Department of Navy Employee Benefits Information System (EBIS) Existing (Returning User) Enter your SSN in the Username field. Enter your 6-digit PIN in the Password field. Click on Login.
Department of Navy Employee Benefits Information System (EBIS) Existing (Returning User) 2) You will be prompted to enter a Username (9 numbers, letters, and special characters only). Do not use your SSN. 3) You must then enter a “strong” Password. (The enclosed caption below the password field details the password criteria). 4) If a Username already exists (or if you enter your SSN), you will be directed to change it. 5) Click Set Password.
Department of Navy Employee Benefits Information System (EBIS) Existing (Returning User) Click Continue.
Department of Navy Employee Benefits Information System (EBIS) Existing (Returning User) Enter your new Username and Password and click Login.
Department of Navy Employee Benefits Information System (EBIS) You will then be logged in to EBIS where you can view information and conduct transactions by clicking on the appropriate buttons. A description of the EBIS buttons is provided below. Note: If you are a Mariner, you can only use EBIS to process transactions for health insurance, life insurance and Thrift Savings Plan. Because there is no payroll interface, information in the other modules (My Benefits, Calculators, etc.) is not accurately reflected. View a comprehensive personal statement of benefits. Use a variety of retirement and TSP calculators. View current coverage and/or make changes to TSP, FEHB, or FEGLI benefits. Fill and/or print benefits related forms. Personalize your information that is used in EBIS. View information about Federal employee benefits.
Department of Navy Employee Benefits Information System (EBIS) Now You’re Ready to Access EBIS – If you need additional assistance, please contact The Benefits Line.