ICT Governance Framework Governance Manager Tool Bradley Ford ICT Infrastructure Consultant BSN Project Manager Service Delivery Manager Information and Communication Technology – June 2010 __________________________________________________________ T (08) F (08) W ceo.wa.edu.au E Optimising School ICT Environments
Background Bush Schools’ Network CathEdNet Rubric Desire from schools to measure their effectiveness in ICT deployment Requirement from Government (e.g.NSSCF) Extension of Schools Service Portal/QCS
Outcomes for ICT Plans So how do you measure the effectiveness of a school’s ICT Environment? Every school has a different ICT Plan (Operational and Strategic) (and how is it matched to curriculum drivers?) Measure the alignment of School Goals to ICT Goals using a standard instrument.
ICT Governance Framework Measurement and oversight of the mechanisms that control ICT Environments in schools.
Rationale If something cannot be monitored then it cannot be measured. If something cannot be measured then it cannot be managed. Identified during the Bush Schools’ Network project as a possible mechanism for schools to measure their benefit from the project.
Rationale ICT Governance Framework is a way to create a structured measurement tool Based on the COBIT Framework for measuring and assisting with the alignment of business goals and IT goals Customised for use in ICT in Education
Framework Structure 6 Principles –Responsibility –Strategy and Organisation –Acquisition and Implementation –Performance –Conformance –Human Factors 38 Critical Elements Maturity Model Self Assessment (0 – 5) Recommended Improvements (progression) -> Action Plan
Framework Interface to Schools The presentation of the ICT Governance Framework is by a 3 rd party webpage (Governance Manager™) Additional frameworks can be simply added to the interface Initially licensed for each Catholic school until March 2011
Initial Benefits To be used as a self assessment tool Identifies aspects of ICT Governance within the school Offers recommendations based on self- assessment and desired level Can generate Action Plan for School ICT Plans
Individual School Dashboard Individual web links
Assessment List Current Assessments
Assessment Completion Link to Principle Completion Status
Maturity Model Selection Self Assessed state Desired Level Optional Free Text
Improvement Suggestions Self Assessed state Desired Level Improvements based on selections Action Plan population
Action Plan Workflow Assignment of task to registered person Assignment of tasks to external person with due dates etc
Report Generation Capability Report Action Plan
Sample Capability Report Sample Report from Complete Assessment
Sample Capability Report
Sample Action Plan Action Plan results generated from previous selections
Implementation - Moving Forward Schools advised of the tool Work with schools to participate in the self assessment until March 2011 Decide on Compliance Baseline (CEOWA and Schools) Results and feedback will determine response from CEOWA Teams (e.g. Resources Team, PSA etc)
Frameworks Relationship Diagram ICT Curriculum ICT Administration ICT Management ICT Management Framework ICT Governance
fin Bradley Ford ICT Infrastructure Consultant BSN Project Manager Service Delivery Manager Information and Communication Technology ___________________________________________________________________ 50 Ruislip St, Leederville WA 6007 | PO Box 198, Leederville WA 6903 T (08) F (08) W ceo.wa.edu.au E