Developing a Model Hispanic Employment Program Ismael Martinez Chairman, National Council of Hispanic Employment Program Managers
NCHEPM Mission 1. Promote public service as a professional career for the Hispanic community; 2. Network and share information and resources with agencies, HEPMs, and other associates to increase collaborative efforts; 3. Create and administer public and private partnerships that promotes Hispanic employment 4. Serve as a principal advisory body and partners to senior government officials on Hispanic employment matters; and 5. Assist with the Federal employment process relating to the outreach, recruitment, employee development/ advancement, and retention of Hispanics.
Authorities Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Section 717) Executive Order 11478 (August 1969) – EEO in Federal Government OPM’s Hispanic Initiative: Nine Point Plan (September 1997) 29 C.F.R. Part 1614.102 (July 1999) Executive Order 13171 (October 2000) – Hispanic Employment in the Federal Government Management Directive (MD) 715 (October 2003)
Hispanic Employment Program Executive Order (EO) 13171, requires Federal agencies to improve the representation of Hispanics in Federal employment consistent with the merit system principles and the application of appropriate veterans’ preference criteria to achieve a workforce drawn from all segments of society. In addition, the EO provides that agencies shall establish and maintain a program for the recruitment and career development of Hispanics in the Federal workforce.
Hispanics in the U.S. In 2010, Hispanics account for 50.5 million (or 16.7%) of the U.S. population. This means that one (1) of six (6) Americans are Hispanic; The Hispanic population increased by 43% from 2000 to 2010, making Hispanics the largest minority group in the nation; At this rate, the U.S. Census Bureau projects that the Hispanic population will have increased to 132.8 million or 30% of the nation’s population by July 2050; There are 3.6 million Hispanics over the age of 25 who holds at least a bachelor’s degree and 1.1 million holds advance degrees (e.g., master’s, professional, doctorate); and There are 1.2 million Hispanics 18 years or older who are veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces. Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Hispanics in the Federal Government As of September 2011, Hispanic employment represented 8.1% of the permanent Federal workforce as compared to 9.7% of the 2010 Civilian Labor Force (not including Hispanics in Puerto Rico); Hispanic employment in professional occupations increased slightly from 3.5% in FY 2011 to 3.6% in FY 2012; Hispanic employment in administrative occupations increased slightly from 4.2% in FY 2011 to 4.3% in FY 2012, and; Hispanics employment for Senior Executive Service increased from 2.7% in FY 2011 to 5.4% in 2012. Source: 11th Annual Report to the President on Hispanic Employment in the Federal Gov’t
Model Hispanic Employment Program
Key Program Components Outreach Recruitment Hiring Employee Development & Advancement Retention Effectively Impacting the Employment Cycle
Outreach Strategies Review outreach policies, practices, and procedures; Establish relationships with local and state colleges and universities; Establish relationships with local and national affinity groups such as NCHEPM, LULAC, HACU, NCLR, National Image, Great Minds in STEM, SHPE, MAES, NOMAR, SACNAS, and others; Establish relationships with local media outlets (e.g., newspapers, magazines, radio stations); Become a resource to your local HR/recruitment offices; Become a resource to your local and regional management officials/hiring officials; Participate on national diversity conferences; and Maintain partnerships with internal program offices.
Recruitment Strategies Review recruitment policies, practices, and procedures; Understand agency recruitment process; Establish partnership and assist local HR/recruitment office with targeted efforts; Identify projected vacancies at different levels of the Agency (HR); Promote student educational employment program opportunities (e.g., Student Pathways Programs– Internship Programs, Resent Graduates Program, and Presidential Management Fellows Program, etc.); and Work with different networks to reach targeted audiences (e.g., job fairs, professional and veteran organizations, colleges and universities, etc.).
Hiring Strategies Review hiring policies, practices, and procedures; Understand agency hiring process; Influence and/or participate in the onboarding process. Become familiar with your Agency’s Disability, Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plans; Promote the utilization of special hiring authorities (e.g., Schedule A, Veteran’s Preference, etc.); Understand and promote the educational employment programs (e.g., Student Pathways Programs including – Internship Programs, Resent Graduates Program, Presidential Management Fellows Program, etc.); and Consult and educate selecting officials on the various hiring options.
Employee Development and Advancement Become knowledgeable with your Agency's leadership development programs; Promote diverse participation into leadership and career development programs; Participate in workshops offering individual development training; Understand and promote effective individual development plans; and Promote employee developmental and networking opportunities (e.g., details, reassignments, high profile projects, formal or informal mentorship opportunities etc.). 12
Retention Encourage employees to apply for vacancy announcements of increase responsibility and with promotion opportunity; Understand your organization’s award and recognition program and process; Understand and promote your organization’s work life programs; and Review exit interview process and questionnaire responses (HR). 13
Barriers to Effective Programs Lack of Policy Enforcement Lack of Accountability Lack of Resources Lack of Training Lack of Marketing
Tips for Overcoming Barriers Get Managements Buy-In Get Trained Develop Internal/External Networks Develop an Action/Work Plan Keep Management Informed of Progress Help Promote Employment and Advancement Opportunities using various channels of communication
Suggested Training for SEPMs Special Emphasis Program Management Course; Roles and Responsibilities of the EEO Advisory Committee; Labor and Employee Relations; Program Analysis; Project Management; MD 715; and Other EEO and Diversity related courses. 16
Contact Information For additional information on the National Council of Hispanic Employment Program Managers, you may go to: You are also encouraged to become a member by completing the membership form found at: 17