A Forever Unfinished Framework for Power and Change Valerie Miller JASS: Just Associates
Intention: To build and review a framework on major power and social change dynamics affecting our work as feminists
Caution: The problems and promise of frameworks and power point
Origins: Pioneering feminist research of the 1980s (Women, Law and Development – Margaret Schuler, et.al.) Philippine Case Studies on advocacy coalitions, IDR –1990s Just Associates: Advocacy work with women’s organizations, Petateras and Wings of the Butterfly –2000s
Elements of Framework: Basic forces of power that shape history and context of our lives and work All overlapping and interacting An ever-changing swirl and spiral
Patriarchy: Overarching System of Power Norms, mindsets, structures, behaviors, relationships that justify inequalities and domination -- specifically: male superiority and control female inferiority and subordination
Affect each of us as individuals in our different relationships with: Ourselves Family Community Society World Planet/Nature Individuals and Relationships: Heart and soul of change process
Other Forces Shaping Our Context and Our lives Government/State Sector Business/Economic Sector Civil Society Culture
Government/State Sector Structures and officials: Presidency, Ministries, Legislative, Judiciary, Military/Police Instruments: Laws, policies, budgets, etc. Processes: Decision-making, implementing etc.
Business/Economic Sector Transnational corporations National businesses Others such as cooperatives, etc
Civil Society: Non-profit organizations and leadership Social Movements Alliances and coalitions NGOs, unions, community groups, etc.
Culture: Socio-political norms, values, customs, practices Religion/religious leaders Clan/customary beliefs/ leaders Media, etc.
Others: Drug Lords War Lords Guerrilla forces
Dynamics of Power and Context Our constant interaction: Shaping and Being Shaped Working to change these arenas of power, Pushing boundaries, crossing the lines of patriarchy Weaving a new paradigm of power -- Grounded in ecofeminist values and ethics of solidarity, respect, equality, caring, stewardship
Framework is fluid and changes according to context Size and influence of the sectors shift depending on the particular circumstances and history of a society
Key Lesson: To ensure long-term success, need to promote change in all arenas of power, but each moment requires a different analysis and different emphasis; some arenas may get more attention in certain moments; others less; the mix is important.
Implications for Planning and Evaluation What kind of changes do you hope to promote? What kind of strategies are needed to promote them?
Individual Strateges and changes that enhance: Living conditions and life opportunities Personal awareness and attitudes based on ecofeminist ethics/analysis Egalitarian relationships ‘Agency’ – a willingness to take action
Civil Society Strategies and changes that enhance: Shared, dynamic leadership based on ecofeminist principles Informed, empowered, active members and participants Strong organizations and movements committed to feminist ethics and action
Culture Strategies and changes that enhance: Values, norms, customs, ideas, practices and behaviors grounded in ecofeminist worldview and ethics of cooperation, collaboration, tolerance, reciprocity, equality, dignity, etc.
Government/State Strategies and changes that protect and promote: Ecofeminist perspectives and women’s rights through fairer: Laws, policies, budgets, programs, etc. Decision-making processes and feminist elected officials
Market/Economic Sector Strategies and changes that promote: Ecofeminist principles and women’s rights through new practices, policies, programs, etc.
Some Conclusions for Planning and Evaluation : Clarify, test and deepen your assumptions about power and change in light of your ecofeminist values and analysis Design your strategies based on your deeper vision and analysis When evaluating change, update your contextual analysis to better assess impacts Always integrate planning with evaluation, intentions with impact and change Develop your own bibliography