1 Improving Services and Performance Toolkit for Effective Front-line Services to Youth Module Five: Follow-Up
2 Module Five Objectives To help case managers understand the role of follow-up as part of the case management continuum To recognize follow-up as critical to meeting WIA performance goals To provide effective practices through practical follow-up activities
3 Purpose To help each young person to: - work steadily and advance to better jobs -attend educational or training classes regularly - to continue to grow, mature, and acquire adult competencies (SCANS) - to support employers’/educators’ needs
4 Types and Terms Two types of follow-up: - for reporting and tracking purposes to measure WIA performance goals - services and activities after placement Terms: - Follow-up Services - Retention - Advancement - Contact
5 Principles and Effective Practices Maintain a close mentoring relationship after placement Set high post-placement expectations and maintain support Develop engaging follow-up activities (see Guide) Develop a schedule for frequent, systematic contact
6 Meeting Total Needs Case managers should pay attention to the whole person during follow-up services The network of services needed might include: medical housing transportation childcare workplace tools or clothing other special needs
7 Non-Intrusive Contact with Employers and School Staff Follow-up retention services must be incorporated into the rhythm of the youth’s work or school day and avoid disruption and exposure as a service recipient
8 Access to Better Jobs, Additional Education, and Continuing Youth Development Better Jobs – make sure a career ladder exists – assist youth in accessing Additional Education – emphasize life- long learning Continuing Youth Development – continue to assess for maturity and address any necessary areas
9 Rapid Re-Employment Assistance If job loss occurs, helps the young person understand and address the reasons and move on to another job If a lay off or dismissal seems likely, help the young person improve performance of find another job before losing the current one
10 Additional Follow-up Best Practices When resources permit, consider: Financial and non-financial incentives Emergency financial assistance Volunteer mentors at the job sites Food Money management skill development Obtaining additional contacts for each young person during orientation Teaming of staff Driver education and licensing fees Benchmarks for successes Celebrations