Early Childhood Networking Meeting April 23, 2009 Happy Spring!
Who is Retiring?? Congratulations!!! AND THANK YOU!!!
Leadership Presenting- Sarah Stulc
Help Me Grow This is the statewide name for Part C- Infant and Toddler Intervention and Part B-Preschool Special Education We will be using the Help Me Grow branding with our IEIC names. MDE will now take direct referrals: GROW
Help Me Grow Brochures are available through MDE Down load the brochure at the following adress: EarllyLearning/documents/Publication/ pdfhttp://education.state.mn.us/mdeprod/groups/ EarllyLearning/documents/Publication/ pdf DVDs are available: If you need more contact: Shivani Pandit
Early Childhood Criteria Review Part C Part B Resource Guide
Early Childhood Service Brochure Part C Part B IEIC developed For optional use
Membership Hours How do we tabulate?
Transition from Part C to Part B Revisted: The window for holding the transition meeting is from: 2 years 3 months TO 2 years 9 months Planning and decision-making must occur well in advance of the childs 3rd birthday to ensure uninterupted services.
Transition from Part C to Part B Revisted: FOR ALL CHILDREN TRANSITIONING FROM PART C: Serice coordinator facilitates meeting Families are involved Review the childs program options (if the child is not eligible for part B then special education is not an option) Establish a transition plan
FOR ALL CHILDREN TRANSITIONING FROM PART C: Document transition steps in IFSP Discuss placement ooptions List steps to help child transition and adjust to new placement IF new placement is part of the transition plan IFSP team must determine whether or not the child is potententially eligible for Part B If it is determined that the child is eligible for ECSE under part B you must have the child on an IEP by the time the child turns 3 and no earlier than 2 years 9 months.
IFSP/Goals for infants with a diagnosed condition: BUT what if there is NO need? Infants with diagnosed conditions may not yet demonstrate delays:
IFSP:Outcomes/Goals General Guidelines: Major outcome/Goal: Make this general: (Id like to see my child……, I would like my child to be able to……, I would like my family to be able to……..) So that:(why is it important?) What is already happening?(What is the child doing now? What has been tried? What is working?)
IFSP:Outcomes/Goals General Guidelines: We will know we are successful when: (measurement criteria, procedure and timelines) What will happen within the child and familys everyday routines and activities and places?
Example: IFSP:Outcomes/Goals General Guidelines: Major outcome or goal: Sashas emerging development will be monitored by parents and other members of the IFSP Team. I would like to see my child walk by the time she turns 16 months
Example: IFSP:Outcomes/Goals General Guidelines: So that: Any delays or deviations from typical development are immediately identified and addressed. It is important to me because our family is on the move and very active. I want Sasha to be able to actively participate with us
Example: IFSP:Outcomes/Goals General Guidelines: What is already happening?: Although Sasha was born weighing 1,324 grams, initial assessment showed that she is demonstrating all skills and behaviors expected for her age. Sasha is 10 months old and scoots around well. She stands by furniture but does not let go. We encourage her to let go and hold her hands while practice walking and this seems to work and build her confidence
Example: IFSP:Outcomes/Goals General Guidelines: We know we will be successful when: Parents say they understand typical child development and a developmental checklist is reviewed and updated monthly for one year by the parents and a member of the IFSP team. We review the HELP checklist with Sashas special education teacher and Sasha falls within a typical range for a child her age.
Example: IFSP:Outcomes/Goals General Guidelines: What will happen within the child and familys everyday routines and activities and places?: Parents will receive child development information (eg. Resources, websites, DVDs) Parents will observe Sasha skills and behaviors throughout family routines.) We will take Sasha camping, walking, and to the mall and she will be able to walk along with us instead of sitting in a stroller.
Revised IFSP and Guidebook: Distribute Sample
Evaluation Process Determine Eligibility for Services: Supports Parent Referral Concerns Incorporates three components across all required areas and in various settings: Interview Observation Testing
What tools need to be used in an evaluation? DD criteria: Standardized Deviations:USE A STANDARDIZED, NORM REFERENCED or CRITERION REFERENCED tool- comprehensive Diagnosed Condition: YOU DO NOT NEED TO USE A STANDARDIZED, NORM REFERENCED or CRITERION REFERENCED tool-You may use the HELP checklist, systematic observation, interviewing tools, ETC.-comprehensive
Q & A with Compliance and Assistance: Check this out! ntability_Programs/Compliance_and_As sistance/SpecEd_Guide/index.htmlhttp://education.state.mn.us/MDE/Accou ntability_Programs/Compliance_and_As sistance/SpecEd_Guide/index.html You may find this interesting.
Data/IEIC Data Results Action Plans for IEIC
Important Date to Remember: Minnesota Early Intervention Summer Institute: June 15th and 16th Register: b2.aspx?EventID= b2.aspx?EventID=696476
Presenter: Sarah Stulc: Thank you.