Orientations & Beginnings EDU 6424: Ethics and Diversity in Educational Organizations Prepared by Dr. Martin Barlosky, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa EDU 6424: Ethics and Diversity in Educational Organizations 1
Prepared by Dr. Martin Barlosky, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa EDU 6424: Ethics and Diversity in Educational Organizations 2 Expanded Course Description In this course we will explore the often complex relationship between diversity in contemporary organizations, particularly those that serve educational interests, and the ethical and practical implications of pluralism – both conceptual and societal – for defining and accomplishing administrative work.
Prepared by Dr. Martin Barlosky, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa EDU 6424: Ethics and Diversity in Educational Organizations 3 Expanded Course Description Expanded Course Description (continued) In the context of the course, diversity designates a condition in which distinctive, divergent, and sometimes discordant worldviews must coexist within normative organizational structures that presume agreement on questions of purpose, process, and value.
Prepared by Dr. Martin Barlosky, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa EDU 6424: Ethics and Diversity in Educational Organizations 4 Giving important terms definition…
Prepared by Dr. Martin Barlosky, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa EDU 6424: Ethics and Diversity in Educational Organizations 5 welt·an·schau·ung welt·an·schau·ung Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural weltanschauungs or welt·an·schau·ung·en Usage: often capitalized Etymology: German, from Welt world + Anschauung view or opinion : a comprehensive conception or apprehension of the world especially from a specific standpoint
Prepared by Dr. Martin Barlosky, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa EDU 6424: Ethics and Diversity in Educational Organizations 6 eth·ic(s) eth·ic(s) Function: noun 1 : the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation 2 a : a set of moral principles or values b : a theory or system of moral values c : the principles of conduct governing an individual or a group d : a guiding philosophy
Prepared by Dr. Martin Barlosky, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa EDU 6424: Ethics and Diversity in Educational Organizations 7 mor·al Function: adjective 1 a : of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior : ETHICAL b : expressing or teaching a conception of right behavior c : conforming to a standard of right behavior d : sanctioned by or operative on one's conscience or ethical judgment e : capable of right and wrong action
Prepared by Dr. Martin Barlosky, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa EDU 6424: Ethics and Diversity in Educational Organizations 8 di·ver·si·ty di·ver·si·ty Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural -ties 1 : the condition of being diverse : VARIETY 2 : an instance of being diverse
Prepared by Dr. Martin Barlosky, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa EDU 6424: Ethics and Diversity in Educational Organizations 9 dif·fer·ence dif·fer·ence Function: noun 1 a : the quality or state of being different b : an instance of differing in nature, form, or quality c archaic : a characteristic that distinguishes one from another or from the average d : the element or factor that separates or distinguishes contrasting situations 2 : distinction or discrimination in preference 3 a : disagreement in opinion : DISSENSION b : an instance or cause of disagreement
Prepared by Dr. Martin Barlosky, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa EDU 6424: Ethics and Diversity in Educational Organizations 10 or·ga·ni·za·tion or·ga·ni·za·tion Function: noun 1 a : the act or process of organizing or of being organized b : the condition or manner of being organized 2 a : ASSOCIATION, SOCIETY b : an administrative and functional structure (as a business or a political party); also : the personnel of such a structure
Prepared by Dr. Martin Barlosky, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa EDU 6424: Ethics and Diversity in Educational Organizations 11 ed·u·ca·tion ed·u·ca·tion Function: noun 1 a : the action or process of educating or of being educated; also : a stage of such a process b : the knowledge and development resulting from an educational process 2 : the field of study that deals mainly with methods of teaching and learning in schools - ed·u·ca·tion·al adjective - ed·u·ca·tion·al·ly adverb
Education and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave education = ex + ducere to lead out of... Prepared by Dr. Martin Barlosky, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa EDU 6424: Ethics and Diversity in Educational Organizations 12 outlead from: webenhanced.lbcc.edu/philml/phil6ml/intro.html
Prepared by Dr. Martin Barlosky, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa EDU 6424: Ethics and Diversity in Educational Organizations 13 The Getzels-Guba diagram Nomothetic Dimension institution role role expectation social observed system behaviours individual personality needs/dispositions Idiographic Dimension (but a diagram of what?)
Prepared by Dr. Martin Barlosky, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa EDU 6424: Ethics and Diversity in Educational Organizations 14 “Nomothetic”Nomos (Law; collective good) Idiotes(individual/private)“Idiographic”
Prepared by Dr. Martin Barlosky, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa EDU 6424: Ethics and Diversity in Educational Organizations 15 Nomothetic Nomos Idiotes Idiographic
Prepared by Dr. Martin Barlosky, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa EDU 6424: Ethics and Diversity in Educational Organizations 16 The provincial normal school; a place for the training of teachers.
Prepared by Dr. Martin Barlosky, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa EDU 6424: Ethics and Diversity in Educational Organizations 17 Q. Getzels & Guba: A diagram of what? A. Organizations.
Prepared by Dr. Martin Barlosky, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa EDU 6424: Ethics and Diversity in Educational Organizations 18 the “ION” theory a modest contribution to knowledge: the “ION” theory Organization IN I N O Idiographic In Nomothetic Out