E-Z Data Confidential SmartOffice 6 Mini Series: Wish List Session II Welcome! This Webinar will be 30 – 60 minutes in length. Please dial into: (712) Code = SmartOffice 2008 BGA Webinar Series
E-Z Data Confidential Agenda AGENDA January 1, 2014 TopicTime Welcome and Introductory Content John McFadden General Manager, BGA Services Meg Rose, FLMI, ACS Business Relationship Manager, BGA Division 2 minutes Wish List Items in Review Sherri Isaacson Product Manager E-Z Data Confidential
Wish List Definitions 1. Essential A show stopper. Should already be in SmartOffice. Will change the way I do business or use SmartOffice. Will offer a great, immediate impact on my or my staffs productivity. 2. High Impact Will be a great improvement or change to the system. Will improve my or my staffs productivity. 3. Valuable A good change or improvement, I use this feature but not often. This change could improve my use of the system 4. Interesting Never thought about it, but a good idea. 5. Low Impact Would be nice but will not impact my business that much. Take it or leave it. 6. Not Applicable Does not apply to my business or the way I use SmartOffice
E-Z Data Confidential Look forward to seeing you in Dallas! Suggestions or follow-up questions? Meg Rose, Business Relationship Manager, BGA Division phone: x Thank you for your time and your business.