Fei Fangv Ziouv Nyei Waac


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Presentation transcript:

Fei Fangv Ziouv Nyei Waac SINGX-NZUNG 119:9-16

Singx Nzung 119:9-16 9. Mienh lunx dorn oix zuqc hnangv haaix nor goux duqv ninh ganh nyei jauv cing-nzengc? Se oix zuqc ei jienv meih nyei waac. 10 Yie longc nzengc hnyouv lorz meih.Tov bun yie maiv dungx leih nqoi meih hatc nyei waac. 11 Yie siou meih nyei waac yiem yie nyei hnyouv, weic bun yie maiv baamz zuiz dorngc meih. 12 O Ziouv aac, yie ceng meih.Tov njaaux meih nyei leiz-nyeic yie. 13 Yie oix longc yie nyei nzuih meix zunh meih nyei nzuih gorngv nyei yietc zungv waac. 14 Yie a'hneiv meih gorngv nyei waac ndongc a'hneiv yietc zungv zinh zoih. 15 Yie oix fei-fangv meih hatc nyei waac yaac mangc dingc meih nyei jauv-louc. 16 Yie a'hneiv meih nyei leiz-nyeic, yie maiv haih la'kuqv meih nyei waac. Gan Ziouv nyei Leiz Duqv Orn-Lorqc

Fei-fangv ziouv nyei waac dorh yangh cing-nzengc nyei jauv PURE: Maiv zuqc zuiz gunv (v.9) Not SINLESS, but SIN LESS and LESS and LESS. Funx ganh hnangv daic mi’aqv yiem zuiz, zuiz maiv gunv(Rom. 6:11) Maiv dungx bun sin zangc haaix nyungc zoux zuiz…(Rom. 6:13-14)

The Way to a Pure Life Oix zuqc ei jienv meih nyei waac (v.9) Longc nzengc hnyouv lorz meih. (10) “Seek and you shall fine.” Matt. 7:7 Maiv dungx leih nqoi meih hatc nyei waac (v.10)

II. Fei Fangv Ziouv nyei waac Dorh Yangh orn Lorqc nyei jauv Hiuv Ziouv nyei waac Yie siou meih nyei waac yiem yie nyei hnyouv, weic bun yie maiv baamz zuiz dorngc meih. (v.11) A’hneiv Ziouv nyei Waac caux Zunh Ziouv gorngv nyei yietc zungv (v. 12-14) Ziouv aac, yie ceng meih.Tov njaaux meih nyei leiz-nyeic yie

III. Fei-fangv Ziouv nyei waac dorh yangh ziepc zuoqc nyei maengc Ziepc zuoqc yiem hnamv nyei sic. “Yie oix fei fangv meih hatc nyei waac” (v.15) Ziepc zuoqc yiem hnyouv “Yie a’hneiv meih nyei leiz-nyeiz” (v.16) Ziepc zuoqc bun taux Ziouv nyei Waac. “Yie maiv la’kuqv Meih nyei Waac.” (v.16) Jesus said, “Where your TREASURE is, there your HEART will be also. (Matt. 6:21)