Intercultural Learning and the Lusophone World Intercultural Learning and the Lusophone World Carlos Reis EDEN Annual Conference; June 2008 Lisbon June 2008 Lisbon
Intercultural Learning and the Lusophone World Carlos Reis Toda a sociedade do século XVIII, composta dos D’Alembert, dos Chamfort, dos Fontenelle, das Madame Geofrin, das Madame de Tencin, exclamava com elegante espanto: – «Que esquisitice, haver Persas!» The entire [French] society of the 18th century, composed of names such as D’Alembert, Chamfort, Fontenelle, Madame de Geofrin, Madame de Tencin, exclaimed with elegant astonishment: – «How peculiar, for Persians to exist!» (Eça de Queirós, “Eduardo Prado”; 1898)
Intercultural Learning and the Lusophone World Carlos Reis Hoje a Europa já admite que existam Persas e Índios – sobretudo para lhes sugar a substância valiosa. Today Europe accepts that Persians and Indians may exist – especially to drain their valuable substance out of them. (Eça de Queirós, “Eduardo Prado”; 1898)
Intercultural Learning and the Lusophone World Carlos Reis … quase cume da cabeça/ … quase cume da cabeça/ De Europa toda… … as if crowning Europe’s head… (Os Lusíadas, III, 21; translation by Landeg White).
Intercultural Learning and the Lusophone World Carlos Reis Esta é a ditosa pátria minha amada (…) Esta foi Lusitânia, derivada De Luso ou Lisa, que de Baco antigo Filhos foram, parece, ou companheiros. This is my blessed home, my earliest love (…) She was named Lusitania, so it’s said From Lusus or Lysa, thought to be Bacchus’ sons, or members of his band. (Os Lusíadas, III, 22; translation by Landeg White).
Intercultural Learning and the Lusophone World Carlos Reis Five factors: The African space we work in is considerably distant from the articulation centre of our pedagogical offer; The African space we work in is considerably distant from the articulation centre of our pedagogical offer; In the case of some countries, that space is considerably wide; In the case of some countries, that space is considerably wide; Also significant are the communication difficulties within those spaces; Also significant are the communication difficulties within those spaces; In such countries the proficiency of the Portuguese language is relatively precarious; In such countries the proficiency of the Portuguese language is relatively precarious; The ethnic and linguistic scenarios where Portuguese is the vehicular language are considerably complex. The ethnic and linguistic scenarios where Portuguese is the vehicular language are considerably complex.
Intercultural Learning and the Lusophone World Carlos Reis Five indicators: The rate of internet penetration in the set of African population is of around 5.3%; The rate of internet penetration in the set of African population is of around 5.3%; 51 million users in an universe of 955 million inhabitants; 51 million users in an universe of 955 million inhabitants; The list of the 20 countries with higher number of internet users does not include one single African country; The list of the 20 countries with higher number of internet users does not include one single African country; The list of the 10 African countries with higher number of internet users does not include any of the Portuguese- speaking African countries; The list of the 10 African countries with higher number of internet users does not include any of the Portuguese- speaking African countries; Two of the Portuguese-speaking African countries have internet penetration rates under 1% of their respective population. Two of the Portuguese-speaking African countries have internet penetration rates under 1% of their respective population.