1 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A Good Afternoon!!! Good Afternoon!!! Welcome to the class. EH-Expo Way X-10 & Intro to Extended Code! Conference: February 26 - March 1, 2003– Orange County Convention Center, Orlando FL S20 Feb 26, :00pm-5:00pm
2 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A Good Afternoon!!! Good Afternoon!!! Welcome to the class. EH-Expo Way X-10 & Intro to Extended Code! On what was to be his last day, Gus is caught asleep at the switch.
3 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A Welcome to the Class Purpose of Class --- –This class is mostly Technical (with a smattering of opinion and the ramblings of a demented mind). –The intent is to provide a basic understanding of the X-10 Basic and Extended Code protocol as well as 2-way and maybe a little bit of troubleshooting. What We Will Discuss --- –We will review X-10 Basic Code, introduce Extended code and show the evolution of X-10 devices. What You Will Gain --- –You will get practical, real-world information about PLC.
4 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A Welcome to the Class Introductions --- –Im Phil Kingery from ACT in Indianapolis. My fax is or me at Handouts ?? --- –Yes, I have a few, but dont bury you head in them. If You Want Copies --- –Sorry, this presentation is not for sale. You may video * tape or audio tape the class, for your own use, of course. * With the permission of ACT and EH-Expo, your video and/or audio tapes are for your use only, not to be duplicated, altered, edited, changed, sold or used for profit. They are not to be used in a class room environment, and of course the content will forever remain the property of me and ACT.
5 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A If You Were Wondering... How I Teach -- –I teach the same way I learn: Linearly –(...and I like audience participation, but not your cell phone.) Questions !! --- –Please hold your questions until the appropriate time (trust me, Ill let you know). Complex Examples !! --- –Time permitting, we will try to squeeze some complex questions and examples at the end. Notes !! – -- Make you notes in your handouts.
6 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A What to Expect Today..... The X-10 Protocol: Basic Code, introduction to Extended Code & an explanation of its advantages. True 2-way: An explanation of 2-way as it pertains to X-10. (If time permits) Complex Coupling & Troubleshooting: Examples of both (I hope). Your questions and situations. Introduction: What we will cover (and what we will not).
7 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A So, If you are in Home and Building Automation.... …you need to understand everything you can about how X-10 works.
8 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A 2-Way Communications !! The ability for every node to communicate with ever other node on the network? The ability for all communications to be varified with parity checks? An inherent design where all data packets are acknowledged by the intended receiver before the originator relinquishes the line and clears its own com buffer? What is...
9 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A 2-Way Communications !! The ability for... X-10 version of.. -every transmitter to also be a receiver. -every receiver to also be a transmitter? -receivers to be polled so that the transmitter (or controller) knows the state (level) of that receiver. -receivers to transmit their current state in the event of a manual change of state. So …What is the biggest selling 2-way device in the X-10 world?? The TW523 !!
10 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A Which New Stuff Does Extd and 2-Way? Coupler Repeaters
11 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A Which New Stuff Does Extd and 2-Way? X-10 Pros PHC10.. …and PHC10D
12 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A Which New Stuff Does Extd and 2-Way? The JDS StarGate
13 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A Which New Stuff Does Extd and 2-Way? 2-WAY 4-output receiver 2-WAY 4-output receiver 2-WAY 277/480v Receiver 2-WAY 277/480v Receiver 2-WAY 120v Receiver 2-WAY 120v Receiver
14 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A Which New Stuff Does Extd and 2-Way? Many new transmitters… …and many new receivers.
15 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A Easy 2-Way Examples: A01-A01, AOn-AOn ON A01-A01, AStRq-AStRq
16 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A Easy 2-Way Examples: A01-A01, AStOn-AStOn
17 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A Easy 2-Way Examples: Push Off
18 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A Easy 2-Way Examples: A01-A01, AStOff-AStOff New devices can also do: 1. Extended code direct dimming, 2. Scenes, …plus lots more. And now… A fast and furious review of X-10 Basic Code!! And now… A fast and furious review of X-10 Basic Code!!
