Who are we? Mission To identify sources of funds for scholarships to be used by the College of Engineering in attracting and retaining students, specifically incoming freshmen.
Where we are Last year… Identified greatest need in freshmen scholarships Collected personal contributions (board members) Developed list of measures Developed company survey Limited response in gathering data Now… Greatest need is still freshmen scholarships Need still exists for measures to track progress Need to bridge gap between A&T need to attract and industry need for top talent
Whats Next What ideas do we have to bridge the gap?
Whats Next Proposals Board companies to commit to fund 1-2 students in the HOME program from locations. If no students identified, companies provide funds to A&T for use in attracting freshmen students Board companies to contribute funds to scholarships to be used for freshmen/sophomores. Students required to fulfill internship position(s) with board companies
Whats Next Survey 1. How much support can be given directly to incoming freshmen? What constraints are given? 2. What possibilities exist to increase participation of board companies in the HOME program?
Where we go from here Understand current level of support and need (Scholarship Committee, May) Understand pathways/constraints of giving for freshmen (Board Companies, June) Develop final proposal for Board approval (Scholarship Committee, August) Put program in place for freshmen class (COE, October)
What we need from you Communicate pathways/constraints of giving for freshmen with COE (Board Companies, June) Respond to requests from Scholarship Committee and COE