Program-wide PBS in Early Childhood Settings: Working Across Systems Amy Foster Wolferman & Marcy Otten Institute for Educational Research and Service The University of Montana Tim Lewis University of Missouri
Big Ideas Program-wide vs. school-wide Primary focus at classroom level Data collection challenges Developmentally appropriate / need for direct instruction of social behavior Intensity match intensity of challenges across the continuum Apply basic logic of PBS across – Data, practices, systems
Group Contingency for Appropriate Behavior (Beehive)
WE ARE: BEING SAFE, KIND AND RESPONSIBLE WE FILLED OUR BEE HIVE TODAY! Do You Like to Buzz? (sung to the tune of ‘Do Your Ears Hang Low?’) Do you like to buzz? Are you covered in fuzz? Do you call a hive a home In the garden where you roam? Do you know how to make honey? Are your stripes a little funny? Do you like to buzz?
Demonstrate the Labeling and Expression of Emotions Model the use of emotion language through real life scenarios: “How do you feel when…?” Publicly acknowledge your own mistakes and emotions. Expect, accept, and acknowledge all emotions. Express that the issue is how we manage those feelings. Teach facial expressions and body language: “When do people smile?”
Demonstrate the Labeling and Expression of Emotions Photos of people in various emotional states. Provide storybooks on feelings. Place a mirror in the classroom. Sing songs about emotions. Make feelings collages. Label a child’s feelings, tone, and body language.
Mood Thermometer MAD!! Upset Okay Happy
Teach Friendship Building Skills Target behaviors and role-play and practice during area play. Model phrases to initiate and encourage interactions. Peer modeling, peer buddies Create opportunities for working together (e.g., plan by drawing play partners, assign clean-up buddies). Utilize activities that require turn-taking and sharing. Provide cooperative toys: puppets, 2 phones, board games). Provide storybooks on friends.
Implementing Program-wide Positive Behavioral Supports in Montana Early Childhood Montana Behavioral Initiative (EC MBI)
History of EC MBI MBI began 1995 MBI Summer Institute included early childhood strand 19__ Full EC MBI added 2005 – 6 pilot sites – 19 current sites (new and returning)
EC MBI Planning Team Core members What we do – Plan – Address sustainability – Recruit – Develop/contribute to training materials
EC MBI Team Trainings Training content and format How often Who provides training
EC MBI Site Consultation What do EC MBI Consultants provide? – Meet with teams – Provide training – Provide assessment (Pre-SET) – Provide resources – How often?
Sample Resources Matrices Lesson Plans Effective Teaching Plans Crisis Behavior Plans Reward Systems Social Stories Visual Prompts Etc…..
Assessment Tools EC MBI Pre-SET Customized SSARB SAS BOQ TIC Inventory of Practices TPOT MBI SET SSARB SAS BOQ TIC Other…..
Favorite Resources (in no particular order ) Rebecca Beckner, Ph.D. Tim Lewis, Ph.D. CSEFEL TACSEI Zero to Three
Early Childhood Organization Membership Early Childhood Partnership for Professional Development (ECPPD) Division for Early Childhood (DEC) National Association for the Education of Young Child (NAEYC)
Challenges Recruitment Too few EC MBI Consultants Keeping EC strand of summer institute fresh and new High turnover in early childhood settings Meeting needs of settings with infants/toddlers