COACHES MEETING Boston College Compliance Office February 3, 2009
TODAYS TOPICS New Legislation Camp/Clinic Interpretation NCAA Eligibility Center Academics Initial Eligibility Standards Core Course Time Limitation Early Academic Certification Interpretation Amateurism
NEW LEGISLATION Recruiting Materials – Posted to Institutions Website – Other Recruiting Materials. An institution may post recruiting materials not listed in Bylaw on its website. General information (e.g.. Schedule) may be sent to a prospect via electronic mail as an attachment or a hyperlink or such information may be printed on plain white paper with black ink and provided to a prospect as an attachment to general correspondence, via facsimile or during any permissible on- or off-campus contact. Effective Immediately
CAMP/CLINIC INTERPRETATION Title: Advertising an Institutional Camp or Clinic Date Published: Jan. 15, 2009 Type: Official Interpretation Item Ref: 2-a The Legislative Council determined that an institution may advertise or promote an institutional camp or clinic in any way, provided any camp or clinic advertisement or promotion (e.g., camp brochure, Web site, newspaper or magazine advertisement) stipulates that the camp or clinic is open to any and all entrants (limited only by number, age, grade level and/or gender). [References: Bylaws (c) (summer-camp advertisements), (attendance restriction) and an official interpretation (10/29/08, Item No. 1), which has been archived)]
NCAA ELIGIBILITY CENTER Academics Initial Eligibility Standards - Qualifier 16 Core Courses 4 Yrs of English 3 Yrs of Math 2 Yrs of Science 1 Yr of Eng/Math/Sci 2 Yrs of Social Science 4 Yrs of Additional Core Courses A minimum combined score on the SAT verbal and math sections or a minimum sum score on the ACT that corresponds with the core course GPA Graduate from high school
NCAA ELIGIBILITY CENTER Academics Core Course Time Limitation A PSA must complete their core course requirements no later than the high school graduation date of the PSAs class [as determined by the first year if enrollment in high school or the international equivalent] Exception – a PSA that graduates within the described time limit may use one core course, completed in the year after graduation (summer or academic year). The course can be completed at a location other than the PSAs high school. PSA with learning disabilities may use all core courses completed prior to full-time initial enrollment.
NCAA ELIGIBILITY CENTER Academics Early Academic Certification - A PSA shall be certified as a qualifier, provided they have achieved: A minimum combined score on the SAT critical reading and math sections of 1000 or a minimum sum score on the ACT of 85, per the requirements of Bylaw ; and A core-course grade-point average of 3.00 or higher (based on a maximum of 4.00) in a minimum of 13 core courses on completion of six semesters (or the equivalent). The 13 core courses shall include three core courses in English, two in mathematics, two in natural or physical science, and six additional core courses in any NCAA core area.
NCAA ELIGIBILITY CENTER Academics Title: Completion of One Addl Core Course After High School Graduation Date Published: Type: Official Interpretation Item Ref: 1 The committee determined that it is not permissible for a prospect to use a core course, including an online course, completed after high school graduation to satisfy initial-eligibility requirements if the prospect is enrolled in the course while concurrently receiving athletically related financial aid to attend an institution's summer term. Further, the committee determined that it is permissible to use a core course completed after high school graduation provided the prospect either completes the course prior to receiving athletically related financial aid to attend an institution's summer term or does not enroll in the core course until after he or she completes the institution's summer term for which he or she is receiving athletically related financial aid.
NCAA ELIGIBILITY CENTER Amateurism Select proper semester for initial full-time enrollment (Fall 2009 for incoming freshmen); Select the proper sport(s); Answer the questions; Respond to inquiries from the Eligibility Center.