College Knowledge 201
Know how to apply to your choice of colleges and universities Understand the financial aid and scholarship process Go from here to there confidently and competently
Still looking? Your Comprehensive Guide to Colleges
Application Application fee or waiver Essays or personal statement Official transcripts— DO NOT OPEN!!! Recommendations Scholarship applications Petition to graduate Deadlines
Your story Share what’s not apparent on transcripts Provide a backdrop for academic achievements and choices Describe passions, hardships, challenges Avoid, “I’ve always wanted to be a_______” or “If you look up ‘_____’ in the dictionary….” PROOF, PROOF, PROOF!
con·gru·ence (kŏng'grōō-əns, kən-grōō'-) n. Agreement, harmony, conformity, or correspondence Source:
When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends. -Japanese Proverb
Do u pass the test?
The rundown School deadlines for: applications scholarships financial aid
Track those trains
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Federal State Work-study Loans
Estimate from year-end earning statement to MEET THE DEADLINE !
Woo-whee! for the WUE Western undergraduate tuition exchange program 150 percent of in-state tuition Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wyoming
Discover Idaho New transfer incentive to go to Idaho 3.3 gpa or higher = up to $5,000 renewable Financial need = up to $8,000 renewable
School-specific scholarships MEET THE DEADLINE !
Phi Theta Kappa
cholarships Career Services, Bldg 6
Application Application fee or waiver Essay or personal statement Official transcripts—DO NOT OPEN!!! Recommendations Scholarship application Petition to graduate Deadlines
If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll end up somewhere else. -Yogi Berra
Here 4 U!
Your transfer team: Cathy, Gretchen & Grace across from Counseling