CAADP Results Framework
The AU at various fora & Decisions made a call to direct attention of CAADP to delivering RESULTS and IMPACT. The Sustaining CAADP momentum identified key result areas and associated actions to strengthen capacity and systems and accelerate delivery of results and impact. Therefore, it is meant to facilitate results-based planning; make it possible to track resource use and therefore, accountability and determining value for money options
CAADP RESULTS FRAMEWORK Level 1 – Contribute to Africa socio-economic development (Wealth Creation; Resilience; Improved Food and Nutrition Security) Level 2 – Sustained Inclusive agriculture growth: agriculture growth, jobs, poverty reduction Level 3 – Transformational Change as a result of CAADP: Conducive environments; systemic capacity INPUT: CAADP SUPPORT, TOOLS, PROCESSES, CAPACITY BUILDING, PEER REVIEW MECHANISMS Impact to which CAADP contributes (indirect link) Changes in African agriculture resulting from the implementation of CAADP approach are measured at this level 2.1 Increased agriculture production and productivity 2.2 Better functioning agriculture markets, increased markets, access and trade 2.3 Increased private sector investment along the agriculture value chain 2.4 Increased availability and access to food and access to productive safety nets 2.5 Improved management of natural resources for sustainable agriculture production Added value of CAADP support and interventions to institutional transformation and CAADP operational effectiveness is measured at this level 3.3 More Inclusive and evidence based agriculture planning and implementation processes 3.2 More efficient / stronger institutions 3.1 Improved and Inclusive policy design and implementation capacity 3.4 Improved partnership between private and public sector 3.5 Increased public investment in agriculture achieving better value for money 3.6 Increased access to quality data, information and an informed public
LEVEL 1 – IMPACT - Contribute to Africa socio economic development Result AreaIndicatorsBaseline (2013) Milestone (5yr) Target (10yr) 1.Wealth Creation GDP per capita GDP growth from Agriculture value added Employment to population rate (men and women) 2.ResilienceMeasure of vulnerability to shocks 3.Food and Nutrition Security Number and share of undernourished people Prevalence (%) of underweight children under five years of age in rural areas
The CAADP RF is designed is a continental framework – to be domesticated at all levels Offers higher level and visionary measure against which national and regional level targets will be pitched. Care has been taken to ensure the adaptation of the RF into national and regional systems remains a flexible and creative process with ultimate “respect” for local conditions and circumstances and reality
Emerging Issues requiring additional attention
Key thematic work streams to guide dialogue Inclusive Policy, Efficient and Strong Institutions Partnerships including Private Sector, Agribusiness trade, Financing and Market Access - brining in new models Regional Trade and Regional Integration Increased Access to Quality Data, Monitoring, Evaluation and Mutual Accountability (e.g. JSRs) Agricultural Science and Technology Agenda Food Security & Nutrition Resilience and Risk Management
Agriculture and Climate Change Agriculture Inputs Land Policy Rural Infrastructure Cross Cutting Gender and Youth Environment Small-holder farmers
Emphasis Mutual Accountability through Joint Sector Reviews (JSRs)
JSR-How it will look like Priv ate sec tor co m mit me nts and deli ver abl es Private Sector, CSOs and Other but separate Reports Dis bur se me nts, alig nm ent and co m mit me nt to poli cy pro nou nce me nts JSR Donor Expenditure & Commitments Report Pro gre ss & stat us of Go ver nm ent poli cy co m mit me nts – as in NAI PS JSR Public Policy Report Pov ert y stat us Nut riti ona l Sta tus Agr icul tur al Gro wth Agr icul tur al Tra de Pro gre ss Indi cat ors JSR Sector Impact Report JSR Report National and sub-national Review & dialogue Platforms