Berlin Innovation Panel: Status: June 2014 Prof. Dr. Knut Blind, Stefan Keitel M.A. Technische Universität Berlin, Chair of Innovation Economics
Berlin Innovation Panel Motivation Chair for Innovation Economics at TU Berlin Berlin as dynamic and attractive metropolitan cluster Establishing a metropolitan benchmark for comparison to nationwide/European innovation activities and success Long-term panel to analyze innovation in metropolitan cluster of Berlin Based on the Community Innovation Survey (CIS) conducted by the Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW) and funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Berlin Innovation Panel | Prof. Dr. Knut Blind Seite 2
Berlin Innovation Panel Methodology Same methodological approach as CIS All industry or knowledge-intensive services companies in Berlin with 5 or more employees where sent the questionnaire (2012: 5,031 / 2013: 5,360) Completed questionnaires from 822 (2012) and 880 (2013) companies Partial information from 905 (2012) and 1,105 (2013) companies through a non-response analysis via telephone Differentiated in 15 industry sectors and 6 classes by number of employees Seite 3 Berlin Innovation Panel | Prof. Dr. Knut Blind
Berlin Innovation Panel Innovation activities in Berlin, other Metropolitan Areas and Germany Seite 4 All values are extrapolated for the total population of companies with 5 employees and more in the processing trade, utilities and waste disposal and knowledge intensive services. Source: ZEW: Innovation survey Berlin 2012, Annual Germany Innovation Survey – Calculations by ZEW. Berlin Innovation Panel | Prof. Dr. Knut Blind
Berlin Innovation Panel Innovation activities in Berlin, other Metropolitan Areas and Germany, in reporting years 2012 and 2013 Seite 5 All values are extrapolated for the total population of companies with 5 employees and more in the processing trade, utilities and waste disposal and knowledge intensive services. Source: ZEW: Innovation survey Berlin 2012, Annual Germany Innovation Survey – Calculations by ZEW. Berlin Innovation Panel | Prof. Dr. Knut Blind
Berlin Innovation Panel Distribution of innovation expenditures by company size in Berlin, other Metropolitan Areas and Germany in Seite 6 All values are extrapolated for the total population of companies with 5 employees and more in the processing trade, utilities and waste disposal and knowledge intensive services. Source: ZEW: Innovation survey Berlin 2012, Annual Germany Innovation Survey – Calculations by ZEW. Berlin Innovation Panel | Prof. Dr. Knut Blind
Berlin Innovation Panel Seite 7 Innovation activity in Berlin, other Metropolitan Areas and Germany , by company size Seite 7 All values are extrapolated for the total population of companies with 5 employees and more in the processing trade, utilities and waste disposal and knowledge intensive services. Source: ZEW: Innovation survey Berlin 2012, Annual Germany Innovation Survey – Calculations by ZEW. Berlin Innovation Panel | Prof. Dr. Knut Blind
Berlin Innovation Panel Innovation activity in Berlin, other Metropolitan Areas and Germany , by industry Seite 8 All values are extrapolated for the total population of companies with 5 employees and more in the processing trade, utilities and waste disposal and knowledge intensive services. Source: ZEW: Innovation survey Berlin 2012, Annual Germany Innovation Survey – Calculations by ZEW. Berlin Innovation Panel | Prof. Dr. Knut Blind
Berlin Innovation Panel Cooperation partners of companies with innovation cooperation in Berlin, Other Metropolitan Areas and Germany Seite 9 All values are extrapolated for the total population of companies with 5 employees and more in the processing trade, utilities and waste disposal and knowledge intensive services. Source: ZEW: Innovation survey Berlin 2012, Annual Germany Innovation Survey – Calculations by ZEW. Berlin Innovation Panel | Prof. Dr. Knut Blind
Berlin Innovation Panel Outlook Objective: Setting up the Berlin Innovation Panel as long-term project benefitting research (data base for students, PhDs and PostDocs) policy makers (basis for developing and improving innovation policies and benchmarking) industry (empirical evidence for investment decision) Outlook: Expansion of Benchmarking to other European Capitals, e.g. London, Paris, Madrid, capitals in other continents and further areas, like innovation in the public sector Challenge: securing the long-term funding! Seite 10 Berlin Innovation Panel | Prof. Dr. Knut Blind
Berlin Innovation Panel Definitions Seite 11 Product innovation: The introduction of a good or service that is new or significantly improved with respect to its characteristics or intended uses. This includes significant improvements in technical specifications, components and materials, incorporated software, user friendliness or other functional characteristics (OECD-Eurostat, 2005). Process innovation: The implementation of a new or significantly improved production or delivery method. This includes significant changes in techniques, equipment and/or software (OECD-Eurostat, 2005). Innovation intensity: Innovation expenditures* as share of total revenue Innovator rate: Share of companies implementing new products or process *Including internal and external R&D, innovation related investments in machinery, facilities, software and external knowledge (e.g. patents) as well as miscellaneous expenditures (e.g. conceptual work, product deign, preparation of production and distribution/marketing, professional training for innovations and market launch of innovations) Berlin Innovation Panel | Prof. Dr. Knut Blind