskedasticity. No interactions were stat sig, but we want to keep an eye on them as our sample size (and statistical power) increases. Notes: Not For The General Audience DataTeamConsulting.Com