Belgian Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain Executive Summary AR MANCP (November 2011) Belgium 1
Belgian Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain Belgian context High degree of centralization of competences (Reg. (EC) No 882/2004) on federal level –FASFC (Food Safety Agency): approx. 95% control policy/controls –Other 5%: organic production: regions labels (PDO, PGI, TSG): regions / FPS Economy … Core process Food Safety Agency 2
Belgian Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain Belgian context High degree of centralization of competences (Reg. (EC) No 882/2004) on federal level –FASFC (Food Safety Agency): approx. 95% control policy/controls (but it covers the entire food chain!) –Other 5%: organic production: regions labels (PDO, PGI, TSG): regions / FPS Economy … Core process Food Safety Agency 3
Belgian Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain Core process Food Safety Agency core process supported by integrated IT spine experts who program = experts who report 4
Belgian Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain Annual reporting already in place Dutch, FrenchDutch, French, German, English Activity Report °2000 (full report) Facts & Figures °2006 (Executive Summary Activity Report) 5
Belgian Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain AR FASFC = basis AR MANCP Dutch, FrenchDutch, French, German, English 6 Activity Report °2000 (full report) Facts & Figures °2006 (Executive Summary Activity Report)
Belgian Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain F&F FASFC = basis Ex. S. AR MANCP Dutch, FrenchDutch, French, German, English 7 Facts & Figures °2006 (Executive Summary Activity Report) Activity Report °2000 (full report)
Belgian Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain Facts & Figures (2010) Key information on activities / special events –Belgian Presidency of the EU –Consumer & business operator satisfaction polls –Presentation of Food Safety Barometer –Hosting international delegations / bilateral agreements –… Other key information –Resources –Control results (high level + specific topics) –Enforcement measures / follow-up of non-compliances –Incidents / crisis –Fighting fraud –NAS –Strategic/operational objectives –… 8
Belgian Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain Executive Summary AR MANCP Basis: Facts & Figures (+ Activity Report) Information controls other CA Table of concordance (Annex Comm. Dec. 2008/654/EC) 9
Belgian Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain Some suggestions for reporting activities General: –use of common databases (input – data extraction) –experts who program = experts who report (P-D-C-A) –(formal) agreement(s) with other CA Specific (in absence of general template) –database standard queries for data extraction output of query = template –controls organic production: use of (ancient) template (supervision report to DG AGRI, Art. 15 Reg. 2092/91) 10
Belgian Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain 11 Thank you for your attention More information: Website Food Safety Agency: MANCP, Activity Reports and Facts&Figures FASFC: / /