Creating Adapted Books with PowerPoint Cindy Nankee OTR CESA #3 WATI Consultant 1-608-822-3276
Copyright © 2005, Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative Polk Library, 800 Algoma Blvd. Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54901 800-991-5576
Microsoft PowerPoint is a powerful multimedia tool that is generally available on both PC and Mac. PowerPoint is a tool that can be used to create adapted books and personalized switch based programs.
This Tutorial will take you through creating a clickable book using PowerPoint. You will have a title page and multiple book pages. On each page you will be adding text, narration, sound, pictures and animation. It is very important to save each time you add something new.
The Tutorial may be used on the computer as a PowerPoint slide show or printed as a handout. A basic knowledge of PowerPoint and editing skills and working between two programs is a prerequisite. Use the Help menu to search for advanced information about PowerPoint.
Print Tutorial Handout Select Handout Pure Black & White Choose 3 or 6 slides per page
Table of Contents Preview PowerPoint book slide 7 Pre-Plan PowerPoint slide 8-10 Picture & Sound files Getting Started slide 11-12 Create Slide Master slide 13-20 Create Title Slide slide 21-25 Create Pages of Adapted Book slide 26 Add Animation and Sound slide 27-31 Create Slide Transition slide 33-38 Action Buttons
Step 1 Preview Clickable book Open PowerPoint I Put On My Clothes Go to view, choose slide show The book will open Click through the book to get the idea of how it flows and a visual of what you will be creating
Step 2 Pre-Plan PowerPoint Brainstorm topic Adapt a book (scan pictures from book) Create from scratch Will the child be using a switch, touch screen, keyboard or mouse Will you be inserting text, narration, sound, animation, picture and/or movies clips Create sound files Create picture files Scan book to be adapted Digital pictures of important people or objects Download pictures from internet
Create a Picture Library Scan pictures and save to folder Goggle Images search, save to folder Screen shots (shift + PrtScrn) paste on PowerPoint slide Clip Art Digital camera, photo album or save to folder (Copyright laws allow scanning of books purchased for the individual using the adapted book)
Create A Sound Library Clip Art sounds Download sounds Record your own sounds with Windows Sound Recorder (you will need a microphone) Start/programs/accessories/entertainment/ sound recorder Go to file, new and save as, for each sound you record or your sounds will be connected
Step 3 Open PowerPoint
Start by Saving Your Blank Presentation File/Save As Name your PowerPoint book Save Save frequently throughout your creation
Step 4 Slide Master A Slide Master stores information about the template, including font styles, sizes and positions, background design and color schemes. This is then applied to all the slides in your slide show.
Create a Slide Master View Master Slide Master
Slide Design Format Slide Design Choose from available design templates
Slide Master Template
Format Slide Master Text Highlight each line of text Format Font/size/style/color/bullets & numbering
Create Your Own Slide Design Format Background (next slide)
Create Your Own Slide Design Click dropdown Fill Effects Gradient/textures pattern/picture
Finish Slide Master Slide Master Toolbar Close Master View Slide design will be applied to presentation Slide design will be saved under Slide Design Templates
Step 5 Title Slide You will be selecting the Title Slide layout for your first page. This will include the title, the Author and you may add a picture, narration and/or sound.
Create Title Slide Insert / new slide Select title slide layout Type title and author in text box
Add Picture To Title Slide Insert/picture/from file or clip art Format picture to slide – crop, size
Add Narration To Title Slide Internal or external microphone is needed Slide show/ record narration/ current slide/ dictate narration/ end show to stop recording (right click/end show) don’t save timings
I Put On My Clothes By Cindy Nankee
Step 6 Create Pages of Adapted Book Repeat steps for title page Insert new slide/select slide layout Insert text Insert picture Insert narration Add custom animation and sound effects (see step 7)
Step 7 Animate Text Or Objects A preset animation or a custom animation may be added to text or objects in your slide show. Animation will bring life to your adapted book and hold the attention of your child.
Add Preset Animation Slide Show/Animation Schemes Select animation
Add Custom Animation Click on picture Slide show/ Custom animation
Add Custom Animation Add Effects-Entrance/Emphasis/Exit/Motion Paths Choose or draw custom path/ scribble/ speed (slow is better)
Add Custom Animation Following selection of animation you may wish to modify the order and timings Choose from dropdown Start with click Play with previous Etc.
Add Sound Insert/Movies and Sounds/choose from the following From Clip From file Play CD Record sound A speaker icon will appear ( position and size on slide) Right click/ choose mouse click or mouse over
Step 8 Slide Transition Slide transition is how your slide will advance from one slide to the next. You may add visual and sound effects. You may choose to advance slides automatically, with a mouse click or mouse over or with an action button.
Create Slide Transition Slide Show Slide Transition Select desired effect
Slide Transition with Action Button Slide Show Action Buttons: Select a button Custom Forward/ Back Beginning/ End Return
Slide Transition with Action Button Click and drag cursor to form button The Action Setting box will appear (next slide)
Action Settings Box Select Select Hyperlink to: Select OK Mouse Click Mouse Over Select Hyperlink to: Dropdown menu Next Slide number Etc. Select OK
Activate Action Button Only If you wish slide to advance only with action button do this additional step Select slide show/ slide transition At bottom under Advance slide, uncheck (On mouse click)
Play your slide show