Dakota Payne Mr.Shepards first block El Niño is the warming of water in the Pacific OceanEl Niño is the warming of water in the Pacific Ocean La Niña is the cooling of water in the Pacific OceanLa Niña is the cooling of water in the Pacific Ocean
El Nino La Nina Time Warner Cable Inc.
El Nino weather Rain and flooding along the Pacific coast Warm water disrupts food chain of fish,birds,and sea mammals Tornadoes and thunderstorms in southern US Fewer than normal hurricanes in the Atlantic
Picture of El Niño antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/.../elnino_topex_big.gif
La Nina Weather La Nina means little girl in Spanish Cooler than normal water in the pacific Ocean
El Nino weather El Nino means Christ child in Spanish And what Peruvian fisherman call the particular bad fishing period Cause heavy rain and droughts Mostly happens in December but can happen at any time
La Nina weather La Nina only happens every 3-5 years Last about 9-12 months Mostly happen from spring to spring but can happen at any time
El Nino it killed 2,100 people IN caused 23,000 deaths and up to 32 billion dollars in damage
La Nina Cause forest fires, and cause more hurricane activate Last 6-9 months So it is kind of dangerous to people
El Nino Property damage caused 33 billion dollars in damage So El Nino can be dangerous to property and people
La Nina property damage The 1998 hurricane season was caused by La Nina Which was the most deadliest and damaging hurricane season on record
El Nino damage p A%2F%2Fwww.ecn.ac.uk%2FEducation%2F_106098_el_nino_tornado_damage_florida_300.jpghttp://wzus1.ask.com/r?t=a&d=us&s=a&c=p&ti=1&ai=30752&l=dir&o=0&sv=0a5c423b&ip=981a0a9d&u=http%3 A%2F%2Fwww.ecn.ac.uk%2FEducation%2F_106098_el_nino_tornado_damage_florida_300.jpg 10/21/09
La Nina damage copyright ABAG /21/09