Campus Emergency Preparedness: Planning in the Post 9/11 World Larry Gibbs Associate Vice Provost Stanford University Stanford SOC Workshop April 17, 2003
SOC WORKSHOP AGENDA Emergency Preparedness Planning at Stanford Updated SOC Guidelines SOC Building Assignments and Inspection Procedures Public Safety Preparedness Announcements – Susie Claxton
EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS: PRE – 9/11 Fire Flood Major power outage Bomb threat Hazardous materials release, and -
$300M to date for EQ repairs and seismic retrofits Other Program Improvements Established on-call team of 25 engineering firms for post-quake response Trained ~400 SU staff to make preliminary assessments of building exteriors (BATs-Building Assessment Teams) Completed University power audit & utilities improvements Improved campus emergency communication systems Revised SU’s preparedness plans to engage the entire campus ACTIONS AFTER LOMA PRIETA
REVISED CAMPUS EMERGENCY PLANS (1997) Senior management direction A “Steering Committee” provides ongoing planning oversight Enterprise-wide preparedness expected as part of normal program & business planning New Emergency Operations Center (EOC) A central EOC was developed at the Faculty Club, with a disaster management team from University senior leadership Created “Satellite Operations Centers (SOCs)” Schools & key departments have specific responsibilities before, during, and after an emergency incident Ongoing training & annual exercises keep us ready Practice critical EOC/SOC roles & interdependencies Developed “generic” plans that apply to any emergency Level 1(minor incident), 2(major emergency), 3(disaster)
EMERGENCY PLANNING: Beyond Earthquakes Emergency Plan needs flexibility to allow response to a variety of emergency situations – not just earthquakes/natural disasters Post 9/11 concerns Intentional/malicious acts Terrorism Bomb threats Hazardous materials threats Protester and political targets Recent SARS concerns and related issues
EMERGENCY PLAN FUNDAMENTALS Emergency preparedness is an integral part of business and operational planning throughout all University units All SU emergency plans should address issues of “preparedness, response & recovery” Plans are generic or “all hazard” Response is calibrated to 3 “emergency levels” Emergency Plan Goals: Protect life safety Secure critical infrastructure and facilities Resume teaching and research programs
Campus Emergency Plan: EMERGENCY RESPONSE PRIORITIES Buildings used by dependant populations residences, occupied classrooms and offices, childcare centers, occupied auditoriums, arenas and special event venues Buildings critical to health and safety medical facilities, police/fire buildings, emergency shelters, food supplies, sites containing potential hazards Facilities that sustain the emergency response Classroom and research buildings (unoccupied) Administrative buildings (unoccupied)
3 “Emergency Levels” 1 Minor Incident (resolved with internal resources, no program disruption) 2 Major Emergency (Impacts sizable area, life safety or critical functions) EOC Operational Directors “Mini EOC”=Situation Triage and Assessment Team (STAT) Affected SOCs and Departments Possible involvement of local or county agencies 3 Disaster (involves entire campus and community) University EOC, all 26 SOCs, all Departments Coordination with local, county, state, federal agencies
Level 1: MINOR INCIDENTS Incidents and accidents that occur periodically as a result of normal operations Managed by one or two of the regular service units. Examples include: Minor flooding of room (plumbing leak, etc.) Contained hazardous materials spill Public safety/security calls
Level 2 Emergencies Incident with potential for significant impact to portion of the campus or community Has multi-department response needs (public safety, EH&S, Facilities Operations; fire department, etc.) Has internal and external communication needs Does not require activation of EOC Examples: Major hazardous materials incident (toxic gas release with fire department involvement) Electrical outage affecting portions of campus Major Fire in building(s) Public Safety threats Bio-terrorism threat Bomb threat
Incident Commander EH&S Facilities Public Safety Communications News Service/ PIO Medical CP&M Additional Specialists/ units, as needed Strategic Triage and Assessment Team (STAT) evaluate, manage and resolve mid-level emergencies STAT Incident Commander may be any one of the STAT unit leaders, depending upon the nature of the incident. In all emergency events, STAT works closely with Fire Department Command, when on scene
Level 3: DISASTERS Occurrences that activate the Emergency Operations Center-EOC (e.g., earthquake) The EOC coordinates the campus response to major incidents, including: determine the scope and impact of the incident prioritize emergency actions deploy and coordinate resources and equipment communicate critical information and instructions monitor and re-evaluate conditions coordinate with government agencies
EOC MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION The Plan identifies a management structure for coordinating and deploying resources EMT: Emergency Management Team EOC: Emergency Operation Center SOCs: Satellite Operation Centers
26 SOCs 9 Operational Service/Technical Departments 14 Academic/Administrative Headquarters 3 SU Auxiliaries
Cabinet Emergency Planning Guidelines SATELLITE OPERATIONS CENTER (SOC) RESPONSIBILITIES-Before an Emergency Organize an effective SOC headquarters to provide emergency operations leadership locally and coordination with EOC Staff the SOC with appropriate personnel – senior management, business managers, etc. Oversee development of an effective hazard mitigation and emergency preparedness program for all units Develop communications strategies to ensure unit will be able to report to EOC and to departments (may need alternates if loss of power) Ensure that SOC personnel participate in annual Emergency Management Exercise. Conduct local practices as necessary Establish specific business resumption plans before an emergency occurs Assign key roles, responsibility and authority for program recovery decision- making Identify critical processes based on mission and business function of the unit Some SOCs need further development
SATELLITE OPERATIONS CENTER (SOC) RESPONSIBILITIES-After an Incident Alert affected personnel and activate the SOC Check in with EOC ASAP after a disaster (even if to say all is ok!) Continue to communicate with EOC and all constituent departments/students/employees throughout the emergency (establish and use hotlines, e.g.) Coordinate shared resources with the University EOC After the immediate emergency subsides (recovery/resumption) Document impacts on constituents (personnel, space, equipment, etc.) Determine resources needed to restart mission critical programs Coordinate recovery and staging of repairs with service departments dispatched from the EOC Collect documentation about costs due to emergency, communicate data to University.
New Cabinet Planning Guidelines Additions – focus on program resumption planning and identifying key personnel Use as a basic template Revise plans by end of spring quarter (June 15 th ) SOC plans will be reviewed over summer University-wide exercise on Wednesday, November 12, 2003 (all SOCs are expected to participate)
BUILDING ASSESSMENT TEAM ~400 Building Assessment Team (BAT) volunteers -- from SOCs to review their area’s buildings immediately BATs have limited, but critical, roles Observe building exteriors (ONLY), looking for 7 specific severe conditions Immediately post Temporary signage, until proper engineering evaluation is possible BATs send reports to their SOC & the EOC to help the EOC prioritize assignments for structural engineers BATs receive modified ATC-20 training every April