19 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A Immediately after a Start Code, a Letter Code is sent. (4 cycles) P A = 0110 B = 1110 C = 0010 D = 1010 E = 0001 F = 1001 G = 0101 H = 1101 I = 0111 J = 1111 K= 0011 L = 1011 M = 0000 N = 1000 O = 0100 P = 1100
20 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A Letter Code...and immediately after the Letter Code comes a Number Code. (5 cycles) 1 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = By the way, 1 start code + 1 letter + 1 function = 1 frame.
21 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A An X-10 transmitter should always twice send the address data twice. An X-10 transmitter should always twice send the address data twice Number Code Start Code Letter Code Start CodeNumber Code Each eleven cycles (one start code, one letter code and one function code) is known as a frame
22 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A Then another Start Code, followed by another Letter Code P A = 0110 B = 1110 C = 0010 D = 1010 E = 0001 F = 1001 G = 0101 H = 1101 I = yeah J = yeah K= blah L = blah etc., so forth and so on... Pulse, Pulse, Pulse, Nuthin Start Code But Then....
23 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A ON Letter Code...Then comes the the Command Code. (5 cycles)...Then comes the the Command Code. (5 cycles) On = Off = All Lts On = All Units Off = Bright = Dim = and there are 9 other commands but they are either never or seldom used.
24 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A A typical Basic Code transmission takes place over a duration of 47 cycles of the AC power. A typical Basic Code transmission takes place over a duration of 47 cycles of the AC power Number CodeStart Code Letter CodeLetter Code Start CodeCommand Code Pause Each eleven cycles (one start code, one letter code and one function code) is known as a frame.
25 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A What Commands are Available? The 4 Most Often Used Commands: -- –ON OFF (pretty basic) –DIM BRIGHT (also basic stuff) The Group (or Global) Commands --- –ALL LIGHTS ON,ALL UNITS OFF – Plus the seldom used ALL LIGHTS OFF The Status Commands --- –STATUS REQUEST –STATUS ON & STATUS OFF The Hail Commands --- – HAIL REQUEST & HAIL ACK NOW!
26 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A What Commands are Available? The Extended Commands: -- –EXTENDED CODE 1 (for Data/Control) –EXTENDED CODE 2 (for Meter Read) –EXTENDED CODE 3 (for Security) The Sixteenth Command --- –Unused (at least, as far as I know) If you are wondering where the Preset Dim commands went, there are technically speaking, no longer supported.
27 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A What Commands are Available? The Extended Commands: -- –EXTENDED CODE 1 (for Data/Control) Since only Extended Code 1 is defined, (AFAIK) that is the only one we will talk about.
28 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A Binary….
29 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A = = 0 10 Binary Decimal = = 1 10 = = 2 10 = = 3 10 = = 4 10 = = 5 10 = = 6 10 = = 7 10 = = 8 10 = = 9 10 = = = = = = = = = = = = 15 10
30 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A Binary = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 0 16 = 1 16 = 2 16 = 3 16 = 4 16 = 5 16 = 6 16 = 7 16 = 8 16 = 9 16 = A 16 = B 16 = C 16 = D 16 = E 16 = F 16 to Decimalto Hexadecimal Since most programming is done is ASCII, how do you know that a character is meant to be hex? It will (often) have 0x in front of it. Therefore: 0xA = A 16 = ten (in decimal) Since most programming is done is ASCII, how do you know that a character is meant to be hex? It will (often) have 0x in front of it. Therefore: 0xA = A 16 = ten (in decimal)
31 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A So, what so great about Hexadecimal …at least, as far as X-10 notation is concerned? byte Nibble
32 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A So, what so great about Hexadecimal …at least, as far as X-10 notation is concerned? = = = = = = 9 16 A = A 16 B = B = = = = 7 16 C = C 16 D = D 16 E = E 16 F = F 16
33 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A So, what so great about Hexadecimal …at least, as far as X-10 notation is concerned?
