BDD Based Configuration Henrik Hulgaard, CTO
Configit: Interactive Configuration Tools Configit is an ITU spin-off company Currently employs 18 people,, computer scientists, PhDs Close relation to SAP Web:
Customer Examples Arla PlastLindab B&G FencingLogica BrunataNetstal CCI EuropeNovenco Danfoss CoolingPsion Teklogix Danfoss District HeatingScalepoint Technologies Danfoss DrivesScam Trucks Dantherm FiltrationScancoin DeifSchneider Electric Power Drives DHI Water & EnvironmentSEAS-NVE Di ZioSkako Comessa DooriaTageksperten EnalyzerUGS (Siemens PLM) EnersysUkrSibbank ErhvervsministerietUponor Europæiske RejseforsikringVestas Gemini FashionsVolvo Trucks GrundfosWinnie Paper LEGO Sales configurator Other configurator SAP integrated Consultancy
What’s Interactive Configuration?
A configuration problem C is a triple (X,D,F) –X is a set of variables x 1, x 2, …,x n –D is the Cartesian product of their finite domains D = D 1 D 2 … D n –F = {f 1,f 2,…,f m } is a set of propositional formulas over atomic propositions x i = v, where v D i, specifying the conditions that the variable assignments must satisfy. Each formula is inductively defined by f x i = v | f g | f g | f Configuration Problem
An interactive configurator must: 1.Ensure that the user ends with a valid configuration 2.Guide the user towards the goal Interactive Configuration
for all i < j: c[i] <> c[j] // row i+c[i] <> j+c[j] // NW-SE i+c[j] <> j+c[i] // SW-NE The 8 Queens Problem c: array 8 of [0..7]; c[i] = "position of the queen in column i" c[0] c[1] c[2] c[3] c[4] c[5] c[6] c[7]
x 1 {black, white, red, blue} : Color x 2 {small, medium, large} : Size x 3 {“Men in black” – MIB, “Save the whales” -STW} : Print f 1 (x 3 = MIB) (x 1 = black) f 2 (x 3 = STW) (x 2 small) x 1 x 2 x 3 blacksmallMIB whitemediumSTW redlarge blue T-Shirt Example 1 1 : Due to Erik van der Meer
x 1 {black, white, red, blue} : Color x 2 {small, medium, large} : Size x 3 {“Men in black” – MIB, “Save the whales” -STW} : Print f 1 (x 3 = MIB) (x 1 = black) f 2 (x 3 = STW) (x 2 small) x 1 x 2 x 3 blacksmallMIB whitemediumSTW redlarge blue T-Shirt Example 1 1 : Due to Erik van der Meer
x 1 {black, white, red, blue} : Color x 2 {small, medium, large} : Size x 3 {“Men in black” – MIB, “Save the whales” -STW} : Print f 1 (x 3 = MIB) (x 1 = black) f 2 (x 3 = STW) (x 2 small) x 1 x 2 x 3 blacksmallMIB whitemediumSTW redlarge blue T-Shirt Example 1 1 : Due to Erik van der Meer
x 1 {black, white, red, blue} : Color x 2 {small, medium, large} : Size x 3 {“Men in black” – MIB, “Save the whales” -STW} : Print f 1 (x 3 = MIB) (x 1 = black) f 2 (x 3 = STW) (x 2 small) x 1 x 2 x 3 blacksmallMIB whitemediumSTW redlarge blue T-Shirt Example 1 1 : Due to Erik van der Meer
x 1 {black, white, red, blue} : Color x 2 {small, medium, large} : Size x 3 {“Men in black” – MIB, “Save the whales” -STW} : Print f 1 (x 3 = MIB) (x 1 = black) f 2 (x 3 = STW) (x 2 small) x 1 x 2 x 3 blacksmallMIB whitemediumSTW redlarge blue T-Shirt Example 1 1 : Due to Erik van der Meer
Truth Table for T-shirt black S StW black S MiB black M StW black M MiB black L StW black L MiB white S StW white S MiB white M StW white M MiB white L StW white L MiB red S StW red S MiB red M StW red M MiB red L StW red L MiB blue S StW blue S MiB blue M StW blue M MiB blue L StW blue L MiB 13
Truth Table for T-shirt black S StW black S MiB black M StW black M MiB black L StW black L MiB white S StW white S MiB white M StW white M MiB white L StW white L MiB red S StW red S MiB red M StW red M MiB red L StW red L MiB blue S StW blue S MiB blue M StW blue M MiB blue L StW blue L MiB 14
Truth Table for T-shirt black S StW black S MiB black M StW black M MiB black L StW black L MiB white S StW white S MiB white M StW white M MiB white L StW white L MiB red S StW red S MiB red M StW red M MiB red L StW red L MiB blue S StW blue S MiB blue M StW blue M MiB blue L StW blue L MiB 15
Truth Table for T-shirt black S StW black S MiB black M StW black M MiB black L StW black L MiB white S StW white S MiB white M StW white M MiB white L StW white L MiB red S StW red S MiB red M StW red M MiB red L StW red L MiB blue S StW blue S MiB blue M StW blue M MiB blue L StW blue L MiB 16
T-shirt in Product Modeler DEMO
T-shirts in Quote DEMO
IPC(C) 1.R C OMPILE (C) 2. while |R| > 1 do 3. choose (x i = v) V ALID A SSIGNMENTS (R) 4. R R (x i = v) ←Offline ←Online } BDD
Build product models Think of it like this… Distribute office documents Run through Distiller PDF-filesRead with Reader Distribute interactive product knowledge VT-files Interact at Runtime
Stand-alone Tools VT-files are versatile VT Files Configurator Web Application Configuration Configurator Portable Devices Configuration Configurator Stand Alone Configuration PDA based Tools Office Tools Configurator CD Distribution Configuration Tools on a CD
Idea 1.Use a BDD to represent R 2.Use a polynomial-time BDD algorithm to compute V ALID A SSIGNMENTS (R) BDD-based configuration
1. Define domains in binary: 00 : black, 01 : white, 10 : red, 11 : blue 00 : small, 01 : medium, 10 : large 0 : MIB, 1 : STW 2. Build a BDD of the rules: Represent R by a BDD
Trace paths for each variable layer in the BDD Compute V ALID A SSIGNMENTS (R)
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