1.06 Understand the fundamentals of wellness Risk factors that affect wellness
Risk factors that affect wellness 1) Self destructive behavior Drug, alcohol, and tobacco abuse Irresponsible sexual behavior Physical inactivity Unhealthy eating habits 1.06 Understand the fundamentals of wellness
Risk factors that affect wellness 2) Environment Exposure to lead Exposure to carcinogens Sanitation 1.06 Understand the fundamentals of wellness
Risk factors that affect wellness 3) Genetics Birth defects Family history 1.06 Understand the fundamentals of wellness
Risk factors that affect wellness _Self destructive _behavior _ _ _ _ Environment _Genetics_ _ _ Effects on Wellness _Drug,________ alcohol, and____ tobacco abuse__ _birth defects__________ _______________________ _family history__________ Exposure to lead, and___ carcinogens___________ Sanitation_______________ 1.06 Understand the fundamentals of wellness