34 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A So, what so great about Hexadecimal …at least, as far as X-10 notation is concerned? C
35 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A So, what so great about Hexadecimal …at least, as far as X-10 notation is concerned? C3
36 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A So, what so great about Hexadecimal …at least, as far as X-10 notation is concerned? C31
37 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A So, what so great about Hexadecimal …at least, as far as X-10 notation is concerned? C31 Hex notation reduces 16 numerals to only 4 characters. Before we diagram an Extended Code 1 data frame, lets review the older Basic Code data frame structure.
38 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A Standard Code vs. Extended Code One Basic Code data frame can be either an address or a command, but not both. Basic A01 AOn A01 -or- AOn One Frame of data
39 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A
40 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A
41 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A Basic Code vs. Extended Code Standard Code always takes 11 cycles of the sine wave. Extended Code 1 always takes 31 cycles of the sine wave.
42 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A vs. Extended Code Since data frames are always duplicated…. Extended code takes 62 cycles (or seconds). Standard code usually takes 47 cycles (or seconds) Basic Code
43 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A Old Codes - New Codes Ext Code 0111Ext Code Now designated as "Ext Code 1", for data and control. Preset Dim (1) 1010Preset Dim (1) Now designated as "Ext Code 3", for security messages Preset Dim (2) 1011Preset Dim (2) Now designated as "Unused" Ext Data 1100Ext Data Now designated as "Ext Code 2", for meter read and DSM.
44 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A Old Codes - New Codes Start Code Start Code = 4 bits (non-complementary), Letter Code Letter Code = 4 bits, Extended Code 1 Extended Code 1 = 5 bits (01111), Unit Code Unit Code (device code) = 4 bits, Data Data = 8 bits, Command Command = 8 bits.. AFAIK "Extended Code 1" is the only one in general use and has a defined frame length of 31 cycles (62 bits).
45 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A vs. Extended Code If these 5 bits are 01111, for Extd Code 1, then… Unit Code Data Code Command Code Unit Code Data Code Command Code Basic Code
46 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A Extended Code 1 Notation A01AOn Letter Code X10 notation Command Code X10 notation A[1]01 Number Code X10 notation FF Command Byte Hex notation Data Byte Hex notation Extd Code 1 ACT notation
47 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A Extended Code 1 Notation A[1]011C31 Address A-- X10 notation Extd Code 1 ACT notation Address -01 X10 notation Type 3 = Control Modules (Hex) Data Byte = Hex notation Dimmer =Go To value in data byte
48 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A Extended Code 1 Notation A[1]011C SC LC ExtCode1 Unit Data Byte Type Cmnd SC LC ExtCode1 Unit Data Byte Type Cmnd
49 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A Extended Code 1 Notation Data Byte (00 16 – FF 16 ) Letter Code A-P Function (Command) 15 possible and 1 unused Number (Unit) Code Type 0-15 (0 16 – F 16 ) Command 0-15 (0 16 – F 16 ) A[1]011C31
50 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A Old Codes - New Codes Extended Code 2Extended Code 2 is variable in length, depending on the type of message. It has its own separate attention marker to separate it from all other formats. Extended Code 3Extended Code 3 has been "assigned" for security but doesn't actually exist yet so its format has not yet been defined. (Refer to X-10s own XTC797 document, which can be downloaded from for more info.) AFAIK "Extended Code 1" is the only one in general use and has a defined frame length of 31 cycles (62 bits).
51 X-10 Beyond the Basics EH-Expo, S20, Cell #A Extended Code Capabilities! More Features –More Features – Having Extd Code capability allows for new products with advanced features like scenes, and direct dimming with 64 levels. More AddressesMore Addresses – Even though Extd Code does not automatically allow for more addresses, it does allow for expansion of the 256 address set. Increased ReliabilityIncreased Reliability – More polling options beyond that of std code but to take advantage of this, the new devices also need to be capable of true 2-way.