Title: Name 轴的检验 On this page is information about operators that are trained and certified to perform this Standard Work. The operators signing below have read this SWI and have successfully performed the work described in it in the presence of the Supervisor or Engineer signing in the second column on the date in the third column. Trained and capable of performing this work: Supervisor or engineer giving Approving to perform: Date: Operator 1 Operator 2 Operator 3 Operator 4 Operator 5 Operator 6
Push reset button to set reading to 0.000. Title: Name Safety Requirements: Safety glasses Operator Maintenance 1) Verify calibration of height gauge. 2) Make sure V blocks and surface plate are clean. 3) Verify no damage to scriber. Tools & Fixtures 1) Digital Height Gage w/ Scriber 2) V-Block 3) Surface Plate 4) Material / Components 1) Shaft 2) 3) 4) 5) 1.将高度划线器置于被测表面的上面 Position height gage scriber on the desired surface to be measured. 2. 用按钮“清零” Push reset button to set reading to 0.000. 3. 将高度划线器移动至被测表面,此时读数为该轴的长度 Move height gage scriber so it sets on desired surface to be measured. The reading will identify the shaft length. In Process Check 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
Title: Name Safety Requirements: Safety glasses Operator Maintenance 1) Verify calibration on ring gages. 2) Make sure ring gages are cleaned and free from damage 3) Tools & Fixtures 1) Ring Gage 2) 3) 4) 5) Material / Components 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 4. 用轴径上公差的通规在整个轴上滑行。For maximum shaft diameter use the GO ring gage which will slip over shaft. 5. 用轴径下公差的止规步不能通过轴。For minimum shaft diameter use the NOGO ring gage which will not start on the shaft. 6. 用设计图纸确定最大和最小直径。 Use the design drawing to determine maximum and minimum diameter specs. In Process Check 1) Verify that the ring gages are what is called out on the design spec. 2) 3) 4) 5)
7. 用通规通轴径,如果不能完全通过则不合格。 Title: Name Safety Requirements: Safety glasses Operator Maintenance 1) 测量前使用润滑剂Apply lube before testing. 2) 3) 4) Tools & Fixtures 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Material / Components 1) Gage lubrication 2) 3) 4) 5) 7. 用通规通轴径,如果不能完全通过则不合格。 Slide the GO ring gage over the shaft. Reject if gage does not completely slip onto the diameter. 8. 用止规通轴,如果能通过则不合格。 Try to slide NO GO ring gage over shaft. Reject part if gage fits on shaft. In Process Check 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
9. 将千分尺置于水平测量Place the stationary anvil on the flat and measure. Title: Name Safety Requirements: Safety glasses Operator Maintenance 1) Verify Calibration 2) 3) 4) 5) Tools & Fixtures 1) Micrometer 2) Caliper 3) 4) 5) Material / Components 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 9. 将千分尺置于水平测量Place the stationary anvil on the flat and measure. 10. 将轴置于卡尺卡口之间,如果测量结果不符合图纸要求则判为不合格。 Place shaft between caliper jaws, read measurement and if measurement does not meet spec reject part. In Process Check 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
12.用通销规通整个孔,止销规通孔,如果通规不能通整个孔,止规能通都判为不合格。 Title: Name Safety Requirements: Safety glasses Operator Maintenance 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Tools & Fixtures 1) Plug gauge 2) 3) 4) 5) Material / Components 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 查看说明选取需要测量的孔的直径的塞规。下公差通,上公差止。 Look at print to get dimensions for plug gauges needed to test the hole. Use smallest tolerance for GO and large tolerance for NO GO. 12.用通销规通整个孔,止销规通孔,如果通规不能通整个孔,止规能通都判为不合格。 The GO pin gauge will slip all the way through the hole and NO GO will not start. Reject part if GO does not slip through the hole and if NO GO starts into the hole. GO NO GO In Process Check 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
GO is the green end with threads. Title: Name Safety Requirements: Safety glasses Operator Maintenance 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Tools & Fixtures 1) 螺纹规 Thread Gage 2) 3) 4) 5) Material / Components 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 13.通规是绿色端部有螺纹 GO is the green end with threads. 14.止规是红色端部有螺纹 NO GO is red end with threads. In Process Check 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
16. 将绿色通端到轴内,并测量轴和绿色端的距离,数显卡尺的显示值就为螺纹孔的实际长度,如果不符合图纸标准就判为不合格。 Title: Name Safety Requirements: Safety glasses Operator Maintenance 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Tools & Fixtures 1) 数显卡尺 2) 3) 4) 5) Material / Components 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 15. 测量绿色通规螺纹长度,重新清零 Measure thread length on green (GO) side of thread gage and reset the digital caliper to 0.000. 16. 将绿色通端到轴内,并测量轴和绿色端的距离,数显卡尺的显示值就为螺纹孔的实际长度,如果不符合图纸标准就判为不合格。 Screw green threaded end all the way into shaft then measure distance between shaft and green end. Reject part if measurement does not meet print. Value on caliper is actual thread depth. NOTE: 普通卡尺需将两个测量值相减即为螺纹孔的长度 For non-digital caliper acquire thread length on GO end of gage and subtract measured value once the gage is completely threaded into hole. In Process Check 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
Signatures of Authorization Revision: Date: Reason for Change: Editor: A 8/10/2005 New SWI Introduction. Paul Walker Signatures of Authorization Production: Manufacturing: Quality: Design: Other: